Schwarzenegger Announces : Running for CA Gov.

Reply Mon 11 Aug, 2003 10:13 am
Interesting (as I'm sure has already been noted here) that Arnold is pro-choice and pro-gay rights. Not exactly the model conservative is he?

How do the True Believers feel about this? That anyone, even a womanizing, leftish Republican with no political experience, is better for the state?
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Reply Mon 11 Aug, 2003 10:25 am
They may find Gray Davis was more valuable to them as governor than Arnold may be, if he gets it. Back to Clinton for a minute: would he be expending political capital if he didn't think there were a chance that Dems could pull this out? Or perhaps something more complicated than that??
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Reply Mon 11 Aug, 2003 10:27 am
If they're old friends, then Clinton may feel some obligation to help Davis. He must also feel Davis has a fighting chance. Today's NY Times reports that Bush will be keeping his mouth shut in upcoming visits to Calif. His own ratings aren't so high there these days...
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 06:13 pm
What a POS chavinist pig.

"You don't get it," says a producer who's worked with Schwarzenegger. "That's the way Arnold always behaves. For some reason, [this time] the studio or the publicists couldn't put enough pressure on the women to kill the story."

* * *

A female producer on one of Schwarzenegger's films tells of a time when her ex-husband came to visit the set. When she introduced the man to Schwarzenegger, the star quipped, "Is this guy the reason why you didn't come up to my hotel room last night and suck my cock?"

A woman who went to the set of 1996's "Eraser" recalls the friend she was visiting there being asked to retrieve Schwarzenegger from his trailer for a shot that was ready to roll earlier than expected. "He asked me if I wanted to meet Arnold, and I said sure. When we opened the door to his trailer, Arnold was giving oral sex to a woman. He looked up and, with that accent, said very slowly, "Eating is not cheating." I met him again about a year later and asked him, in German, whether or not eating was cheating, and he just laughed."

* * *

A lot of people must feel the same. A lawyer who frequents Cafe Roma, a Beverly Hills bistro that is a hangout for real and wannabe wiseguys, says, "When ever I see Schwarzenegger and his crew [walk into the place], I leave quickly and go to another restaurant. This guy is a real pig. He will say the most disgusting sexual things to women he doesn't know. Everybody knows he is Arnold Schwarzenegger. . . . But in any other city, somebody would have cracked him by now." In Hollywood, though, nobody cracks a billion-dollar box office gorilla.

Much more from Premiere magazine, via Hums the Bird's BLOGNY.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 06:27 pm
So, does this mean that if Arnold only appears on talk shows such as the Tonight Show, the equal time rule will not apply?

I'd really love to see all 200 candidates submit requests for equal time at least once. Let them get their $3500 worth.


Schwarzenegger Films Would Trigger FCC Equal Time Rule
By Gary Gentile The Associated Press
Published: Aug 12, 2003

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Arnold Schwarzenegger's foray into California's gubernatorial recall election poses a dilemma for broadcasters who might be tempted to show his films during the race: Doing so would allow rival candidates to demand equal time.
For that reason, broadcasters in California will likely not air Schwarzenegger movies such as "Total Recall" and the "Terminator" or a repeat of a "Diff'rent Strokes" episode with Gary Coleman for the next few months.

Cable channels are not covered by the Federal Communications Commission's equal-time provision, which in the past kept reruns of "Death Valley Days" off the air while Ronald Reagan ran for president. A repeat of a "Saturday Night Live" episode featuring Don Novello, aka Father Guido Sarducci, on cable, for instance, would not trigger the provision.

The National Association of Broadcasters sent an alert to its California members reminding them about the consequences of the equal-time provision. The provision would also apply to stations in neighboring states that reach a sizable number of California voters.

"It's doubtful Arnold's movies will be shown on local broadcast stations between now and the election," said Dennis Wharton, an NAB spokesman.

Equal time is not automatic. Candidates must file a request within seven days, and the provision makes exceptions for appearances on news programs, interview programs such as "Meet the Press," documentaries or spot coverage of news events.

The FCC has ruled in the past that shows such as "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood," which are likely to devote a lot of air time to the celebrity aspect of the election, qualify as news shows.

The number of candidates in California's recall race makes equal-time concerns even more thorny. The one candidate with questionable standing? Gray Davis.

California's recall statute does not recognize Davis as a candidate in the recall election, but the FCC most likely would, based on a previous ruling.

The Oct. 7 ballot will ask voters if they want to recall Davis, but his name will not appear on the list of replacement candidates. The FCC ruled in a similar recall situation that it would be unfair not to give the incumbent an equal chance to answer his critics.

The rule also requires broadcasters and radio stations to offer candidates their lowest advertising rates, a right that would be given to Davis along with the other candidates based on the FCC's previous ruling.

Read the full article here:

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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 06:31 pm
To be honest, PDiddie, I'm not so sure the image of a womanizer is going to tarnish Arnold's election bid. It is part of the role he plays in his movies and it is that role that people are voting for, not the man reciting the lines of the script. The womanizer image just adds to the muscle man hero worship.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 06:44 pm
For anyone else looking for this information, here it is. I need to re-register myself since I recently moved.

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The final day to register to vote in the recall election is Sept. 22.

