Yearning to Replace Tryagain as Author of this Thread, Wandel Gives Up Power of Attorney Due to Conflict of Interest Accusations
"Zagnut candy bars, zagnut candy bars!!" Wandel screams out, at she tosses tryagains safety deposit box into the air.
Burning Evidence of His Involvement in Tryagain Experiment, Wandel Escapes Police
Call for gender identity test as alex240101 declares that Wandeljw is actual a she.
Democratic Debates Unfair and Unbalanced as McCain, Romney not Invited
"Even though I keep in touch with my 'feminine side', I am definitely a he," boasts Wandel.
Five-fingered widow cornered.
Graciously bowing his head, alex240101 offers an apology to wandel for mistaken identity.
Harrowing news emerged from A2K Labs when the results of Wandel's DNA samples were announced- Total News Blackout Ordered - Crisis Meeting Held to Consider ramifications! Alex held in possible tampering case -
Ignorance of Testing Methods Leads to Tryagain's Erroneous Reporting; Wandel Forgives Alex but Tryagain is Inexcusable
Jespah called back from vacation to mediate in Bender Gender scandal - proof of intelligent design denied!
"Kissing speads disease", claims Department of Agriculture.
Linguists thwarted in plot to replace all silent 'e's with 'é's in order to make everything sound more festive. Er, festivé.
No one expected the announcement from Wall Street to cause such excitement in the Derivative Markets as the forthcoming auction of : Today's breaking news
- Started in his back shed and financed by fellow A2K'ers from their paper route; Full prospectus available!
Odd lot trading in breaking news stories on Wall Street. Then traders noticed that the lots couldn't be anything but odd.
Part administrator, part head auctioneer, a lady in the back, steps up to the podium, and grabs a gavel.
Quarantine for all a2k members who last visited Tryagain at the looney bin.
Restraint urged after A2K renegade Calamity-Jane latest outburst!
All mail for T.R.Yagain should now be forwarded to: Democratic National Committee 430 S. Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003
When asked the length of the quarantine, new spokesperson Alex Number said, "How does two years grab you?"