The Clinton Rapes

Reply Wed 28 Nov, 2007 10:54 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:

I would like a list of the names of the women who were raped. Just curious.

I posted several links to collections of these kinds of stories at the top of this thread. Some reason you can't use a computer mouse??
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 12:36 am
gungasnake wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:

I would like a list of the names of the women who were raped. Just curious.

I posted several links to collections of these kinds of stories at the top of this thread. Some reason you can't use a computer mouse??

Is there some reason you can't use a computer keyboard?

Just post a list of the 24 to 36 names or STFU.
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 06:39 am
Here's some of it...



* Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;
* In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol Hill Blue last week, confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it further and would not give permission to use her name;
* In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students;
* Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;
* From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor were aware of at least seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was "who's next?". One former state trooper said other troopers would often escort women to the governor's hotel room after political events, often more than one an evening;
* Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met then-governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and shortly thereafter received an invitation to meet the governor in his hotel room. "I was escorted there by a state trooper. When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn't even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room."
* Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her.
* Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.
* Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton's hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.
* Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton's leased campaign plane in 1992, says Presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself to her, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. A video shot on board the plane by ABC News shows an obviously inebriated Clinton with his hand between another young flight attendant's legs. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.
* Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.

In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969.

''There was no doubt in my mind that this young woman had suffered severe emotional trauma,'' he said. ''But we were under tremendous pressure to avoid the embarrassment of having a Rhodes Scholar charged with rape. I filed a report with my superiors and that was the last I heard of it.''

Miss Wellstone, who is now married and lives near London, confirmed the incident when contacted this week, but refused to discuss the matter further. She said she would not go public with further details of the attack. Afterwards, she changed her phone number and hired a barrister who warned a reporter to stay away from his client.

In his book, Unlimited Access, former FBI agent Gary Aldrich reported that Clinton left Oxford University for a "European Tour" in 1969 and was told by University officials that he was no longer welcome there. Aldrich said Clinton's academic record at Oxford was lackluster. Clinton later accepted a scholarship for Yale Law School and did not complete his studies at Oxford.

The State Department official who investigated the incident said Clinton's interests appeared to be drinking, drugs and sex, not studies.

"I came away from the incident with the clear impression that this was a young man who was there to party, not study," he said.

Oxford officials refused comment. The State Department also refused to comment on the incident. A Freedom of Information request filed by Capitol Hill Blue failed to turn up any records of the incident.

Capitol Hill Blue also spoke with the former Miss James, the Washington fundraiser who confirmed the encounter with Clinton at the Four Seasons Hotel in Washington, but first said she would not appear publicly because anyone who does so is destroyed by the Clinton White House.

''My husband and children deserve better than that,'' she said when first contacted two weeks ago. After reading the Broaddrick story Friday, however, she called back and gave permission to use her maiden name, but said she had no intention of pursuing the matter.

"I wasn't raped, but I was trapped in a hotel room for a brief moment by a boorish man," she said. "I got away. He tried calling me several times after that, but I didn't take his phone calls. Then he stopped. I guess he moved on."

But Miss James also retreated from public view this week after other news organizations contacted her.

The former Miss Moffet, the legal secretary who says Clinton tried to force her into oral sex in 1979, has since married and left the state. She says that when she told her boyfriend, who was a lawyer and supporter of Clinton, about the incident, he told her to keep her mouth shut.

"He said that people who crossed the governor usually regretted it and that if I knew what was good for me I'd forget that it ever happened," she said. "I haven't forgotten it. You don't forget crude men like that."

Like two other women, the former Miss Moffet declined further interviews. A neighbor said she had received threatening phone calls.

The other encounters were confirmed with more than 30 interviews with retired Arkansas state employees, former state troopers and former Yale and University of Arkansas students. Like others, they refused to go public because of fears of retaliation from the Clinton White House.

Likewise, the mainstream media has shied away from the Broaddrick story. Initially, only The Drudge Report and other Internet news sites have actively pursued it. Since initial publication of this story, a few mainstream media outlets have expressed interest in interviewing the women.

