US a fading superpower?

Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 10:58 am
Zippo wrote:
JTT wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Zippy, neither you, nor your fellow Israel obsessive weirdos, have ... provided evidence ... that support for Israel will cause the United States to "fade" as a superpower.

Just a thought; is it possible to provide evidence for something that hasn't come to pass?

Very Happy Excellent post. Obviously Setanta will ignore this comment. The answer is of course - it is not possible to provide evidence for something that hasn''t happened... Nice one JTT :wink:

Setanta ===>> Embarrassed

Aren't you contradicting your own premise?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 11:13 am
Foofie wrote:
Zippo wrote:
JTT wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Zippy, neither you, nor your fellow Israel obsessive weirdos, have ... provided evidence ... that support for Israel will cause the United States to "fade" as a superpower.

Just a thought; is it possible to provide evidence for something that hasn't come to pass?

Very Happy Excellent post. Obviously Setanta will ignore this comment. The answer is of course - it is not possible to provide evidence for something that hasn''t happened... Nice one JTT :wink:

Setanta ===>> Embarrassed

Aren't you contradicting your own premise?

I had posted solid irrefutable evidence of their (AIPAC) involvement, meddling and influence...The reader is left to decide the future outcome. What am i contradicting?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 11:46 am
JTT wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Zippy, neither you, nor your fellow Israel obsessive weirdos, have ... provided evidence ... that support for Israel will cause the United States to "fade" as a superpower.

Just a thought; is it possible to provide evidence for something that hasn't come to pass?

If you assert that the United States has not "faded" as a superpower, then 60 years of American support for Israel certainly hasn't done the trick, since you are asserting that the trick has not been done. Which is my point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 12:52 pm
Wiki has this-

Doc of 37...
About Fort Knox Gold: http://www.fgmr.com/right2know.htm
In the 1970's a very courageous gentleman named Edward Durrell claimed that substantially all of the US Gold Reserve being stored at Ft. Knox was gone.
Only 1,000 tonnes or so of the 8,500 tonnes supposedly being stored there remained. The rest had been secretly taken from Ft. Knox and shipped to London in 1967 and early 1968 for sale by President Johnson in an ill-fated attempt to keep the price of Gold at $35 per ounce.
First, about Fort Knox. You know, the Fort Knox Gold Scandal is just like
the Watergate Scandal in one respect: There is a desperate cover-up going on right now just as happened with Watergate. The Fort Knox Gold Scandal cover-up really passed the point of no return last September when the United States Treasury perpetrated the Fort Knox gold inspection hoax in an attempt to discredit my charges that there's no gold in Fort Knox because it had all been illegally removed. Since that time the Government has been getting in deeper and deeper and deeper, involving more and more people in all sorts of maneuvers to try to keep the lid on. For example, when the Congressmen and newsmen visited Fort Knox last September, news stories promised everybody that the visit would be followed up by an audit of the Fort Knox gold by the
General Accounting Office, but what they actually did was just a very
superficial exercise just to make the record look good, and the group of 15 men that did it had only two (2) General Accounting Office representatives on it. All the rest were from the Treasury itself--in other words, the fox went into the henhouse to count our chickens for us.

Last time I looked gold was about $805.

Is this significant?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 01:47 pm
Not really, not unless you can show that the price of gold will sink the American military establishment. If the Shrub wants new bang-bang toys, or sees fit to invade someone else, he'll just borrow the cash from the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons why i pointed out earlier it is most likely that the United States will eventually be eclipsed by the Chinese, and for economic reasons, rather than military reasons.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Nov, 2007 06:19 pm
I was wondering about the gold sell off. Did it happen? Is there a coverup?

On a quick reckon up 8000 tonnes at today's price is about $30 odd trillion and somebody else has it.

To me gold is the reserve currency. It's a sort of mystical symbol of the earth's mineral wealth. It's lustre facinates. The earth's fertility is a feminine thing. I'm not sure it is possible to come off the gold standard. It's possible to assert one has of course. And act accordingly on the crazy assumption that the humans working with it are "virtuous"

It isn't just gold. It is commodities generally. Bob Dylan says-"paperwork has gone beserk" and "Something's outa whack".

