Allocated ballot papers rejected due to Gummy Bear infestation -- and irremovable hanging chads
Ballots found in vending machine with traces of Gummy Bear prints on them.
Double voting is nothing new in the United States.
Emergency meeting called by A2K Chief Project Manager Ms Jespah!
She pledged she will expose sham rest assured, whoever did this; he's smart - enquiry turns to Marsh Set
Commenting on the latest developments; our political analyst CalamityJane revealed that: sham rest/ he's smart/ Marsh Set - are all Anagrams for Hamsters!!!
Foul deeds investigated at Hamster haven at A2K. Ms Jespah suspected of tampering with illegal ballots.
Grapes of Wrath scenario forecast as A2k'ers begin trek to Canada
Hoards of foreigners said to be approaching Canadian borders. Political wrangle occurs as politicians decide whether to permit access or call in the Mounties.
Immigrants mass on boarder - Montana joins the Mounties; because they always get their man!
Joe Nation is gathering testimonials from his Canadian friends in order
to gain entry ahead of the masses. He's pursuing Montana as we speak!
KISSING DANGEROUS Professor claims.
Labrador exclaims to a grateful populace: we'll take in the A2Kers! Dog-loving A2Kers seen flocking to Labradorean border. Cat lovers affect nonchalance but wonder what to do next.
Nugent Shoots Down Santa, Grills Reindeer
Otherwise, some nice places were missing:
Sugar Tit, South Carolina;
Wankers Corner, Oregon;
Fanny, West Virginia;
Erect, North Calorina.
And overseas:
Crotch Lake, Canada.
Dildo, Canada.
Slut, Sweden.
Crap, Albania.
Probable Drinking Problem Suspected Behind Tryagain's Latest News Report
Quoting a website: "What happens when bored morons get hold of a geographical database? A complete list of rude place names."
Retraction By Wandeljw: "Tryagain Was Just Bored"