US a fading superpower?

Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 06:23 pm
Settin' Aah-aah wrote-

History does not support such a contention.

Evolution theory supports the notion that your post is pure short-termism. And very short-termism at that. So much so that it is as intellectually interesting as whether you prefer lemonade to saspirilla.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 06:25 pm
And gold is nearly $800.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 06:29 pm
Which means that an ounce of gold will keep a Bhopal resident for donkey's years and still leave a residue for a legacy to any offspring.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 07:12 pm
Setanta wrote:
... Anyone who does not, in this age of the internet, arm themselves with historical fact when making stupid comments such as Spurious made is a fool not simply for retailing witless stories, but for not having taken the time (and no trouble at all) to check the facts before posting.

One has to wonder, Setanta, why this sage wisdom you've offered does not extend to your posts and the posts of others that you've supported on spurious language "rules".

There seems to be more than a wee bit of hypocrisy here.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 07:15 pm
Yeah, right, JTT, i should follow your example, and look for the number of google results for evidence of correct usage--you crack me up.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 07:21 pm
Setanta wrote:
Yeah, right, JTT, i should follow your example, and look for the number of google results for evidence of correct usage--you crack me up.

You should do something, something like say, actually checking the facts on language before offering your advice on "correct" usage. You couldn't explain correct usage if your life depended on it because you're saddled with a brain load of memorized rules.
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Reply Mon 29 Oct, 2007 07:23 pm
I have of late, but wherefore i know not, lost all my mirth . . .

I hope you get your mirth back, Setanta, but you certainly never seemed to be overly burdened with it.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:36 am
I wrote-

I have no idea whether it is true or not but I read that Isreal was created because American Jews opposed bringing European Jews to the US. Which is not to say that they might not have had a good reason.

They found somewhere to dump them but not without feeling some responsibility for them.

Which caused Settin' Aah-aah to write-

Since Spurious had no idea whether or not that drivel were true, he ought not to have paraded it here. It would only be distantly germane to the topic of whether or not the United States is "fading" as a "superpower."

I have found where I read it. It was in Geoffrey Gorer's book The Americans. Mr Gorer's CV can be checked on Google.

This is what he wrote about American Jews-

They had been emotionally deeply involved in the fate of those European Jews who survived the Nazi massacres and wished to help them reach safer and less tragic havens. But on account of the precariousness of their own position few dared suggest, much less press for, a revision of the American immigration laws, which would otherwise have appeared to be the logical solution; in the earlier years of this century America absorbed more than a million immigrants a year and the country is still sparsely populated. So, to salve their consciences without immediately imperilling their own positions, they used every political device to involve the American Government in the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine; and because their votes are mostly concentrated in politically strategic areas they were able to set one party bidding against the other in promises. By these tactics they undermined the earlier claim that the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles was exclusively one of religion; they forced onto the general public the picture of the Jews as a separate nationality, whatever their country of adoption; and they laid themselves open to the charge of double allegiance with as much justification as it has had when levelled against those hyphenated Americans who have tried to influence the American Government in favour of their former countries.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:58 am
Well done spendy!

Still... as grumpy said, only be distantly germane to the topic of whether or not the United States is "fading" as a "superpower."
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 08:08 am
I wouldn't concede that the above topic is only "distantly germane" to the subject at hand.

But here is another possible candidate from Mr Gorer's book-

In an important political pamphlet put out in 1944 by the Congress of Industrial Organizations to induce labour sympathizers to enter local politics, under the title Political Primer for all Americans , the centre page is occupied by a double drawing entitled 'The Politician--How He Grows'. One picture shows a speaker on top of an imposing structure entitled 'Public Office' seen from the front; the second shows the rear elevation with a ladder by which the speaker has reached his eminence. The rungs of the ladder are labelled, starting from the bottom, 'Knowing the neighbourhood--listening but not arguing--knowing names and places--ringing doorbells--doing odd jobs-- working at headquarters-- starting discussions--knowing the "bosses"--speaking up at meetings--doing favours--resolving conflicts--getting votes.' From the lowliest municipal official to the highest offices in the land, these rules, mutatis mutandis, are operative; and a memory for first names and personal hobbies is liable to secure more votes than the wisest legislation.

Mr Gorer offers many other suggestions which are germane to this topic but the one which runs through most of his book is that Americans have a deep psychological need to be loved which results in a general consensus that if they are all agreed to show signs of love to each other that is sufficient proof that they do all actually love each other. Thus the assertion becomes the accepted norm of discourse and when they reach the level of such things as "Nasser is nothing to worry about" and "Slam dunk" you have a problem which I think is very germane to the topic.