What does he mean?

Pretending he's an idiot is the easy way out.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 10:17 am
A key ally is on the wobble.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 10:56 am
Something relevant to this topic?

Harvard Prof Says All Criticism of Lobby Is Anti-Semitism

By M.J. Rosenberg | bio

The Sunday Washington Post runs an oped by Ruth Wisse, a professor of Jewish studies at Harvard. Wisse is, to put it mildly, a hardliner on all matters relating to Jews. Her only bone of contention with Israel is that it is too gentle with its adversaries. In fact, she believes that Jews, in general, are still so averse to the uses of power that they suffer as a result.

Wisse's area of expertise is the Jews of Europe in the 20th century and with the Yiddish language in particular. For her, it is always 1942, the Jews are always victims, the non-Jews are always out to get us. She has, in short, a pre-1948 mentality in which Israel, armed with 200 nukes and the 4th strongest military power in the world, does not exist.

Paradoxically, its enemies do exist and they are everywhere. They are powerful and they are deadly. Jews must resist them by any means necessary.

One of the means she uses is libel. Here is what Wisse writes about Steven Walt and John Mearsheimer in the Washington Post. "Mearsheimer and Walt allege that a Jewish cabal dictates U.S. policy in the Middle East, helping Israeli interests and hurting U.S. ones." She also lies about former President Carter, saying he "accuses Jews of having too much clout."

Of course, none of them say that. They each specifically and repeatedly write and say that "there is no cabal" and that they are talking about the "Israel lobby which is made up on Christians, Jews and others." They say that over and over again.

So why does Wisse lie about them? She lies because criticism of a lobby is legitimate but criticism of a "Jewish cabal" is raw anti-Semitism and therefore forbidden.

She lies even though her words can be used to propagate anti-semitism. After all, if a former President and these professors from elite schools write about a "Jewish cabal," then a Jewish cabal must exist.

So why does Wisse say it? She says it because she wants to stop all discussion of the lobby and all criticism of Israel. Period.

I have many differences with Walt and Mearsheimer's book but I'll say one thing: the reaction to it by Wisse, Peretz, Krauthammer, Dershowitz and the gang confirm one of its theses. This is the only subject about which debate is proscribed.

You can write a book calling the President a maniac, denounce the United States as murderous as the Soviet Union, attack France as a nation of cowardly panty waists and Germany as still Nazi to its core. But discuss this issue and the whole world comes down on your head (although only in this country, not in Israel, Europe or anywhere else).

It's quite a phenomenon. Someone should write a book about it.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 11:10 am
Setanta wrote:
JTT wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Zippy, neither you, nor your fellow Israel obsessive weirdos, have ... provided evidence ... that support for Israel will cause the United States to "fade" as a superpower.

Just a thought; is it possible to provide evidence for something that hasn't come to pass?

If you assert that the United States has not "faded" as a superpower, then 60 years of American support for Israel certainly hasn't done the trick, since you are asserting that the trick has not been done. Which is my point.

Foolish to expect a 'Superpower' could fade within 60 years? Laughing

'Pro Israel Lobby' only started to seriously masterbate (from viewing deaths of hundreds of thousands of Arabs) just after their Iraq/Afghanistan success. They took 60 years to build your confidence.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 12:31 pm
Mr Anti-Semite

How is the article you published germain to the subject of my posting. In fact how are any of your previous posts in anyway related to the subject matter of the thread. I would appreciate it if you would either stick to the subject on hand or take yourself and your hatred somewhere else.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 01:31 pm
au1929 wrote:
Mr Anti-Semite

How is the article you published germain to the subject of my posting. In fact how are any of your previous posts in anyway related to the subject matter of the thread. I would appreciate it if you would either stick to the subject on hand or take yourself and your hatred somewhere else.

US may collapse as a superpower: analyst

The World Today - Friday, 1 June , 2007 12:27:00
Reporter: Eleanor Hall

ELEANOR HALL: A Canadian military analyst who's served in the armed forces and has written on international affairs for more than two decades, is issuing a warning today about the collapse of the United States as a superpower.

In his latest book, The Mess they Made: the Middle East after Iraq, Gwynne Dyer says there's no doubt that the US will withdraw its troops from Iraq once President George W. Bush leaves office.

