What did you dream last night?

Reply Mon 15 Sep, 2008 08:14 am
@Joe Nation,
This'n's WEIRD!!!

I am not by any means a hirsute woman.

Last night, I dreamed that I was lying in bed, with my arms above my head, when I noticed that my right armpit had suddenly become overrun with thick, black hair!

It was kind of in messy clumps...and it had colonised my entire armpit, and was making a move on my upper arm. The jungle was spreading!

My left armpit, meanwhile, had its normal lack of hair.

I was shocked and horrified.....but I found that, if I grabbed each clump, after a couple of tries, if I jerked it really hard, it would pull out...leaving a series of concave circular pits in my flesh, about half an inch in diameter...with a kind of pattern of little holes marking them. It was almost like the clumps had been inserted...like hair-plugs for bald men, only bigger?

Anyway, I managed to get rid of all the hair...but I was left with these pits....and I didn't know if they would disappear over time, or always be there.

And I didn't know if the hair would be re-inserted.

Reply Mon 15 Sep, 2008 05:58 pm
Cool dream. Makes me think of the one years and years ago about the girl playing her fingers to chalky dust on a cello in a courtyard with an olive tree. Musty, dusty, kinda gross.

Early this morning, I was hanging out with Randy from My Name Is Earl -- had just gone to a very odd old-timey movie theater and came out to my car (parked on an improbably steep street that was under construction) -- Randy asked if he could drive -- I told him he could if he knew how to drive stick, assuming for some reason that he didn't, he got very excited and said he did -- I said fine, you can scratch it all you want, just don't dent it (which is funny, because it was made of plastic) and a friend was sitting in the backseat -- we went lurching down the street that was dirt and gravel and open ditches and construction equipment, and an old friend from college sat silently in the backseat -- and the puppy woke me up, the little bastard, minutes before the alarm, like he always does.
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Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 04:40 am
Two dreams in one. In one, I gave Rudy Giuliani a bunch of gifts. One was a small travel ironing board wrapped in white tissue paper. He went to the front of some lecture hall and showed everyone in the audience my gifts. Then he pitched the ironing board and it soared. I don't think he didn't like it; I think he just wanted to see it fly.

The other dream was, heh, a bit earthier. Nothing to do with Rudy. I was making an appointment for a pelvic exam and met some guy who was clearly not a doctor who said he would do it at my home. My home turned out to be my childhood home. Of course I knew this guy, who was maybe all of 25 and a bit unkempt and overweight, was no doctor, but I dutifully put a towel over my still-made single bed and removed my clothes. He did the same and I looked at him, naked. He was, er, half-staff Embarrassed and that's when I woke up.

Never did get my, ahem, pelvic exam.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 05:58 am
I had sex dreams....and despite all my kidding around....that's rare for me.
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 08:17 am
I'm wandering around lost in Chicago again. Rolling Eyes

This morning, I dreamt that I left my apartment in the South Loop, went across the street where there seemed to be a college of some kind, fraternized with the young people, caught the eye of a couple of boys and giggled to myself about it, exited the building from another door and suddenly, I didn't know where the hell I was. I walked up and down the street and although some of it was familiar, I could not find my apartment building.
Reply Thu 18 Sep, 2008 08:27 am
I was lost in Santa Monica again. Well, not lost, but I couldn't get where I needed to be since everything was changed..
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 06:04 am
Long, long dream last night. I was down in some kind of basement, very dirty and up some stairs and a ladder was a platform. Up on the platform, hanging from ceiling hook, was a large red tank, like an air compressor tank. I went up to look at it, it was heavy. I knew somehow that it was supposed to be taken down, but I could tell it was too heavy for me.
A kid showed up, a black kid about fifteen years old and I thought, "Oh, this is my child." And he went up on the platform while I was down on the floor level and I was calling up to him to leave the tank alone. He messed with it but wasn't able to move it.

The next thing I know there is a workman there, big guy, like the plumber who was just at my apartment for a meeting, black, Jamacian, very serious. He had already taken the tank down and we were looking inside.
Inside was a really huge white rat fast asleep.
"I'm going to wake him up," said the worker and he proceeded to poke at the rat.

