Schwarzenegger Announces : Running for CA Gov.

cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2003 07:24 pm
That's one aspect of Ahnold's run that didn't enter my mind. Very plausible, but I think Ahnold is still in hot pursuit of the gov's mansion.
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Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2003 08:22 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
The details escapes me, but I thought I read in the paper recently that a judge settled the energy penalties down to a few measely million dollars from the original billions. Maybe somebody can find that article.

It's covered in that long article from the New York Times that I only provided excerpts for.

In the meantime, here are some more dots to connect.

Full article can be found here. http://truthout.org/docs_03/100403G.shtml

Here are some excerpts:

Schwarzenegger Sows Doubt Among State Environmentalists
By Miguel Bustillo And Marla Cone
The Los Angeles Times

Friday 03 October 2003

Recent remark, later clarified by aides, about the possibility of scrapping Cal/EPA only bolsters skepticism.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger suggested this week that he would consider eliminating the California Environmental Protection Agency to cut government waste, he cemented what has emerged as a near-universal distrust of his gubernatorial candidacy among conservationists.

Schwarzenegger has made a concerted play for the environmental vote, tapping his wife's cousin, prominent conservation attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr., to help fashion his platform. His campaign pronouncements more closely match the environmental views of the man he wants to replace in Tuesday's recall election, Democrat Gray Davis, than those of his fellow Republican, President Bush.

Yet he has failed to sway a single major environmental organization to his side, and most conservationists continue to view the actor, famous for driving a gas-guzzling Hummer, with deep skepticism.

At the same time Schwarzenegger has pledged to strengthen environmental protections, he has also promised to reduce regulations on businesses and streamline the state bureaucracy to better mirror the federal government.

Many conservationists, who are waging war against the environmental policies of the Bush administration, see those objectives as contradictory. They fear that if Schwarzenegger is elected, he will modify the state's trend-setting environmental policies, the toughest in the nation on problems such as air pollution.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Oct, 2003 10:09 pm
Butrflynet wrote:

What I wonder is whether or not the 11th hour surge of dirt is coming from the conservative wing of the Right in an effort to dissuade people from voting for Arnold and switch to McClintock.


Good analysis here. Right-wing conservatives are known for their smear campaigns.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2003 06:05 pm
How come Arnold seems to benefit from some teflon layer, that protects him against all too strict a scrutiny over ever new accusations and barely-remarked flip-flops? One answer, the NYT suggests, is his campaign's welding of the worlds of entertainment and politics, like no campaign did before. Different standards are simply applied to an actor than to a doctor or politician - plus, by purposefully keeping a "circus" element in his campaign, the Schwarzenegger promoters also ensure that the rules of "serious politics" aren't as stringently applied.

But the article points out another thing as well. Schwarzenegger has succeeded in making himself the anti-Davis candidate incarnate, not primarily through attacking him, but through cultivating the assumption that he's the best - or only - shot people have to get him out. And that is motivating whole swathes of the previously disaffected:

[M]any [voters] are so bent on removing Mr. Davis from office that they have become vested in Mr. Schwarzenegger's success. A Field Poll released on Friday indicated that 60 percent of likely voters who intended to vote "yes" on the recall said they would also vote for Mr. Schwarzenegger. [..]

"If you look at the polls, it is clear people have settled on Arnold Schwarzenegger as the viable one," Mr. Steinberg said. "Above all, they want to get rid of Davis, and they see him as the strongest challenger." [..]

The poll, which showed Mr. Schwarzenegger with a 10 percentage point lead over Mr. Bustamante among likely voters, indicated that the recall had strong support among people who skipped the election last November or voted for someone other than Mr. Davis or Bill Simon Jr., his Republican opponent.

The Schwarzenegger camp reads the numbers as evidence that those voters who are disaffected from politics as usual see the recall as an opportunity for significant change, a point that even Davis supporters find difficult to dispute. [..]

One crucial unknown is who will show up on Tuesday. Several statewide polls have differed in the definition of likely voters, in large part because there is no precedent for such an election. The Schwarzenegger campaign takes heart in estimates that more than 270,000 new voters registered in September, with anecdotal evidence that many were motivated by the recall.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2003 06:27 pm
Exactly why I said in an earlier post that I think there will be some last minute manipulating going on, if it isn't already in progress.

Arnold has done the job that was asked of him. He got the majority of people thinking "republican". Now the Party wants him to step aside and let McClintok take it on home.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that all the previously known but ignored dirt is being recirculated in a calculated effort to force him to step.
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Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2003 07:12 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Arnold has done the job that was asked of him. He got the majority of people thinking "republican". Now the Party wants him to step aside and let McClintok take it on home.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that all the previously known but ignored dirt is being recirculated in a calculated effort to force him to step.