But he predicts that already that war has set in motion events that will radically transform not only the Middle East but the role of the United States in the world...


U.S Military misadventures in the middle east demanded/influenced/encouraged (i've posted irrefutable evidence for my claims) by the 'pro Israel Lobby' for the protection of Israel's 'security' will be solely responsible for the collapse of our superpower status. If that makes me an anti-semite...then so be it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:01 pm
A-S AKA Zippo

It is your contention that Mr Bush and his band of rogues Is under the svengalli like influence of the Jews. Typical Anti-Sematic rhetoric.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:09 pm
au1929 wrote:
A-S AKA Zippo

It is your contention that Mr Bush and his band of rogues Is under the svengalli like influence of the Jews. Typical Anti-Sematic rhetoric.


BTW Mr Bush is not under any influence from anyone at all...they've kept him away/buzy...doing things like reading 'my pet goat'...whilst real people take care of things.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:13 pm
In case we forgot the promise of a better day that America has brought us:

"That maybe we ain't that young anymore
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night
You ain't a beauty, but hey you're alright
Oh and that's alright with me."

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:20 pm
Are you aware that the Black Plague was also caused by Jews?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:21 pm
Powerful Zionists wanted an idiot in chief for a U.S President...and they got him!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:24 pm
au1929 wrote:
Are you aware that the Black Plague was also caused by Jews?

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 02:54 pm

Seizing American supremacy

Throughout history, rising powers have overtaken superpowers. The United States will not prove an exception.

By Dilip Hiro

Aug. 22, 2007 | With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the United States stood tall -- militarily invincible, economically unrivaled, diplomatically uncontestable, and the dominating force on information channels worldwide. The next century was to be the true "American century," with the rest of the world molding itself in the image of the sole superpower.

Yet, with not even a decade of this century behind us, we are already witnessing the rise of a multipolar world in which new powers are challenging different aspects of American supremacy -- Russia and China in the forefront, with regional powers Venezuela and Iran forming the second rank. These emergent powers are primed to erode American hegemony, not confront it, singly or jointly.

How and why has the world evolved in this way so soon? The Bush administration's debacle in Iraq is certainly a major factor in this transformation, a classic example of an imperialist power, brimming with hubris, overextending itself. To the relief of many -- in the United States and elsewhere -- the Iraq fiasco has demonstrated the striking limitations of power for the globe's highest-tech, most destructive military machine. In Iraq, Brent Scowcroft, national security advisor to two U.S. presidents, concedes in a recent Op-Ed, "We are being wrestled to a draw by opponents who are not even an organized state adversary."

The invasion and subsequent disastrous occupation of Iraq and the mismanaged military campaign in Afghanistan have crippled the credibility of the United States. The scandals at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and Guantánamo in Cuba, along with the widely publicized murders of Iraqi civilians in Haditha, have badly tarnished America's moral self-image. In the latest opinion poll, only 9 percent of Turks -- whose country is a secular state and a member of NATO -- have a favorable view of the United States, down from 52 percent just five years ago.

Yet there are other explanations -- unrelated to Washington's glaring misadventures -- for the current transformation in international affairs. These include, above all, the tightening market in oil and natural gas, which has enhanced the power of hydrocarbon-rich nations as never before; the rapid economic expansion of the mega-nations China and India; the transformation of China into the globe's leading manufacturing base; and the end of the Anglo-American duopoly in international television news.

During the 1991 Gulf War, only CNN and the BBC had correspondents in Baghdad. So the international TV audience, irrespective of its location, saw the conflict through their lenses. Twelve years later, when the Bush administration, backed by British Prime Minister Tony Blair, invaded Iraq, Al Jazeera Arabic broke this duopoly. It relayed images -- and facts -- that contradicted the Pentagon's presentation. For the first time in history, the world witnessed two versions of an ongoing war in real time. So credible was the Al Jazeera Arabic version that many television companies outside the Arabic-speaking world -- in Europe, Asia and Latin America -- showed its clips.