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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 07:21 am
I'll say it again, it was that interview with Elizabeth Gracen in the Toronto Sun (the reporter referred to KKKlinton as "Pig boy American president Bill clinton") which really got my attention. I didn't really know whether to believe the Juanita Broaddrick story or not but here was another account of the same sort of thing with many of the details basically identical, particularly the lip biting, and there was no possibility of the two women having gotten together and fabricated the same story.



"...Former Miss Arkansas, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, told friends in 1982, that Clinton had forced her to have sex with him. Paula Jones' lawyers attempted to subpoena Gracen, hoping that she would confirm the accounts that she had been sexually assaulted by Clinton. Gracen, however, at first denied having relations with Clinton - and then the following item appeared in the New York Daily News:

Elizabeth Ward Gracen -- who previously denied any liaison with the President -- said she came forward to rebut allegations that Clinton forced himself on her.

"I had sex with Bill Clinton, but the important part to me is that I was never pressured," she said. "We had an intimate evening. Nothing was ever forced. It was completely consensual."

What had prompted Gracen to issue this statement? She told USAToday that Clinton was running for the Democratic presidential nomination in the New York primary and that she had been asked by his campaign to issue a statement denying that they had had sex."His campaign contacted my manager and asked, 'Would she issue a formal denial?' I saw it as a situation where that made good sense. I wanted it (the publicity) to go away," Gracen said.

But that isn't what her former friend Judy Stokes, told USAToday. According to the newspaper, Stokes swore in the deposition she gave in the Jones case that Gracen had "tearfully told her in the mid-1980s that Clinton forced her into sex in the back of a limousine in 1982."

Rick Lambert, an investigator for the Paula Jones legal team,told the online publication NewsMax that, "I talked to Judy Stokes for an hour and a half. At first, she was reluctant to burn her bridges with Liz. But I finally asked, 'Do you believe Clinton raped her?' She said, 'Absolutely. He forced her to have sex. What do you call that?' Stokes was totally convinced it was rape."

Why did Gracen change her story? As I reported last year, the lady is an actress and, according to The New York Post, the 1992 denial was elicited from Gracen after she and her manager Miles Levy, met with Clinton's TV producer friend Harry Thomasson and his campaign manager Mickey Kantor. At a Little Rock press conference held a week later Gracen denied that she and Clinton were lovers. She was thereupon given a role by producer Michael Viner in Sidney Sheldon's miniseries "Sands of Time." After that Gracen was given another part in a TV movie called "Discretion Assured." When he asked her agent, Levy, why Gracen refused to talk to him, investigator Lambert was told, "Look, that would be career suicide for Liz and you know it."

Of course, Gracen denies that the denial she made on Clinton's behalf had anything to do with her being given a role by producer Michael Viner. Of course. Michael Viner just happens to be the former publisher of Dove Books who felt inspired by civic virtueto hold a press conference in which he badmouthed Kathleen Willey, implying that the only reason she had made those allegations against Clinton was to promote a book she wanted to sell him. (In fact, it was Viner who had approached Willey about the book, but the smear seemed to work at the time). Small world,isn't it? According to Capitol Hill Blue, Gracen's latest version of the story is that what she had said in the Daily News interview is false. She now says that she was pressured by threats from the president's supporters to say that her sexual encounter with Clinton was consensual...."
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 09:10 am
(the reporter referred to KKKlinton as "Pig boy American president Bill clinton") which really got my attention.

We're sure it did.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 09:13 am
gunga how many times a day doyou fantasize sex with Bill Clinton?
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 09:23 am
once at a bus station in Baltimore gunga offered me 100.00 to fellate me. I declined to press charges, and neither of us would confirm the incident to law enforcement, but I challenge gunga to prove my accusation is false.
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 09:32 am

de Nile....
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 09:33 am
Again, the $64000 question: what could it possibly feel like to have actually voted for a psychopath serial rapist for president of your country??

Do people who did that take stupid pills to deliberately try to become too stupid to experience shame??
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 10:05 am
avoiding the fellatio issue with a red herring gunga? go on prove you didn't offer to pay me for blowing me.... or prove that Clinton is a serial rapist... or just continue to rant and breathe through your mouth.... Laughing
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 10:32 am
Most rational people would come to the conclusion that the allegations in question are more substantial than that. CBS sat on their own story until Drudge scooped them and then showed it as a late night feature.

