Today’'s breaking news stories…

Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 04:14 pm
In an effort to better understand our Germanic duo; the delectable Lady C-Jane and the irascible JW Wandel (I mean, irreplaceable) In two experiments, I investigated the morphosyntactic decomposition and semantic composition of acoustically presented German compound words.

A left-anterior negativity (LAN) was found in the event-related potential (ERP) for gender incongruent, initial compound constituents although these constituents are syntactically irrelevant in German.

This LAN provides evidence for morphosyntactic decomposition. Experiment 1 showed also preliminary evidence for semantic composition, which was further investigated in Experiment 2 by comparing semantically transparent and opaque compounds.

Transparent compounds elicited an increased negativity with a centroparietal maximum that occurred during the presentation of the head constituent. This negativity is suggested to reflect the semantic integration of compound constituents that is necessary after the constituents have been accessed separately.

Therefore, I feel confident enough to ask:

I am the beginning of the end and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 05:11 pm
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 05:31 pm

you are, indeed, Jespahamster:D

and Blue Is Bavk from Blocked Razz

<brings out spinning wheel>

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 07:17 pm
Long sentences are a more notable characteristic of the German language. Does this mean that the peculiar language of Tryagain has Germanic roots?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Jul, 2010 11:02 pm
Methinks 2 b e is the answer, 4 2 not b e is as questionable as a philosopher on heat, here at the beginning and end of everywhere.

I am the beginning of the end and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?

Perhaps Uncle Wandel can tell us how a minor Germanic dialect came to conquer the world.
Reply Sat 3 Jul, 2010 06:43 am
Never mind that for now -- if the philosophers are in heat, will little Wittgensteins and Kants arrive soon thereafter?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Jul, 2010 03:41 pm
Oh that it could be given as the perfect example of ' Schadenfreude' or as they say in China - xing zai le huo (幸灾乐祸). Although to be fair; it may be considered more of a proverb... か・・・。もちろんドイツを応援していたけれど、4-0になったところで、なんだかアルゼンチンが気の毒にになってしまった。

Having said that, it became clear that a private note to Jes from T.R.Yagain explaining his absence was due in part to the suspicions of a certain R.P. and due to the fact than when he was about to call, he realized your mother was on a visit. Not wishing to cause a scene over a bowl of delicious chicken soup, he in a disconcerted state sought solace in a local speakeasy.

How dear reader is all this known? Well, to the untrained eye it may be because the said note has now been reproduced on a 60x40 billboard and plastered all over downtown Boston.

The correlation is obvious; the perpetrator yet to be unmasked.

My dear Slippy, brains and wit; you fill two of the three prerequisite conditions for bliss...I believe I could fill the third.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 07:10 am
Perhaps we could discuss this over spiked chilled chicken soup (it's going up to the high 80s again today, so hot soup is right out) and come to an ... understanding....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 08:34 am
Quick reality check tells us, that I am indeed in southern California. However
temperatures are in the low 60s and it's been drizzling just about every morning,
not to forget these extensive earthquakes that are rambling through the state.

Not that I am complaining - about the weather - on the contrary after seeing the east coast sweat to three digit temperatures, I am delighted of the drizzle.

Signing off from the West Coast, the weather report is finished for today.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 09:32 am
Reality checks on this thread often occur after Tryagain posts.
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 10:12 am
Subsequently, the Rosicrucian Society has awarded T.R.Yagain the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Prize for wretched writings Wink

“True, This! —
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! — itself a nothing! —
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Spammers, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! — Take away the PMsword —
The A2K State can be saved without it!”

Nominations for the next award are to be submitted post haste – On receiving the above award T.R.Yagain suggested that the next BLFC entry should heavily incorporate the TPILB-Project which should interest all those who seek to understand.

In his acceptance speech he stated.

