@Joe Nation,
Last night I dreamed that my son, who has very dark, thick, kinky (I can say that because I'm his mother) hair (in real life) to the point that he's never worn it long, suddenly had gray hair, which was really weird because when it was short it was dark. So I asked, 'Why is your hair gray?' He answered, 'I don't know - but I don't like it. Can you do something about it?'
I said, 'First of all, let's cut it,' so I did and it wasn't gray anymore. While I was cutting Joseph's hair, my nephew Peter walked in. He has very thick, curly blonde hair (in real life). He asked what we were doing and I told him about Joseph's hair worries and he said, 'Mine is getting really thin.' He's not old enough to have thinning hair, so I said, 'Hmmm, let me look at it.' It was really lank and thin, but I said, 'Well, it's a little longer than usual, let's cut it and see what happens.' So I did and he liked it, but as I was brushing it into place, with every stroke it got darker and at the end, it was brown instead of blonde and he looked just like his father (my brother-in-law).