engineer wrote: .... As a percentage of income, someone making $500k/yr pays a lower percentage than someone making $100k/yr (due to FICA cutting off after the high 90's.) ...
If you classify FICA as a tax instead of a mandatory supplemental retirement program, you have a point. Essentially it is a tax, and is treated as revenue by the government as if it was income tax. All they do is a little bookkeeping on a piece of paper. The dirty little secret that nobody talks about is the FICA tax, that hits most lower income people harder than income tax, and is especially stiff if you are self employed and make near the maximum amount taxed.
To be fair in your post, the guy that earns 100k receives just as high of a Social Security check upon retirement as the guy that earns 500k, by virtue of paying in as much tax prior to retirement. Bush tried to make Social Security become a better investment for people that pay into it, but Democrats said, no way, 2% or so on your money is fine even though almost every other investment pays at least twice that.
There is talk of simply combining the income tax and FICA, but I think that is a big mistake, because as it is, people accept the idea of paying the FICA with the hope of receiving their money later. If that distinction is blurred further, there will be calls for low income people to pay nothing, which further disenfranchises them from helping to pay their own way.
engineer wrote:DrewDad, I must really compliment you. This thread has gone on a while and with the exception of a couple of uncalled for jabs at Okie has been very civil. What's your secret?
I am becoming used to uncalled for jabs, engineer. And I also am a bit surprised at Drew Dad that seemed to start this whole thing out by saying the minimum wage was not something all that great or beneficial, which is almost heresy for liberals thinking.