Registration forms are available online (www.ss.ca.gov), at post offices, Department of Motor Vehicle offices, city halls, fire stations, libraries, banks and welfare offices throughout most counties. Forms can also be requested by mail or telephone.

Applications for absentee ballots will be accepted through Sept. 30.

Voters who have moved within a county since the last election must reregister with their new address by Sept. 22 to qualify to vote in the Oct. 7 recall.

Voters who have filed for permanent absentee voter ballots will receive their ballots in the mail sometime after Sept. 8.

Polling locations will be determined in early September, with voters notified of their polling places by mail shortly afterward.

If anyone knows where to find the procedure for applying for a job as a poll worker, let me know. I've been looking on the Sec. State site but nothing is posted yet. Also watching the League of Women Voters site for the info....
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 07:20 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
To be honest, PDiddie, I'm not so sure the image of a womanizer is going to tarnish Arnold's election bid. It is part of the role he plays in his movies and it is that role that people are voting for, not the man reciting the lines of the script. The womanizer image just adds to the muscle man hero worship.

My God, Sad this makes me cringe, especially coming from a woman in California.

Have we fallen so far? Confused

(Nothing personal, Butr.)
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 07:41 pm
You should hear some of the person-on-the-street interviews on the local stations here. That womanizing muscle man hero worship is exactly what the folks are cheering about. These folks have literally said "If Arnold can do for California what he does in the movies, I'm voting for him!"

And yes, we have fallen that far.... not just we, but politics in general. I can't quite figure out how to describe it...but it feels like the U.S. is at a crossroads politically. It can't continue the status quo, drastic reforms are needed. The question is, do we still have that caliber of intelligence and foresight in America to produce those reforms? Sometimes I seriously doubt it, not necessarily because we don't have the think tanks to come up with the ideas, but because the citizens have become too jaded and cynical to allow it to occur.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 07:49 pm
Whether candidates womanize or men-ize has nothing to do with who I vote for. I am sorry about the impact that catching people at womanizing behavior has had on our elected representatives, or those who hope to be. I am against the recall, but think a campaign based on Arnold's apparent womanizing is just sad.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 08:00 pm
Surely if California Democrats, true conservatives (those that object not only to boorish behavior but drug use and cinematic violence), and women of intelligence are all capable of voting for anyone but Musclehead, he doesn't stand a realistic chance.

This media frenzy will re-focus on Kobe or Laci by next week.

Tell me I ain't wrong...
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 08:10 pm
Ok, and I am sad too that anyone would think womanizing, etc., are exciting, reasons for voting for him.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 08:16 pm
Speaking of height, how tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger? I ran into him, literally, once, as he was coming out of a bakery in Ocean Park (CA) and I was entering. I don't remember him as being all that imposing. (Muhammed Ali, who my friend and I met when she saw him and gasped, and then he bent and kissed her hand...he was imposing....sigh, in front of the same bakery).

Not that height matters a whit either, except that some of this apparent fervor is built on movie presence.

Muscleheadedness, that matters.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 08:45 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Whether candidates womanize or men-ize has nothing to do with who I vote for. I am sorry about the impact that catching people at womanizing behavior has had on our elected representatives, or those who hope to be. I am against the recall, but think a campaign based on Arnold's apparent womanizing is just sad.

Exactly, Osso. I would rather NOT see it become the focus of the election. All it does is bring us down to the same level as those who hyper ventilated over Clinton getting a blow job and detracts from any issues being discussed. Maybe that's the idea. Titillate the kiddies and distract them from demanding answers to the really important questions.
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Reply Tue 12 Aug, 2003 10:20 pm
I see on Google that he is 6-2. Well, maybe, could be. I am 5'6" and have this flickering memory, of oh, he's not so big...

I know it's irrelevant, re being governor, just thinking about the power of image.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 12:25 am
Arnold's biceps are certainly large than his earlobes except I don't think he's really capable of listening. Good polticians listen, but, in truth, most of them need cognitive therepy.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 09:40 am
I think that 6'2" Internet estimate is a bit exagerated. I've also heard that he is in fact fairly short.

Muhammad Ali was/is 6'4" tall and every bit of it as well, I met him a couple times and he was just huge.
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 11:59 am
For a little comedy re Arnold's run:

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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 06:12 pm
I heard something disturbing on the news last night. (you're all much more informed than I am so you probably know this)

California won't be ready with the electronic voting system for this election, (they were expecting to be ready for the next regular election) so of course we will be using the cards (chads) again.

With the amount of people running, there could be as many as six or so paper ballots listing the candidates which will have to be handed in by each individual voter!

Each card from the same voter will have to be grouped together, laid out and inspected individually, by hand to check for the vote and to make sure no one has voted more than once.

They said this could take days. My God. This is going to make Palm Beach look like--- a walk on the beach!
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Reply Wed 13 Aug, 2003 06:46 pm
Personally, I'm thinking of voting for the chad. I'm sure it would do just as good a job governing as anyone else on the list. By the time they get done counting all the ballots, there will be many more loose, hanging, almost pregnant and very pregnant baby chads to count on to get up off the floor and do the work in carrying the election to a successful conclusion.

Chad for Governor!
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