Feelings ran high at the A2K editorial meeting held at The Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers 50 Park Plaza at Arlington Street, Boston, Ma, after Wandel’s motion was narrowly defeated when it was learned that Dyslexia don’t got no working AC unit in his automobile!
Seizing the moment T.R.Yagain denounced Wandel a sycophant, with an undertone that these actions are executed at the cost of his own personal pride, principles, and peer respect and in such an obsequious manner.
Calamity-Jane denied calling the cops after T.R.Yagain requested large donations to save kitty from the sack!
Jespah was asked to rule on a point of law; but couldn’t find a tape "
Jeez Jespah and others, agent wandel jokingly jinxed jackal 'tryagain' in believing he suffers from amnesia. Will our lead writer stage another comeback?
Stand in an upright position, without shoes, on a hard floor, and with your feet about 25cm (10") apart.
Place the spine of a book about 1.5 inches (3.5cm) wide between your legs firmly, but without causing pain.
The measure is then taken vertically from floor to the edge of the book.
Try () to obtain accuracy to within .5 cm, but definitely within 1 cm.
Take 2/3rds of your inside leg measurement (multiply your measurement by .66)
Terra Ferma
Wha……….. In order to make effective use of your fitness and to be comfortable on your bike - that’s how you measure your inside leg!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really - what were you thinking! Puh-lease!
Time is a component of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify the motions of objects.
“The Moving Finger writes: and, having writ,
Moves on, nor all thy Pity nor Wit,
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all the Tears wash out a Word of it“. … Omar Khayyám
British Summer Time or BST is the civil time during the summer months in the United Kingdom during which the clocks are advanced from Greenwich mean time by one hour.
It was first established by the Summer Time Act of 1916, was amended by subsequent acts and is now defined by the Summer Time Order of 2002 which laid down that it would be
...the period beginning at one o'clock, Greenwich mean time, in the morning of the last Sunday in March and ending at one o'clock, Greenwich mean time, in the morning of the last Sunday in October.
"The Summer Time Order 2002[1]