By way of contrast, you might want to try getting CBS to air your own stupid fantasy and come back and tell us how easy it was to do .
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 10:49 am
is that what you offer as proof that you never tried to pay me for sex?

Pretty transparent. Who thinks gunga is lying?
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 10:52 am
gungasnake wrote:
Again, the $64000 question: what could it possibly feel like to have actually voted for a psychopath serial rapist for president of your country??

Do people who did that take stupid pills to deliberately try to become too stupid to experience shame??

It is yet to be proven than anybody has done that. Did you offer BPB cash?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 12:15 pm
Whatcha gonna do when your grandkids ask


"Grandapa, did you actually vote for that psychopath serial rapist SlicKKK KKKlinton?

Did that make you feel like an A$$HOLE??
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 12:23 pm
gungasnake wrote:
Whatcha gonna do when your grandkids ask


"Grandapa, did you actually vote for that psychopath serial rapist SlicKKK KKKlinton?

Did that make you feel like an A$$HOLE??

Nope, I'm going to say "That's mighty strong talk coming from someone your age... great use of vocabulary..... but where's your proof?"

Then I'll pop 'em one across the mouth and tell them not to call me an a$$hole if they want to live to get to high school.

No intrepid he didnt even offer cash. JC Penney card.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 12:23 pm
Whod of thought that wed be looking back on the Clinton years as "those good old days"?

Now that weve got an ex druggie drool bucket in the WH, I yearn for the days when all we worried about was whether Bill was getting his knob polished on company time Very Happy

I feel really hopeful that maybe Cheney will be too ill to continue as Georgies corpus colossum.

Is Bush really marginalized so much that youve just overstepped his entire "legacy" gunga?
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Reply Thu 29 Nov, 2007 01:42 pm
I am still waiting for a list of names of these alleged 24-36 victims.

But anyway, we can strike one name off the last

Carolyn Moffet: "I wasn't raped..." Source: Capitol Hill Blue
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:14 am
Roxxxanne wrote:
I am still waiting for a list of names of these alleged 24-36 victims.

But anyway, we can strike one name off the last

Carolyn Moffet: "I wasn't raped..." Source: Capitol Hill Blue

Still waiting for the list of names of alleged rape victims.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 03:15 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Roxxxanne wrote:
I am still waiting for a list of names of these alleged 24-36 victims.

But anyway, we can strike one name off the last

Carolyn Moffet: "I wasn't raped..." Source: Capitol Hill Blue

Still waiting for the list of names of alleged rape victims.

From the item I posted yesterday:



Google any of the following women. Decide for yourself if the source is credible.

Carolyn Moffet
Sally Perdue
Sandra Allen James
Kathleen Willey
Juanita Broaddrick
Eileen Wellstone
Paula Corbin Jones
Elizabeth Ward Gracen
Dolly Kyle Browning
Gennifer Flowers
Denise Reeder
Bobbie Ann Williams
Marla Crider
Connie Hamzy
Sharline Wilson
Helen Dowdy
Marilyn Jo Jenkins
Christine Zecher
Regina Hopper Blakely
Kathy Ferguson
Lencola Sullivan
Sheffield Nelson's wife's friend

the woman that Bill Clinton tried to rape in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco in the Summer of 1972, mentioned by Christopher Hitchens in No One Left to Lie To: the Values of the Worst Family

the 14-year old girl that Rick Lambert mentioned to NewsMax.com
(raped at a cocaine party in Little Rock in 1984 hosted by Roger Clinton and Dan Lasater)
the victim of the rape committed at Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, reported by Freeper Doug from Upland on 4/15/99
the young woman lawyer mentioned on p. 238 of Roger Morris' book ...

Again, I'd GUESS that something like 85% of SlicKKK's sexual encounters have been consensual... just that the guy's MO never left much room for the idea of taking no for an answer, and the question you need to ask is, what's 15% of several thousand?

The couple dozen or so actual names you see around in print are the tip of an iceberg; real number's probably a couple hundred.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 03:25 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
once at a bus station in Baltimore gunga offered me 100.00 to fellate me. I declined to press charges, and neither of us would confirm the incident to law enforcement, but I challenge gunga to prove my accusation is false.

Isnt that the same day you offered me $200 to let you fellate me?
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