Really? That would be an extremely risky gamble to take, though, wouldnt it?

I mean - the Schwarzenegger voters would most likely scatter, in such a scenario - the non-voters, third-party voters he partly relies on are not the most likely to transfer their loyalties in orderly fashion merely because the Republican party tells them to ...

Some would go to various other candidates, some even to Bustamente. The same article above after all also notes that, in absolute numbers, more Schwarzenegger-voters call themselves middle-of-the-road or even liberal than conservative. Those can not be simply counted upon to switch to McClintock.

All in all one would need to be pretty cocksure to just gamble that, in such a scenario, enough more Schwarzenegger voters will switch to McC than to Bustamente to ensure that the former, not the latter, ends first. And this admin isn't really into just letting things happen like that and see whatll happen, is it?

Anyways, Schwarzenegger doesnt seem to be in the least fazed by the accusations, and the electoral damage they caused seems to be rather limited ... Alas.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Oct, 2003 07:33 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
Exactly why I said in an earlier post that I think there will be some last minute manipulating going on, if it isn't already in progress.

Arnold has done the job that was asked of him. He got the majority of people thinking "republican". Now the Party wants him to step aside and let McClintok take it on home.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to find out that all the previously known but ignored dirt is being recirculated in a calculated effort to force him to step.

Reminds me of the situation with Issa, who may haev been led to believe he was buying th governorship,and then had the rug pulled from under him. Then again, I'm sure many of the right wing fundys are quite uncomfortable with the thought of an Arab American governor named "Jesus."
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 12:29 am

McClintock Calls on Schwarzenegger to Resign If Charges Prove True

State Senator Tom McClintock called on Arnold Schwarzenegger to withdraw from the race for governor if allegations of improper sexual advances prove to be true.

Asked by reporters what he would tell Schwarzenegger, McClintock said, "If those allegations are true, you should drop out of the race."

McClintock was careful not to condemn Schwarzenegger out of hand, but made his feelings on the issue clear. "If the allegations are true, and again coming as late as they are, I believe they need to be treated with great skepticism, that conduct is reprehensible," he said.

He went on to tell reporters that if the charges are proven, Schwarzenegger does not deserve to occupy the governor's office. "As the father of a 13-year-old daughter, I would have a great deal of trouble accepting that that kind of conduct has been elevated to the highest office in the state," he said.

The potential scandal hovering over Schwarzenegger could provide an unexpected boost for McClintock's campaign. The conservative state senator is current lagging well behind both Schwarzenegger and Democrat Cruz Bustamante in the polls.

Story last updated Saturday, October 04, 2003 - 12:29 AM
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 12:45 am


Religious Conservatives Stand Behind McClintock in Recall Race
By Jimmy Moore
Talon News
October 2, 2003

Editor's Note: Corrected comments by Mike Spence to put in proper context.

SACRAMENTO (Talon News) -- Religious conservative groups in California have begun a media campaign to help Republican state Sen. Tom McClintock get elected.

Rev. Lou Sheldon, who serves as president of TVC, says the recall was unnecessary if Schwarzenegger is elected because he is the same as Davis.

"The ultimate message is there's no difference between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gray Davis, so what's the purpose of the recall?" said the Rev. Lou Sheldon, head of the TVC's political action committee. "It reminds them to make a better choice."

Another conservative pro-family political action committee called Save California has paid for a radio advertising campaign designed to show Schwarzenegger and Bustamante do not hold favorable positions on issues regarding the family.

Randy Thomasson, spokesman for Save California, claims that Schwarzenegger would ruin the strides that the Republican Party has made to strengthen the family in the past decade.

"Arnold is for homosexual adoptions, gay 'marriage' by another name, and taxpayer-funded abortions through all nine months of pregnancy," remarked Thomasson. "The Terminator is terminating family values and is spoiling the pro-family image of the Republican Party."

In an intriguing role reversal, Save California is asking Schwarzenegger to get out of the recall election to make room for the more conservative, family-oriented McClintock. Sen. McClintock has been urged by some California Republicans to drop out of the race to make room for Schwarzenegger.

A new poll of conservative Republicans finds that close to two-thirds of McClintock's supporters are leaning towards voting "no" on the recall to prevent Schwarzenegger from being elected governor.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 06:55 am
Thats all good news in my book. Let the conservatives attack Schwarzenegger from the right - and let them especially pick up on this issue, so that the Schwarzeneggero's can no longer brush it aside as merely being Gray Davis playing more of his dirty tricks. Huzzah.