“This is a perfect dichotomy between a complete waste of time and effort, and a noble balancing philosophical force on the web. It appeals for exactly these reasons. It is a primal thought, and the page which contains the words, ‘This page intentionally left blank’ is in fact lying, a page with words on it is not blank, as you must have considered by now. It is a perfectly self denying mathematical entity. Thought provoking. So glad to be of assistance, heart and soul, adieu to you and you and you”

To inflict your BLFC entry electronically, digitally stimulate the author's nasal member (and please include your name, phone number, and addresses--Gastropoda and e-mail [Note: this data is for our contact information, not for public consumption.]

Very Happy
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 11:28 am
Thanks, Izzie. Now Tryagain's post makes much more sense. Smile
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:01 pm
Up til now, I would have agreed, but my iPod is on the Fritz and so I am forced to listen to far too much disco for my liking.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:35 pm
Very excited and so looking forward to meeting a real TV star Jes. It is agonizingly good timing as I'm doing a piece on 'Fab Abs'. Just pick a night when you know who is out bowling, I'll bring my camera over and we will see what develops! (Insert NEW camera jokes here).

Having said that, I might have to take a rain check due to the fact that I have just discovered that Green Witch is really called Honeycakes Bumpkin!
I am so Drinking the Kool-Aid.....

C-Jane, kool perky weather and a wet drizzled T-shirt; the temperature has just risen here!

However, be that as it may I have my own situation going down; it was just after reading Izzie's naughty review that I woke her up by pounding on her ass! (subgenus Asinus). She called the cops and I only escaped jail by showing the bruise the damn donkey caused by standing on my foot. Now I know what you are thinking: What were the three of us doing in that barn?

God alone knows - but you can catch the full details in my memoirs*.

*Atrociously likely to be serialized on A2K.

J.W. Wandel

UnQuote**: It's not hard to extrapolate this logic into much worse situations in the future.

** Same as a quote except it was never said.
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 03:41 pm
Wandel will be retaining the movie rights, I understand.
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 06:17 pm
XXXX - Castlemaine -


T. R. Yagain found rump!!!!!!!!!! Croup <cough> Donkey O Teehee

dɒn kiːˈhoʊtiː
did not have a hump – no camels to be seen, ( that could have been an interesting take) – but

Through the woodland, through the valley
Comes a horseman wild and free
Tilting at the Windmills passing
Who can this brave young horseman be?

From the wwworld of ordinary people, from shepherds to tavern-owners and inn-keepers, DonkeyOTee figures in his travels great and far, and his next missions was groundbreaking.

En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no hace mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor.

[Translation] In a place of La Mancha, whose name I would not like to remember, there lived, not very long ago, one of those gentlemen who keep a lance in the lance-rack, an ancient shield, a skinny old horse, and a fast greyhound

hey, there was Hey Hey Hey – well, whadday gettin a barn... A BAR and some HAY’s...

In English: dɒn kiːˈhoʊtiː (Don Quijote+aka TRYagain (2010 reincarnated) and his trusted hoss, Rocinante, trotted off into the sunset..whence becoming a little saddle sore stopped by at the Windmill Inn to meet Dutchy and jw – he had heard that CJ was in the wet-tee competition whilst Dutchy held his hose, and FAB ABS Jespah.'dont.tickle.my.ribs', would be on stage with RP, who appropriately was in charge of PR for the event raising money for the A2K coffers. (Loyalty to our Hampster and Overloaded Overlord)!

As dɒn kiːˈhoʊti /TRYagain entered the Windmill tavern he found Dutchy and Special Agent Wandel trying to figure out whether the Mancha was the THE MAN’aCHAt room or the true speakeasy tavern was hosting THE MATCH and just how big would eb TV be - and would the balls bounce well. After a few pints of the Amber Nectar and boyz being boyz, TRYagain was just jawing asking them to point him the direction of his Dulcinea for whom he had long searching. Being quick off the mark and wanting to please the brave young horseman whom they adored, and believing there were many "Dulcineas" for such a handsome fellow who was dreaming of his hopeless devotion and love for his Dulcinea, for her beauty superhuman, since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which the poets apply to their ladies were verified in her; for her hairs are gold, her forehead Elysian fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyes suns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neck alabaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow, and what modesty conceals from sight such and particularly unrequited love...

