Let's discuss the minimum wage

Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 10:35 am
okie wrote:
Have you ever heard of Winter Soldier, cyclops? If you had been in Vietnam, you would have known what Kerry was from the very beginning. You will never ever convince me otherwise with any spin you can find. There is not one shred of chance ever that your spin can change reality. Kerry was a fraud and if you are too blind to see it, I feel sorry for you.

I've read many books and accounts, from both American soldiers and from Vietnamese who lived through the war, that exactly the sorts of things Kerry talked about happened. I have no idea how you could believe that they didn't happen. You don't like Kerry b/c he didn't hold up the American fighting man to be a saint.

Soldiers aren't saints. Conscripted soldiers even less so. Our soldiers in Iraq aren't saints. It just sticks in your craw that one of them had the guts to talk about the bad things that went on.

You carefully avoid ever mentioning that the Swift boaters were paid for their services as smear artists. And that they had changed their tunes in many cases from earlier praise of Kerry. You steadfastly refuse to discuss the specifics b/c you know it destroys your case. Typical, sad, but unsurprising.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 10:47 am
You probably know this, cyclops, but I don't have to read books about Vietnam, I was there, in the jungles for 12 months, not 4. If I wanted to, I could write a book too so you could read it and find out more about what happened. I would also like to have testified before Congress instead of Kerry so that maybe a little bit of truth could have been given to the American people.

You are talking about the Swift Boat people being paid for telling their stories about what they remembered about what happened, which is not a smear, cylcops, paid for what, expenses they incurred? My patience runs thin for people like yourself that smear the Swift Boaters. They spent more time in Vietnam than Kerry did, and they didn't go home early because of phony purple hearts, they served their country and they have just as much right to speak out as the dud, John Kerry. Wake up to reality and quit swallowing your Democrat spin machine propaganda.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 11:47 am
okie wrote:
You probably know this, cyclops, but I don't have to read books about Vietnam, I was there, in the jungles for 12 months, not 4. If I wanted to, I could write a book too so you could read it and find out more about what happened. I would also like to have testified before Congress instead of Kerry so that maybe a little bit of truth could have been given to the American people.

You are talking about the Swift Boat people being paid for telling their stories about what they remembered about what happened, which is not a smear, cylcops, paid for what, expenses they incurred? My patience runs thin for people like yourself that smear the Swift Boaters. They spent more time in Vietnam than Kerry did, and they didn't go home early because of phony purple hearts, they served their country and they have just as much right to speak out as the dud, John Kerry. Wake up to reality and quit swallowing your Democrat spin machine propaganda.
Dear Okie, you may be shocked to learn that there are more people on a2k who served in Vietnam than yourself and have many different opinions than yourself. You are not the center of the universe of opinion.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 12:27 pm
As long as they aren't the winter soldier type, fine, dys.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 12:47 pm
okie wrote:
As long as they aren't the winter soldier type, fine, dys.

You mean the 'tell the truth' type?

Do you deny that the things the Winter soldiers said actually happened? I would remind you that there certainly is evidence that much of it did.

I understand that it hurts the image of the US army to have their soldiers portrayed as anything less then saints, but let's be realistic here, Okie.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 01:15 pm
Good grief, cyclops, the Winter Soldier event has been proven to be much of it fraudulant. Don't you think we have wandered far off the path of the minimum wage. Even if we re-visited Winter Soldier, I doubt anything would be resolved, as you would hold onto your myths.

To sum it up quickly, there were atrocities in Vietnam, AS THERE HAS BEEN IN EVERY WAR, but nowhere near on the scale perpetrated onto the American people by Kerry and his message to Congress. I spent a year there and never saw any, and of all the fellow vets I know, I have never heard them say they saw any. It is my opinion he perpetrated a fraud, possibly unknowingly which makes him naive, or possibly knowingly which made him a fraud from the start. But he has since learned the truth I think, so he must be a fraud because he has never fully acknowledged it, at least to my knowledge. The Swift Boaters exposed much of his other stories of Vietnam as also fraudulant, and I believe them because their stories are more consistent with what I percieve to have been likely from personal experience.

There has been a large Democrat smear effort expended to spin the Swift Boaters to have conducted a smear campaign, but this basically boils down to who you want to believe. I believe the Swiftees, not because I want to but because their stories are more consistent with my own personal experience and I had already decided that Kerry was a fraud based on his entire record going back to Winter Soldier and his message to Congress.