Though, in theory, the growth of cable television worldwide raised the prospect of ending the Anglo-American duopoly in 24-hour TV news, not much had happened due to the exorbitant cost of gathering and editing TV news. It was only the arrival of Al Jazeera English, funded by the hydrocarbon-rich emirate of Qatar -- with its declared policy of offering a global perspective from an Arab and Muslim angle -- that, in 2006, finally broke the long-established mold.

Soon France 24 came on the air, broadcasting in English and French from a French viewpoint, followed in mid-2007 by the English-language Press TV, which aimed to provide an Iranian perspective. Russia was next in line for 24-hour TV news in English for the global audience. Meanwhile, spurred by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, teleSUR, a pan-Latin-American TV channel based in Caracas, began competing with CNN in Spanish for a mass audience.

As with Qatar, so with Russia and Venezuela, the funding for these TV news ventures has come from soaring national hydrocarbon incomes -- a factor draining American hegemony not just in imagery but in reality.

Under President Vladimir Putin, Russia has more than recovered from the economic chaos that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. After effectively re-nationalizing the energy industry through state-controlled corporations, he began deploying its economic clout to further Russia's foreign policy interests.

In 2005, Russia overtook the United States, becoming the second-largest oil producer in the world. Its oil income now amounts to $679 million a day. European countries dependent on imported Russian oil now include Hungary, Poland, Germany and even Britain.

Russia is also the largest producer of natural gas on the planet, with three-fifths of its gas exports going to the 27-member European Union. Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland and Slovakia get 100 percent of their natural gas from Russia; Turkey, 66 percent; Poland, 58 percent; Germany, 41 percent; and France, 25 percent. Gazprom, the biggest natural gas enterprise on earth, has established stakes in 16 EU countries. In 2006, the Kremlin's foreign reserves stood at $315 billion, up from a paltry $12 billion in 1999. Little wonder that, in July 2006 on the eve of the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, Putin rejected an energy charter proposed by the Western leaders.

Soaring foreign-exchange reserves, new ballistic missiles and closer links with a prospering China -- with which Russia conducted joint military exercises on China's Shandong Peninsula in August 2005 -- enabled Putin to deal with his American counterpart, President George W. Bush, as an equal, not mincing his words when appraising American policies.

"One country, the United States, has overstepped its national boundaries in every way," Putin told the 43rd Munich Trans-Atlantic conference on security policy in February 2007. "This is visible in the economic, political, cultural and educational policies it imposes on other nations ... This is very dangerous."

Condemning the concept of a "unipolar world," Putin added: "However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it describes a scenario in which there is one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decision-making ... It is a world in which there is one master, one sovereign. And this is pernicious." His views fell on receptive ears in the capitals of most Asian, African and Latin American countries.

The changing relationship between Moscow and Washington was noted, among others, by analysts and policy makers in the Persian Gulf region. Commenting on the visit that Putin paid to longtime U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar after the Munich conference, Abdel Aziz Sagar, chairman of the Gulf Research Center, wrote in the Doha-based newspaper the Peninsula that Russia and Gulf Arab countries, once rivals from opposite ideological camps, had found a common agenda of oil, antiterrorism and arms sales. "The altered focus takes place in a milieu where the Gulf countries are signaling their keenness to keep all geopolitical options open, reviewing the utility of the United States as the sole security guarantor, and contemplating a collective security mechanism that involves a host of international players."

In April 2007, the Kremlin issued a major foreign policy document. "The myth about the unipolar world fell apart once and for all in Iraq," it stated. "A strong, more self-confident Russia has become an integral part of positive changes in the world."

The Kremlin's increasingly tense relations with Washington were in tune with Russian popular opinion. A poll taken during the run-up to the 2006 G8 summit revealed that 58 percent of Russians regarded America as an "unfriendly country." It has proved to be a trend. This July, for instance, Maj. Gen. Alexandr Vladimirov told the mass circulation newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that war with the United States was a "possibility" in the next 10 to 15 years.

Such sentiments resonated with Hugo Chavez. While visiting Moscow in June 2007, he urged Russians to return to the ideas of Vladimir Lenin, especially his anti-imperialism. "The Americans don't want Russia to keep rising," he said. "But Russia has risen again as a center of power, and we, the people of the world, need Russia to become stronger."