It woke up. And I started running because I knew there would be more than one rat.

And there was.
I was still running, as the rats were trying to jump on me, as I woke up.

Joe(I went to my desk and wrote down the notes and went back to sleep.) Nation
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Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2008 02:12 pm
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Were you giving out pelvic exams? Wink
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Tai Chi
Reply Sat 20 Sep, 2008 04:31 pm
I woke up in the wee hours this morning to the smell of smoke. I got up and went to the bedroom window (which was open) and realized that one of my neighbours was using a wood stove for heat. (Funny, huh? I'm sleeping with the window open because I love snuggling under a duvet when it's "crisp" -- my neighbour is freezing and stoking a fire...) Anyway I went back to sleep and in my dream I woke up to the smell of smoke and went to the window, but in my dream our garden shed was on fire. I called 911 and the operator asked my address then said, "But that's not in Kingston." (We used to live in Kingston about 10 years ago -- it's at least a 3 hour drive away.) I kept trying to explain where I live but meanwhile my oldest son has invited all his friends over to watch the fire. We're all standing in the house watching the shed burn and I'm thinking, "Why don't we just go downstairs and turn on the hose and soak the shed?" But we don't and I'm still arguing with the 911 operator about whether I live on an Avenue or a Crescent when I wake up.
Reply Sun 21 Sep, 2008 12:13 pm
@Tai Chi,
Was that dream frightening to you Tai? Or just frustrating?

I had a strange dream this morning before getting up. Sidenote: I woke up at about 4:30am and tossed and turned until almost 6 worrying about money and whether now is really the time to take some needed risks in my career and the big, fat financial mess this country is in.

Anyway, when i finally drifted off again, i dreamt that my husband and i lived in a loftspace in downtown Chicago, in a building that also housed an art school. There were alot of funky little art students roaming around in the lobby and on the elevators and some of them irritated me but I'd also befriended a few. Anyway, I was coming into the building one day and one of the students that i didn't care for came rushing past me and bumped me out of the way as he dove into the semi-crowded elevator and then, instead of holding the door for me and the other students he scooted passed to get on, the little snot let the door close on us and the elevator took off. I made some snide remark about not liking him when suddenly, there was a loud snap and the elevator plummeted to the basement, killing everyone on it.

Everybody in the lobby went nuts, of course. I realized that the little snot had actually saved our lives. Amid mass pandemonium, someone suggested we take the stairs and someone else said that was fine as long as we didn't mind rats and that was when I lost it. Between the elevator crash and the threat of rats, I literally suffered a breakdown and left the building and began wandering the streets. There didn't seem to be any way to contact my husband so, i just roamed for days until he finally found me huddled in a corner outside of another building.

He was so happy to find me and I was relieved to be found. He helped me back to our building and we took the stairs and although it was dark and treacherous in some spots, there were no rats. At some point later, a new elevator was installed and i had to ride it for the first time. I was terrified but a couple of the students got on with me and showed me how to run in. It was some kind of digital something or another and completely foreign to an old girl like myself.

I woke up while they were showing me how to punch in my floor number.
Tai Chi
Reply Tue 23 Sep, 2008 07:13 am
Was that dream frightening to you Tai? Or just frustrating?

I think I was frustrated and annoyed that we all stood around waiting for someone else (firemen) to do something when we could have solved the problem ourselves (hose). Well...that was pretty easy to interpret wasn't it? Embarrassed (So what's the real issue, Tai Chi? Hmmm...)

eoe, your dream was scary. (Rats!)
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 25 Sep, 2008 08:19 pm
I love these recent dreams except I think I know that something odd must be happening for such dreams to be.