I think that the constant recourse to assertion and the belief that it is true merely because it has been uttered is the road to ruin. And not only did Mr Churchill and Mr Eden point it out in their memoirs, sometimes quite disparagingly, but A2K is living proof that the assertion is alive and well, indeed kicking, in American life.

And it may have been the key to their success but now the dollar is on the slide, my key marker, it may be that another policy would serve them better.

When love is equated with success then everybody has to be successful and then you get the type of educational system America seems to have where they are all "majors", there are professors galore each with a two line title and statements designated "scientific" are treated as holy grails despite being contradictory.

You also get sports which the rest of the world find ridiculous if one ignores black boxers and athletes.

And if wande's quotes on the ID thread are anything to go by your media is up a gum tree.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 09:39 am
Just a couple of points:

1) I worked in the Intelligence field until 1983. At the time of my retiring from that particular endeavor, it was surmised that Israel MAY have developed nuclear weapons. It was never proven, to my knowledge.

2) That we GAVE them nuclear weapons..... well, I rather doubt it. If we did it was the best kept secret in the US Government. (Not well known for keeping secrets, at best.) Given our policy of non-proliferation, particularly in "unstable" regions...... never happened.

3) Israel was created by vote of the UN in resolution of the "Palestine Mandate", held by Great Britain at the time. The country was a gerrymandered connection of lands purchased outright from various Governments in the area, as well as from Arab owners, going all the way back to the 1800s. The residual lands ceded to Israel to form the country were those areas "in which a majority of Jews were settled". There exists to this date "Arabs" that remained in the Country called "Israel" right from the beginning.

4) Israel was created in response to the wishes of the Jews themselves as well as the desires of the US and many countries across the planet. The Moslem countries were the primary nay-sayers on the movement. Ever since the Romans defeated the "Jewish Rebellion" and dispersed the Jews, there was the hope amongst Jews that they would be able to return to Israel someday. I can't remember what Jewish Holiday it is, but part of the ritual intones: "....next year, in Jerusalem..." as an expression of that wish to return.

On the original topic, it is my personal belief that the US is "past it's prime" as a World Power, since the early 70's, at least. I say it is my personal belief because it is a collection of "little things" that add up to it, nothing you can point your finger at and say "Ah Ha!". Since we are an economic "power", I tend to look at economics as indicators.

We have been bred, indoctrinated and convinced that "consumerism" is the "greater good". When it is our production that is being consumed, that is all well and good. When it is imported goods that are being consumed, to an ever greater extent...... maybe it is not so good.

Between our out of control spending by our Government, the consumers and a trade deficit that seems to be getting bigger by the year, not to mention the National Debt..... the Dollar is getting weaker, this, in turn, affects the consumers' purchasing power, hence his "standard of living".

Since "Free Trade" has made "labor price competition" a serious matter, the middle class will suffer the worst. We have already seen some of the effects of that.

1) Outsourcing of jobs to other Countries, by the millions!

2) 10 million "illegal" immigrants taking (NOT "stealing") jobs that go asking because Americans won't take them.

3) When you can build a "widget" overseas, ship it across half the planet and STILL undersell a comparable US product, you have "labor price competition".

We are walking into our demise as a world power with our eyes wide open and our greed unabated. When we are "blind sided" by the results, we are going to act surprised and shocked. Embarrassed

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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:05 pm
Setanta wrote:
It is also ludicrous to suggest, as our dear anti-semite Zippy would seem to be doing, that the United States' problems all stem from support of Israel. While it certain does us no good, we've shat in our own nest well enough without appealing to dim-witted conspiracy theories based on an allegation of an international Jewish conspiracy.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy


J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science.

Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government


I' doubt very much that you are anywhere near as qualified in this field to even think about making a comment.

But thanks for the laugh. :wink: This place would be boring otherwise.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:25 pm
Halfback wrote:
Just a couple of points:

1) I worked in the Intelligence field until 1983. At the time of my retiring from that particular endeavor, it was surmised that Israel MAY have developed nuclear weapons. It was never proven, to my knowledge.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert admitted to having nuclear weapons (bbc)

2) That we GAVE them nuclear weapons..... well, I rather doubt it. If we did it was the best kept secret in the US Government. (Not well known for keeping secrets, at best.) Given our policy of non-proliferation, particularly in "unstable" regions...... never happened.