Chavez finalized a $1 billion deal to purchase five diesel submarines to defend Venezuela's oil-rich undersea shelf and thwart any possible economic embargo imposed by Washington. By then, Venezuela had become the second-largest buyer of Russian weaponry. (Algeria topped the list, another indication of a growing multipolarity in world affairs.) Venezuela acquired the distinction of being the first country to receive a license from Russia to manufacture the famed AK-47 assault rifle.

By channeling some of his country's oil money to needy Venezuelans, Chavez broadened his base of support. Much to the chagrin of the Bush White House, he trounced his sole political rival, Manuel Rosales, in a December 2006 presidential contest with 61 percent of the vote. Equally humiliating to the Bush administration, Venezuela was, by then, giving more foreign aid to needy Latin American states than it was.

Following his reelection, Chavez vigorously pursued the concept of forming an anti-imperialist alliance in Latin America as well as globally. He strengthened Venezuela's ties not only with such Latin countries as Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and debt-ridden Argentina, but also with Iran and Belarus.

By the time he arrived in Tehran from Moscow (via Minsk) in June 2007, the 180 economic and political accords the Chavez government had signed with Tehran were already yielding tangible results. Iranian-designed cars and tractors were coming off assembly lines in Venezuela. "[The] cooperation of independent countries like Iran and Venezuela has an effective role in defeating the policies of imperialism and saving nations," Chavez declared in Tehran.

Stuck in the quagmire of Iraq and lashed by the gusty winds of rocketing oil prices, the Bush administration finds its maneuverability woefully limited when dealing with a rising hydrocarbon power. To the insults that Chavez keeps hurling at Bush, the American response has been vapid. The reason is the crippling dependence of the United States on imported petroleum, which accounts for 60 percent of its total consumed. Venezuela is the fourth-largest source of U.S. imported oil after Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia; and some refineries in the United States are designed specifically to refine heavy Venezuelan oil.

In Chavez's scheme to undermine the "sole superpower," China has an important role. During an August 2006 visit to Beijing, his fourth in seven years, Chavez announced that Venezuela would triple its oil exports to China to 500,000 barrels per day in three years, a jump that suited both sides. Chavez wants to diversify Venezuela's buyer base to reduce its reliance on exports to the United States, and China's leaders are keen to diversify their hydrocarbon imports away from the Middle East, where American influence remains strong.

"The support of China is very important [to us] from the political and moral point of view," Chavez declared. Along with a joint refinery project, China agreed to build 13 oil-drilling platforms, supply 18 oil tankers, and collaborate with the state-owned company, Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., in exploring a new oilfield in the Orinoco Basin.

So dramatic has been the growth of the state-run company PetroChina that, in mid-2007, it was second only to Exxon Mobil in its market value among energy corporations. Indeed, that year three Chinese companies made it onto the list of the world's 10 most highly valued corporations. Only the United States, with five, had more. China's foreign reserves of over $1 trillion have now surpassed Japan's. With its gross domestic product soaring past Germany's, China ranks No. 3 in the world economy.

In the diplomatic arena, Chinese leaders broke new ground in 1996 by sponsoring the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, consisting of four adjoining countries: Russia and the three former Soviet Socialist republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The SCO started as a cooperative organization with a focus on countering drug-smuggling and terrorism. Later, the SCO invited Uzbekistan to join, even though it does not abut China. In 2003, the SCO broadened its scope by including regional economic cooperation in its charter. That, in turn, led it to grant observer status to Pakistan, India and Mongolia -- all adjoining China -- and Iran, which does not. When the United States applied for observer status, it was rejected, an embarrassing setback for Washington, which enjoyed such status at the Association of South-East Asian Nations.

In early August 2007, on the eve of an SCO summit in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek, the group conducted its first joint military exercises, code-named Peace Mission 2007, in the Russian Ural region of Chelyabinsk. "The SCO is destined to play a vital role in ensuring international security," said Ednan Karabayev, foreign minister of Kyrgyzstan.

