I dreamed about timberlandko.
He was helping me pack for some sort of trip, and then I went outside to the station wagon (I haven't driven a station wagon in over 20 years) and it looked as if the car was floating on air, as if there was no bottom part to the tires. He had rigged it somehow. I went over to the car, and it was running -- apparently that was a part of the optical illusion of having it appear to be floating -- and scolded him wasting gasoline. Then we packed the back of the car, and it was open like a pickup truck. So I told him we had to tie down the stuff and cover it somehow, because it might get loose or dirty.
I woke up after that.
It was a good dream, maybe a little basic but it was nice to see timber and he sounded like I hoped -- kind of folksy and funny.
I do not always recall my dreams, but if they are vivid and, as was said above, if waking happens not too long afterwards.