We did not give them nuclear weapons, however, we supplied them (nuclear) know-how and equipment together with France...and Israel supplied extensive nuclear technology to South Africa and, more recently, to India.

As payment for Israeli participation in the Suez Crisis of 1956, France provided nuclear expertise and constructed a reactor complex for Israel at Dimona capable of large-scale plutonium production and reprocessing.

[url=http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/nuke/farr.htm]US Army Report[/url] wrote:
The United States discovered the facility by 1958 and it was a subject of continual discussions between American presidents and Israeli prime ministers. Israel used delay and deception to at first keep the United States at bay, and later used the nuclear option as a bargaining chip for a consistent American conventional arms supply.

Since "Free Trade" has made "labor price competition" a serious matter, the middle class will suffer the worst. We have already seen some of the effects of that.

1) Outsourcing of jobs to other Countries, by the millions!

2) 10 million "illegal" immigrants taking (NOT "stealing") jobs that go asking because Americans won't take them.

3) When you can build a "widget" overseas, ship it across half the planet and STILL undersell a comparable US product, you have "labor price competition".

Completely agree! Cool

The rest of your points are good but controversial.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 02:28 pm
Setanta who thinks he knows it all wrote:
You, TG, may think what you will of Zippy--i have no doubt at all that he is an anti-semite, and obsessively so.

This thread is not about me. duh! Rolling Eyes

I may have to apologize to au1929 for derailing his thread. Maybe i shouldn't have mentioned Israel, aipac, Israel Lobby, or anything to do with wealthy zionists Jews. People will always play the anti-semitism card. I think people here should continue this debate without mentioning the above. Try a different angle.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 05:18 pm
Zippy, my old Jew-hating cowboy, i pointed out that it is ludicrous to claim that America's problems all stem from support of Israel. You've provided no evidence to counter that claim.

As for discussing this topic without wandering into your anti-semitism, i had already done that when you showed up with your racist hatred--but you are so busy obsessing about the Jews, that you apparently failed to take notice.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 05:46 pm
Setanta wrote:
Zippy, my old Jew-hating cowboy, i pointed out that it is ludicrous to claim that America's problems all stem from support of Israel. You've provided no evidence to counter that claim...

America is a Giant... In order to weaken it just enough for it to topple over flat on its face, one only has to kick it in the right place where it hurts. Thats exactly where 'Pro Israel Lobby' has grabbed the U.S (by it's balls). Thats U.S's weakest point. Forget about requiring all problems for it to fall or fade. My point was that this is a major problem. Try to stay on topic.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:19 pm
I think that is snow.

It is an attempt to distract from the real weakness which is that you live in Bullshit City. Being a good bullshitter avoids getting your hands dirty (shudder-shudder) or doing anything useful on the sound Veblen principle that Waste=Status and Use =Odium.

That's why The Deputy Secretary to the Assistant Secretary of the Deputy Emeritus Professor's First Principal of Anthropological Infibulation Science at the University of Flyingdingbats has a reserved parking space, a key to the beta minus shithouse and tart's knicker's curtains at the windows of the sub-primed house the mortgage of which I'm hoping I don't end up owning.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:20 pm
It has nothing to do with Jews.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:37 pm
anton wrote:
I also believe the US is controlled by Israel and the 6.5 million Jews who live in America.
This is just my opinion and I yearn for the return of the friendly America we used to know.

This comes as a surprise to many people in the U.S. Most people realize that Israel does little without the consent of Washington. Most people realize that Jews, like Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, etc., etc., are just Americans living lives based on family, job and not enough leisure. But, if it is your belief to think that over 300 million U.S. citizens are under the magic spell of 6.5 million Jews, that is really empowering American Jewry. Merlin the Magician didn't even have such powers.

Candidly, I really don't give much import to the beliefs/opinions of those in Commonwealth countries, since they might, at times, have been under the hegemony of a very merry old England.
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Reply Tue 30 Oct, 2007 06:59 pm
The reason the United States of America will not be fading into the sunset, on the timeline of history, is because of one thing that will maintain our place on the cutting edge of planet earth: Space!

Since we are going into space; we'll be living on the moon in a few decades; sharing it with the Russians; using it likely for industrial purposes. Space has secured our continued predominance on the world stage.

Space and its exploration is a variable that did not exist for prior world powers. We and the Russians will likely be the two main powers on this planet. China may attempt to compete (in space too); however, I personally think they will come in "show" (not "win" or "place").

And, based on the tangent that this thread recently travelled, Israel will not be telling us where to explore in space.
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