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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 07:53 am
Dreamed that I was at old Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Only it looked like what I imagine the NY Polo Grounds must've looked like. There was no grass on the infield, and everything was overgrown with those little California weeds that look like tiny pineapples. Don't remember what happened.
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Reply Wed 8 Oct, 2008 11:39 am
Dreamed the other night I had my hand in my pocket, a very deep pocket. Try as I might, I could not extract that hand from the pocket. I awoke to discover I was sleeping on top of the hand, and it was "asleep."
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 11 Oct, 2008 04:31 am
I was looking through an old box of photographs and found a couple of sealed packets I hadn't seen before. I opened one and found pictures from a long ago vacation with my second wife. There were pictures of skunks and pictures of the views of some park. In the other pack which had a picture of my youngest brother on it were.... well, now I can't remember what was in the second packet. I know seeing his picture as a four year old on the outside of the envelope made me smile.

Joe(still smiling)Nation
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Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 04:40 am
I dreamed that I was driving a car. There was a female in the passenger seat that I felt was a good friend, but not someone I know in real life. We were laughing a lot. Bear was in another vehicle traveling with us. He was pulling a camper or had a camper thing on the bed of the truck. When we stopped at a cafe / gas station I went in the camper to check the ice. The freezer was full of bags of ice.

My friend came out of the cafe after using the bathroom. I told her I shoulda gone too, but too late now, I'll wait. We started driving again and ended up at the beach. There was something about adult footprints and little footprints in the sand and it being the prints of a grandmother and her grandchild and how sweet it was.

Then we traveled some more. Oldest child was in the car with Bear and when we stopped he said he wasn't feeling well and I had to reach across the inside back seat to open the other side for him to puke on the ground. Bear came out of the store with Seth and saw what happened and took him inside to clean up.

Next time we stopped we were white water rafting. There were some nice easy spots in the river and when we came to them I noticed there was soft background music playing and I laughed and said something about man taking over nature and how silly it was to have put music in the woods when nature had already done that... you just have to listen.

Then we went to one of Bears second cousins house. He and his wife were getting ready for Christmas the next day and I had to change so she showed me to a room. Her husband came home. They were talking in the kitchen. She brought me a top she had thrown in the wash for me earlier. I thanked her.

Something got said about the gift exchange and I realized two things: I had a grandchild and I had to pee really bad. I mean real life pee really bad.

I woke up.
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Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 03:32 pm
I dreamed I was swimming in a series of natural pools like the ones Craven posted a while back. It was a few nights ago and I don't remember any details.
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Reply Wed 15 Oct, 2008 03:40 pm
Utter nonsense I dreamed, but I was very concerned at the time. I had to figure out how to fit those big things on that lawn between the groves of trees for the handsome guy (grey hair, thinnish, no one I know. Gadzooks, I hope it wasn't Hugh Hewitt...). What big things? They might have been segments of the Wabash Avenue El that was in a photo that Walter posted about the discovery of a wonderful Sullivan building. Anyway, I got them to fit and then I woke up.
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 21 Oct, 2008 04:27 am
Had my first dream about L. since she left. We were somewhere, not here, and we ended up staying in the same room, something happened sexual but apparently, even in a dream, it wasn't memorable. In the morning, she was hanging around and I asked her why and she said she thought it might be a good time to try things again.
I walked down the hall and left be myself.

Joe(that was a good dream. Thanks Sub-conscious!)Nation
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Tai Chi
Reply Thu 23 Oct, 2008 07:56 am
I was sharing a festive dinner with people I didn't know well (not Christmas but there was turkey and all the trimmings). I seemed to be about 20 years old and single. There were a group of teenage boys wearing suits at the long dining table. They were on some sort of school exchange trip. Their bus driver came in and told them it was time to leave (dinner was winding down) and they all put on short puffy jackets that looked weird with their suits. (I was wondering if anybody still wore overcoats and those little rubber things men slip over dress shoes.) The middle-aged women all started tidying up in the kitchen and told me I'd just be in the way as I didn't know where anything went. I was wondering what I could do to help out when I saw the family dog -- a gorgeous blue-eyed adult female Husky. So I grabbed her leash and said in that stupid high voice people reserve for babies and dogs, "Wanna go for a walk?" and the dog said, "No." (Telepathically I guess -- I didn't see her lips move.) So I said, "Waddaya mean you don't want to go for a walk?" and she said, "In case you haven't noticed, the temperature has dropped rather drastically and I'm thinking the grass will be wet and I don't like to get my feet wet." Smart ass dog!
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