Very quick change to a "V"
Unduly high stress tensors take their force upon TRYagain as the Rotation of his Rigid Body About the A2kaxis caused maximum velocity when Slippy said “take a deep breath... and cough please”!
After a sharp intake of breath, Jes recorded for Special Agent Wandel that ‘een tho it was hotter than hell, rigamortis had not quite set in and TRYagain’s core temperature was rising as patting down fervently commenced.
BEAgle kept an eagle eye on the situation, notifying CJ that despite the acceleration of the thread which had previously been threadbare, satisfactory cooling of the A2Kinetic energy building up by excessive use of knitting needles was no cause for concern.
British Correspondent invoiced hamsters for PAT testing of the intensive sensitive thermometer citing the Health & Safety Regulations at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 as a necessary requirement when dabbling with the Devil.
Conclusion " the “back draft” was just hot air being expelled from TRYagain.
Kicky lost his momentum and keeled over when the scantily clothed neighbour appeared. A sudden rush of blood to his extremities caused rigidity and left him feeling a little flushed!
Soft toilet tissue sales increase.