I'd bet a fine sum that Schwarzenegger will not step out; and even should he step out I think its highly unlikely that a plurality of the liberal, multi-ethnic Californian voters will vote for McClintock instead. Schwarzenegger is pulling a lot of Independents and Democrats - especially the latter wont suddenly veer to the far right.

Most likely, moreover, many of them would just stay home, as "Schwarzenegger" and "recall" have come to be equated: no Arnold, no drive to go to the recall. If Arnold should step out - which I dont think he will - even Davis might thus still have a chance.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 01:33 pm
nimh, I'm seeing a different picture from my vantage point in Silicon Valley. No matter what the bruhaha about Ahnold's sexual indescretions, he's gonna win, because of the young voters. I'm voting "no" on the recall, even though I want Davis out, but voting for Camejo (my wife's choice) who doesn't have a prayer of winning.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:02 pm

The executive producer of Arnold Schwarzenegger's recent film COLLATERAL DAMAGE is warning colleagues in a purported email: "Please be sure to vote NO on the recall. I know Arnold personally. He is in no way qualified to govern anybody or anything."

An email claimed to be written by producer Hawk Koch began circulating in top studio circles on Monday, THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"Friends, Please be sure to vote on Tuesday. Please be sure to vote NO on the recall. I know Arnold personally. He is in no way qualified to govern anybody or anything.

"I spent 6 months with him, he showed ZERO leadership qualities. Even less understanding of budgets...

"We must stop him and that means you must do whatever you can to be sure and get to your polling place. Also call or e-mail all your like minded or on the fence friends a get them out there. Thanks Hawk."

Koch, who has donated dollars to Democrats in the past, could not be reached after repeated requests for comment.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:09 pm
Hmmm.... Wonder what exactly Hawk is qualified for?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:10 pm
I'm no Ahnold supporter, but these "unqualified" claims is bull ****.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:20 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
nimh, I'm seeing a different picture from my vantage point in Silicon Valley. No matter what the bruhaha about Ahnold's sexual indescretions, he's gonna win, because of the young voters.

Yeh, eh, thats what I was saying up a post or two - I agree (alas).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:23 pm
TNR launches a newest far-fetched conspiracy theory: "Did Arnold Schwarzenegger plant the woman-groping rumors against himself?" See today's item on Easterblogg.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 05:52 pm
Arnold tried to erase his past by buying Pumping Iron rights
When confronted with his Hitler statements, Arnold claimed he didn't remember saying anything like that. But, in 1991, he remember enough to buy the rights to the evidence and the right to destroy it.

OCTOBER 6--It's unlikely that anyone will ever know for sure what Arnold Schwarzenegger had to say about Adolf Hitler since the actor bought the rights to "Pumping Iron" and all the outtakes from the 1977 film--and the July 1991 purchase agreement stipulated that Schwarzenegger can destroy the footage if he chooses.

Below you'll find excerpts from the 57-page sale document. The $1.25 million agreement between Schwarzenegger and "Pumping Iron" director George Butler allowed the star to "destroy any and all portion thereof" of the film and 90 hours of additional footage as well as still photographs owned by Butler that Schwarzenegger considered "embarrassing" or which might "reflect negatively" on the actor's "professional or private life."

The purchase agreement and accompanying deal memorandum were secret until partners of Butler's learned of the sale to Schwarzenegger and filed a lawsuit claiming that he did not have the right to sell the material. After years of litigation, Schwarzenegger settled the case with a $400,000 payment to Butler's former business associates.

As with most defendants, Schwarzenegger was not pleased to be sued over the Butler deal. In fact, when a female employee of the plaintiffs's law firm served him with legal papers during a New York fundraiser, he responded, "You ****." The vulgarity was first reported by The New York Observer in a November 1993 story about the "Pumping Iron" litigation. In fact, the young woman even testified in detail about the incident during a subsequent court "traverse hearing" regarding a defense challenge to the sufficiency of the process service. (10 pages)

Fortunately, Arnold didn't buy the rights to that 1977 Oui interview.

The rights buying document:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2003 06:00 pm
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John Webb
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2003 08:44 am
Arnold must win today. After all, if he doesn't get enough votes, he can always appeal to the Republican majority in the Supreme Court. Twisted Evil Now why does that sound so familiar? Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2003 10:27 am
I get the feeling that the results of this election may not be apparent by the dawn's early light tomorrow. If you catch my drift...
0 Replies

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