You will believe what you want, I hope you feel good. I am extremely content with what I believe about this, and there is absolutely no question in my mind. Can we get back to the minimum wage?
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 01:48 pm
okie wrote:
Good grief, cyclops, the Winter Soldier event has been proven to be much of it fraudulant. Don't you think we have wandered far off the path of the minimum wage. Even if we re-visited Winter Soldier, I doubt anything would be resolved, as you would hold onto your myths.

To sum it up quickly, there were atrocities in Vietnam, AS THERE HAS BEEN IN EVERY WAR, but nowhere near on the scale perpetrated onto the American people by Kerry and his message to Congress. I spent a year there and never saw any, and of all the fellow vets I know, I have never heard them say they saw any. It is my opinion he perpetrated a fraud, possibly unknowingly which makes him naive, or possibly knowingly which made him a fraud from the start. But he has since learned the truth I think, so he must be a fraud because he has never fully acknowledged it, at least to my knowledge. The Swift Boaters exposed much of his other stories of Vietnam as also fraudulant, and I believe them because their stories are more consistent with what I percieve to have been likely from personal experience.

There has been a large Democrat smear effort expended to spin the Swift Boaters to have conducted a smear campaign, but this basically boils down to who you want to believe. I believe the Swiftees, not because I want to but because their stories are more consistent with my own personal experience and I had already decided that Kerry was a fraud based on his entire record going back to Winter Soldier and his message to Congress.

You will believe what you want, I hope you feel good. I am extremely content with what I believe about this, and there is absolutely no question in my mind. Can we get back to the minimum wage?

I'd prefer to believe the many different accounts I've read who have no reason whatsoever to lie; as opposed to those who definitely do have a reason, say, they were paid to do so or they don't want people to know what they saw or did. You don't commit atrocities, or watch or know someone doing it, and then go home and brag about it, jeez.

As for the minimum wage - I haven't seen a large number of companies going out of business over the raising of it, so at least some of the rhetoric was overblown.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 02:16 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Dear Okie, you may be shocked to learn that there are more people on a2k who served in Vietnam than yourself and have many different opinions than yourself. You are not the center of the universe of opinion.

What do you know about the Vietnam war? Weren't you part of those non-existent troops Uncle Sam had illegally stationed in Laos? Totally different country, dude!
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 03:40 pm
Thomas wrote:
dyslexia wrote:
Dear Okie, you may be shocked to learn that there are more people on a2k who served in Vietnam than yourself and have many different opinions than yourself. You are not the center of the universe of opinion.

What do you know about the Vietnam war? Weren't you part of those non-existent troops Uncle Sam had illegally stationed in Laos? Totally different country, dude!
Yes, of course, I've never been to Vietnam or Laos or Cambodia, or Spain or London but i kinda like the music.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 03:58 pm
How could Kerry have been wrong? Anything he said was understated. We killed over three million there, and god only knows what lasting damage we did the country and its people. Remember Agent Orange? Remember Mai Lie? We were the foreign beasts who invaded that peaceful agrarian country, for reasons that were lies.

Kerry's crew, except for one who was paid $50,000 by the Reps, backed Kerry 100 %. Other swiftboaters, who didn't see Kerry's boat in action, lied.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 04:09 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
I'd prefer to believe the many different accounts I've read who have no reason whatsoever to lie; as opposed to those who definitely do have a reason, say, they were paid to do so or they don't want people to know what they saw or did. You don't commit atrocities, or watch or know someone doing it, and then go home and brag about it, jeez.

First of all, many of the people in Detroit had not even been to Vietnam or in combat, and some had not even been in the military I don't think. Further, there were lots of reasons to lie, cyclops, and apparently was not hard for angry young idealogues, especially for people that never went to Vietnam, or were never in combat, or even for those that had been there that might have been bitter at the time, such as this guy:


A key part of it is this quote:
"They knew I was one of the very few real combat veterans in the room. I told them I didn't have anything to say. Kerry said, "Surely you've seen some of the atrocities.""

So the man essentially said Kerry knew there were very few legitimate people there and he knew it was a sham all along.

You should read this again and start having the courage to believe the truth even if it doesn't match what you have been taught.


It would be nice if Kerry would have as much honor as Mr. Pitkin, wouldn't it cyclops?
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 04:22 pm
Most of my information came from people describing the fashion in which they or their family members had been murdered or raped.