In late 2006, as the host of a China-Africa Forum in Beijing attended by leaders of 48 of 53 African nations, China left the United States woefully behind in the diplomatic race for that continent (and its hydrocarbon and other resources). In return for Africa's oil, iron ore, copper and cotton, China sold low-priced goods to Africans and assisted African counties in building or improving roads, railways, ports, hydroelectric dams, telecommunications systems and schools. "The Western approach of imposing its values and political system on other countries is not acceptable to China," said Africa specialist Wang Hongyi of the China Institute of International Studies. "We focus on mutual development."

To reduce the cost of transporting petroleum from Africa and the Middle East, China began constructing a trans-Burma oil pipeline from the Bay of Bengal to its southern province of Yunan, thereby shortening the delivery route now traveled by tankers. This undermined Washington's campaign to isolate Myanmar. (Earlier, Sudan, boycotted by Washington, had emerged as a leading supplier of African oil to China.) In addition, Chinese oil companies were competing fiercely with their Western counterparts in getting access to hydrocarbon reserves in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

"China's oil diplomacy is putting the country on a collision course with the U.S. and Western Europe, which have imposed sanctions on some of the countries where China is doing business," comments William Mellor of Bloomberg News. The sentiment is echoed by the other side. "I see China and the U.S. coming into conflict over energy in the years ahead," says Jin Riguang, an oil-and-gas advisor to the Chinese government and a member of the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Council.

China's industrialization and modernization has spurred the modernization of its military as well. The test firing of the country's first anti-satellite missile, which successfully destroyed a defunct Chinese weather satellite in January 2007, dramatically demonstrated its growing technological prowess. An alarmed Washington had already noted an 18 percent increase in China's 2007 defense budget. Attributing the rise to extra spending on missiles, electronic warfare and other high-tech items, Liao Xilong, commander of the People's Liberation Army's general logistics department, said: "The present-day world is no longer peaceful, and to protect national security, stability and territorial integrity, we must suitably increase spending on military modernization."

China's declared budget of $45 billion was a tiny fraction of the Pentagon's $459 billion budget. Yet, in May 2007, a Pentagon report noted China's "rapid rise as a regional and economic power with global aspirations" and claimed that China was planning to project military farther afield from the Formosa Strait into the Asia-Pacific region in preparation for possible conflicts over territory or resources.

This disparate challenge to American global primacy stems as much from sharpening conflicts over natural resources, particularly oil and natural gas, as from ideological differences over democracy American-style or human rights as conceived and promoted by Western policy makers. Perceptions about national (and imperial) identity and history are at stake as well.

It is noteworthy that Russian officials applauding the swift rise of post-Soviet Russia refer fondly to the pre-Bolshevik Revolution era when, according to them, Czarist Russia was a great power. Equally, Chinese leaders remain proud of their country's long imperial past as unique among nations.

When viewed globally and in the great stretch of history, the notion of American exceptionalism that drove the neoconservatives to proclaim the Project for the New American Century in the late 20th century -- adopted so wholeheartedly by the Bush administration in this one -- is nothing new. Other superpowers have been there, and they, too, have witnessed the loss of their prime position to rising powers.]

No superpower in modern times has maintained its supremacy for more than several generations. And, however exceptional its leaders may have thought themselves, the United States, already clearly past its zenith, has no chance of becoming an exception to this age-old pattern of history.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 05:20 pm
i dunno what to think, zippo. on the verge of a salient conclusion, you start grasping at all the straws you can find...

the yellow stars of david aren't a very convincing touch. if they'd been blue, they might have been political, but at least some of this, you're not getting this from anything set in a political context.

you will always weaken the effect of your arguments by doing it that way, regardless of the arguments themselves. on the whole, the topic was interesting, but i think i've lost interest in talking about it or reading about it here.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 3 Nov, 2007 06:03 pm
tinygiraffe wrote:
i dunno what to think, zippo. on the verge of a salient conclusion, you start grasping at all the straws you can find...

the yellow stars of david aren't a very convincing touch. if they'd been blue, they might have been political, but at least some of this, you're not getting this from anything set in a political context.

you will always weaken the effect of your arguments by doing it that way, regardless of the arguments themselves. on the whole, the topic was interesting, but i think i've lost interest in talking about it or reading about it here.

take it easy on the boy. its hard to be so right and so wrong simultamously.

i know.
0 Replies

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