Lightwizard wrote:The debate last night was great entertainment, Ahnold promising he had a part for Arianna in "Terminator IV." Was that a hint that the evil robot was going to again be a female?
He also told her she had a loophole in her tax plan big enough to drive his Hummer through! She hates SUV's!
As well she should. They represent American consumerism at its worst: wasteful, polluting and totally unnecessary.
And now, for something completely different...
I switched back and forth last night between the Cali debate and another show.
I can't give a factually informed critique, but I hid behind my hands during a couple of Arnold moments. He seemed very simplistic to me.
McClintock...(OK, blanking on his name) would have earned my vote...
If anyone without a pro- or anti-Arnold bias could fill me in-- Did I just catch him at bad moment "Taxes go up, up, up..." or did he do pretty dismally?
He actually got a little more articulate than tax, tax, tax, and seemed fairly informed on the questions asked. Probably looked better given expectations of him were low.
And today, are even lower!!!!!!
Arnold continued to mouth platitudes and cliches that have been his mainstay in his campaign speeches. Nothing new; nothing better.
Lightwizard wrote:That "correctly" and "wrongly" is precisely where the divides are -- who is determining what is correct and what is wrong?
Those who favor expanding the Constitution like to pretend ascertaining original intent is an arcane, black art. It is not. As I have stated ad nauseum in these discussions, the authors of the Constitution wrote in detail to tell us what they intended. Anyone who pretends they meant something different is either ignorant or willfully perverting the Constitution for their own purposes.
Scrat wrote:As I have stated ad nauseum in these discussions, the authors of the Constitution wrote in detail to tell us what they intended.
Indeed you have, Scrat. Yet we still get it wrong. How upsetting this must be for you...
So I am to assume one can believe that the Supreme Court wasn't the ideal of the founding fathers to ultimately interpret the words of the Constitution? There are, after all, no absolutes in semantics -- one can explain and explain what they believe the forefathers meant and still come out either right or wrong in someone's eyes. Then it becomes only opinion. That's what judges write -- opinion. If it sticks, the forefathers can roll over and over in their graves, groaning that their words have been distorted. I rather think from reading the Federalist Papers that they meant to Constitution to be a flexible document and their meaning would be fine tuned to keep up with the times.
I just found it in the Constitution the other night where it specifically says that the Supreme Court is too step into any close election and decide the Presidency in favor of the Federalist Party member. Yeah baby!!!
So by that logic then:
"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
might become:
"...the right of the people to bare arms, shall not be infringed. So long as you wear sunscreen."
Here's the latest from California. The polls now show that over 60 percent wants to recall Davis. Another change is that Ahnold is now ahead of Bustamante in the polls. Nine more days till election day.
If I were a Dixie Chick, I'd be in Canada right now announcing to an audience that I am embarrassed to be from the same state as Arnold.
Only in California would you find people thinking that the best way to solve the worst fiscal crisis in state history is to elect the Terminator.
I am very much afraid that we are going to have to go along with the will of the people.
If, as the most recent polls show, the people of California reject Davis and elect Schwarzenegger, it will show that the "elite" pundits--the "wine and cheese" crowd who are oh so finely tuned and superby educated will just have to go along with the will of the "masses"
How Revolting!!!!
This is the land of opportunity and opportunists. I think if Ahnold wins he has the right to prove he can do to California what he did to Planet Hollywood.
The food wasn't just mediocre at Planet Hollywood, it was grossly overpriced and the service was terrible.
The rise of a new idiom: "We've been Schwarzeneggered" No wonder I feel so bad, thought it was a Mac truck.
When Schwartzenegger wins the governorship in California and the Texa Legislature completes its re-districting, then the posters like Professor Hobitbob and Blatham will realize that all of the puffery and rhetoric in the world will do nothing to stop the destruction of the Anti-American left wing.