I have several close friends who are from Vietnam; either they all, independently of each other, have decided to massively lie and invent stories which would curdle milk, or yeah, there were some bad things going on over there that we just happened to be associated with.

Your personal problems with Kerry are uninteresting to me.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 04:36 pm
I have no clue about your friends, cyclops, whether they tell you the truth or not. You will have to be the judge. I would counter with the additional information that I have known at least 2 people from Vietnam well enough to know this was not their experience, and a few more more distantly that have not spoken of any such things to my knowledge. I have however heard stories from these people about the communists killing members of their family, but I don't suppose you would care about that?

My problems with Kerry are far more than personal. He indicted the entire country, and I would think every citizen would care, or should care if you care about the country, maybe you don't? If you looked at the links I provided, you would know it.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 04:52 pm
okie wrote:
I have no clue about your friends, cyclops, whether they tell you the truth or not. You will have to be the judge. I would counter with the additional information that I have known at least 2 people from Vietnam well enough to know this was not their experience, and a few more more distantly that have not spoken of any such things to my knowledge. I have however heard stories from these people about the communists killing members of their family, but I don't suppose you would care about that?

My problems with Kerry are far more than personal. He indicted the entire country, and I would think every citizen would care, or should care if you care about the country, maybe you don't? If you looked at the links I provided, you would know it.

The same families talked about the communists killing their families. Some of them had family in Cambodia who naturally don't exist any longer. I wouldn't want to be included in the same company personally.

I think the US is responsible for the things we do, or the things our armies do in our name. The people of the US are responsible. You and I are responsible. I bear this burden, but you - and most Republicans - are unwilling to do so.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 05:18 pm
Name a war that was free of unfortunate circumstances, cyclops. Because you drive a car and advocate driving cars, do you feel personally responsible for all the deaths because of auto mishaps and criminal deaths due to people using a car?

If you wish to blame anyone for Vietnam, I suggest you look at LBJ for starters. But people in Vietnam now, many love the U.S., from what I have heard.
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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 05:26 pm
okie wrote:
Name a war that was free of unfortunate circumstances, cyclops. Because you drive a car and advocate driving cars, do you feel personally responsible for all the deaths because of auto mishaps and criminal deaths due to people using a car?

If you wish to blame anyone for Vietnam, I suggest you look at LBJ for starters. But people in Vietnam now, many love the U.S., from what I have heard.

I do blame LBJ. And others. I blame myself for the Iraq war, in part; I didn't do enough to stop it. I could have done more.

You will note that I neither drive a car, nor do I advocate others driving cars. I advocate bicycling and public transit.

Many people in Vietnam do love the US; that doesn't mean we didn't do some brutal **** over there, stuff that people wanted hushed up. Because it is embarrassing to the US to be seen as something other than pristine.

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Reply Wed 10 Oct, 2007 10:26 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
okie wrote:
Name a war that was free of unfortunate circumstances, cyclops. Because you drive a car and advocate driving cars, do you feel personally responsible for all the deaths because of auto mishaps and criminal deaths due to people using a car?

If you wish to blame anyone for Vietnam, I suggest you look at LBJ for starters. But people in Vietnam now, many love the U.S., from what I have heard.

I do blame LBJ. And others. I blame myself for the Iraq war, in part; I didn't do enough to stop it. I could have done more.

By not stopping it, cylcops, you might have saved thousands if not millions of lives.

You will note that I neither drive a car, nor do I advocate others driving cars. I advocate bicycling and public transit.

I forgot, but without other people driving cars and trucks, plus trains, airplanes and ships, you might not even be surviving right now. Your life style depends upon other people driving whether you do or not.

Many people in Vietnam do love the US; that doesn't mean we didn't do some brutal **** over there, stuff that people wanted hushed up. Because it is embarrassing to the US to be seen as something other than pristine.


To repeat for the umpteenth time, name a war that doesn't have unfortunate damage to bystanders. The fact is we don't know for sure what would have happened if we had not gone there, but conditions might well have been worse there now than what has transpired. Why is your wrath not turned on the people that really deserve it, such as communists that have no problem exterminating anyone that does not cooperate with them? You might want to read the following:


This in that report about Vietnam and Cambodia, which shows the communists were responsible for more deaths than the war we were involved in there. And it is my feeling that the people, especially the younger people that were exposed to the Americans and have experienced the dark side of communist rule are now grown and helping to run the country there, and thus they are now loosening their grip and opening up the country to business with the U.S. Many of them love us and they also are grateful for the sacrifices of our troops on their soil. Perhaps all was not lost afterall.