<pass the bucket - spittoon>

Seeing the look of delight on the face of the DonKeyOTea Twisted Evil reality surfaced along with the dreadful faux pas. After a few hearty hardy har hars and slaps on the back from the less than correct fellows (never trust blokes who put two and two together and make 5, expecially when drinking 4 x's , TRYAgain geelfully explained he has been looking for some simple “Dull SIN Ere a?” the only thing he wished to lay ... were some bets.... he had a hoss and a greyhound - he came prepared (carefully opening his long jacket and showing them his Blue Peter Badge).

He would win a bet by hook or by crook – namely, the latter, as Hook has been ordered back to the ship to beginning docking. A hooley was breaking out there withPOMcT bringing back the band for a celebratory birthday party. Another story. That hound dog was ordered to catch the wabbit, the rat and then the crocodile! <tick tock, what is the time, report back>

TRYagain decided to inform his drinking buddies flock (whilst keeping all eyes on CJ and Jes) that when Cervantes wrote and published Don Quixote during the Eighty Years' War, or Dutch War of Independence (1568–1648), a revolt by the Habsburg Netherlands to end Spanish rule – it was a great psychic revelation of what was about to come on July 11th ,Sunday avo. This philosoffffffical approach was a sure bet...


So, leaning a little closer to Dutchy, DonkeeOTea whispered.... “errrr listem cobber, I’m a little short and Gargamel knicked me wallet when I had everything out and was listing the contents... can yer lend me buck or two – nah, not a buckaroo – just a buck or two mate... "

Dutchy: “Yeah, no worries mate, you may be a few roos loose in the top paddock, but I’ll 'll fix your Jack and Jill. I've got a eggflip, will suit ya good!!!!!!! Keeping it all in the family ya know!”

TRYagain laid his Bet (No No, not she of the Rovers, that would cause a lynching paty) Wink and is set to make his muli-million coup de grass for his new Jenny in order to raise the stakes for a colt or a new wee filly Wink With the luck of the draw, if he plays his cards right – his ass and a Jenny’s will produce a hinny – if this approach fails he will endeavour to dock the tailhead where the tail joins the rump. and the mammalian skirt (meaning the long hairs growing from the tailbone Shocked ) or failing those methods, continue to propser with birds, similarly, the tail consists of tailbone and tailfan (tail fan). TAilfan... not tale-then-ban!

HENCEFORTH - we hereby lay out the bets for THE dɒn kiːˈhoʊti Holland v Spain in the World Cup Footie (due to a longstanding foot fetish) and lay the odds at 16 - 4

C’MON YE ORANGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me burro some words ------------------------------------------->

Go kick some assHOLLAND! (just don't let them tread on youR toots- you'll bruise)

We’re theoretically rooting for you!

Can’t say there’s much rooting elsewhere – must get me a DROID!... or were that DRUID. :shocK
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Jul, 2010 06:52 pm
Yesterday, when I was young - such a pretty song, but I digress....
It is only this newspaper whose reporters take a simple weather report and
make an x-rated series out of it. We'll never match up with the NYTimes this
way guys.
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 05:17 am
Zebras, if embarrassed, are black and white and re(a)d all over. As is the New York Times.

Quod Erat Demonstratum.
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 05:51 am
Another day goes by where people are talking about Spain in the World Cup final. Germany, you broke my heart. Go Holland! (I have a few cousins in Holland.)
Reply Fri 9 Jul, 2010 05:58 am
Be assured Dutchy will be watching and wearing the famous orange colours. My cousins in Holland tell me the Country is at fever pitch, should they win all hell will break lose.
0 Replies

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