Come on osso--you're making me feel sad. There is no ultimate place. Make the most of where you are.
I don't know for sure whether I'm reading you right but you come over to me as a bit lost.
American movies and plenty of other stuff have made ELL-AAY seem like the ultimate place. I've felt the pull myself. It comes over as a paradise at times. Not in Chinatown though.
And you've lived there and you're moaning!! Imagine living in Haiti. A "fluff budget" will go a long way there I should think.
Cheer up girl. We all love you you know. I did as soon as I saw you in the pictures at wande's Chicago gig. A sort of
tendresse. I know we have had a spat or two from time to time but that's not something I bother too much about. Me and Cal are always having little digs at each other. And I always lose.
And you're a good sport. Is wande's Chicago gig where you met rjb?
If I might chance my arm you might consider a male chauvinist pig who is looking for a lady to do for him. Men like that find ladies who like doing for them quite delightful and would never dream of swapping them in. A Jack Nicholson type. With them being hated so much you're holding all the aces assuming you can cook which I gather you can. You ensnare them in a web of comfort.