"Ho was dead of old age by the time Communist forces triumphed in 1975, but the post-war atrocities were in his Stalinist tradition. Slave labor plus brain- washing yielded the infamous "re-education camps" to which anti-Communists, dissidents, former civil servants of South Vietnam, prostitutes, and others were condemned. The death rate of the hundreds of thousands of inmates in these camps was high. Fear of these camps led to the exodus of hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese on makeshift boats; many of these refugees perished at sea. Even Vietnamese who escaped the re-education camps were often deported to the country for milder slave labor in the "new economic zones." The post-war executions, concentration camps, and deportations probably produced several hundred thousand additional deaths.

A final major atrocity of the Vietnamese Communists began in 1979. The Khmer Rouge, a Cambodian Communist faction, had been in power since 1975. Relations between the Vietnamese Communists and the Khmer Rouge were however hostile. Vietnam invaded and quickly defeated Cambodia in 1979, revealing to the world the ghastly killing fields of the Khmer Rouge. Now that the Vietnamese were in charge, however, mass murder was merely curtailed rather than abolished. The Vietnamese puppet ruler, Heng Samrin, was himself merely a dissident member of the Khmer Rouge, so what else could be expected? Supported by Vietnamese troops, the Samrin regime exterminated perhaps an additional half million Cambodians."

I noticed not long ago that Kerry continues to make insulting statements about Vietnam, I would have to dig it up, but it was something along the line that the re-education camps and so forth were fairly reasonable and mild following our exit from Vietnam.

I apologize for carrying this conversation on long after saying we should get back to the minimum wage.
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 11:33 am
Cyclops, if you want to check this subject out more, I started a thread about it.

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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 01:14 pm
The miminum hourly wage in USA is $5.15. Over a year's time, a person working 2,080 hours (40 hours x 52 weeks) earns a total of $10,712. Deducting income taxes and social-security withholding, one's net earning is approximately $8,000. To a person living in a third-world country (where everything, particularly food and shelter, is low-priced), $10,000 or even $8,000 is a lot of money. But, everything is relative; in USA, one earning $10,000 a year is living below the poverty line. Interestingly, in USA, despite this below-poverty-line minimum hourly wage, it has not been changed in a decade -- it stood at $5.15 for ten solid years. During this period, salaries of members of the Congress have been adjusted ten times -- like clockwork, once a year, every year. A couple of days ago, I saw a TV image (produced by CNBC, a business-oriented program, not a campaign ad) showing the amount of time needed to earn $10,000 by various entities. Leading the pack is a financial-service institution (the one the current Treasury secretary served as its CEO before resigning to accept his new position); it takes that institution a solid 80 seconds to earn $10,000. After a couple of other listings (I did not read fast enough to catch their identity), the TV image gives "member of the House" -- he/she needs six days to earn $10,000. (In all fairness, this is a tongue-in-cheek calculation. A member of the house earns, in 2006, $165,0000. During the year, the House met 95 times/days. Thus, a member of the House earned $1,736 for each of these 95 days, or $10,000 in slightly less than 6 days of attendance.) In the caboose position is the minimum-wage worker; he/she needs 48.5 weeks to make $10,000.
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 01:42 pm
"During his presidency, Bill Clinton gave states the power to set their minimum wages above the federal level. As of April 2006, 18 states had done so; while Michigan has increased its minimum wage rate as of October 1, 2006.[9] [10] Community organizing efforts initiated by ACORN were responsible for the increases in some states such as Florida and Nevada. Some government entities, such as counties and cities, observe minimum wages that are higher than the state as a whole. Another device to increase wages, living wage ordinances apply only to businesses that are under contract to the local government itself. Santa Fe's $9.50-per-hour minimum wage is the highest in the nation, and there are plans to increase this wage to $10.50 in 2008.

Many progressive politicians in the United States advocate linking the minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index, thereby producing small annual increases rather than the larger hikes that tend to be adopted when legislation to do so is passed. Oregon has linked its minimum wage to the consumer price index. Oregon's minimum wage is now $7.50 per hour
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