CalamityJane wrote:Chai wrote:The word marriage, in any language means commitment, period. Not commitment when it's convenient, or when you aren't turned on by an attractive person or mentally stimulated by someone interesting. I mean, talk about entitlement.
You're saying this while admitting earlier that you cheated on your former spouse with your current husband? How convenient is that?
Yes CJ, I did say, and I did admit.....if you had bothered to read, (wait, what am I saying, you read, but didn't bother to include the rest of what I "convenient") the rest of my former post...I said....
if someone had told me what I was doing was wrong, I would have had no problem with agreeing.
I certainly wouldn't have been angry at someone judging me for that.
It does happen for love at times, but I'm not going to make excuses for my self and go on about how that was the case with me. Who cares?
You make a commitment to someone, you take the results of breaking that commitment to the grave
I'm not angry at you for judging that what I did was wrong. I will live the rest of my life knowing what I did at that time was wrong. If I went on to explain the circumstances, it would sound like I was justifying and making excuses, so I'm not going to do that.....I was not entitled to do what I did, I was not patient and waited until the divorces were final first.
Retaining the knowledge one did wrong for the rest of their days does not equal beating yourself up over it every day of your life. That goes for everything you do, not just cheating. That doesn't make it "convenient"
Part of my commiting adultery in the past is a factor, albeit a small one today, in my emphasis on my marriage being faithful today.