Setanta wrote:From the time i was six years old, i was placed in exactly the same situation as all the other children in our family. You were responsible for all children younger and smaller than you, and we were frequently left, several of us, or just one of us, to care for the smaller children for hours on end, perhaps even all day, which included, but was not limited to, bathing them, dressing them, changing their shitty diapers, feeding them, putting them down for the naps, and keeping them out of the dirt and out of trouble.
Which is why I already said that you would know this element, then, the same way a parent knows; and that someone like, say, me, would not know.
Setanta wrote:Linkat has been crowing about being a parent and having been a childless adult and attempting to claim that people who don't have children don't know. So à propos of that ludicrously unfounded assertion, i was pointing out that even if someone were a parent, it would not be evidence that they were a competent parent, and their opinion might therefore not be any more valuable than someone who has never been a parent.
OK, so it
was a straw man. I mean, considering that Linkat never said that "people who don't have children don't know" (she only said that there is
some element that they could not know, which is an obvious enough observation). And that she never even
remotely said that someone just being a parent in itself is "evidence that they were a competent parent".
OK then.
kickycan wrote:I STILL disagree. Every parent is different, and every child is different. Parents might have special knowledge of their particular child, but I don't think anything they might know about their child can be extrapolated beyond that particular kid. So just because one parent knows what their child will or won't do in a certain situation, or how their child might react in a certain situation, doesn't necessarily mean that they know anything more or less than anybody else about the child of another person.
Well Kick, lemme come up with a parallel that might work for you.. what about a guy who's never had a girlfriend? Never even had a lover? Has seen and talked with many girls - colleagues, schoolmates, friends - but is still a virgin, literally and relationship-wise. Wouldnt you say that there's just some level that he would by definition miss when he's talking about how girls are, how they work, how you should treat them, etc?
I mean, regardless of how many guys are out there who
have had girlfriends and still talk utter ****..
An like I said already, I'm saying this as someone who's posted on the Parenting forum before, referencing my sister's kids or my friend's, or even just something I read.. its not like, if you didnt have kids, you should shut up. But just, there will of course be something, some layer of experience, that you're lacking.
I dunno, I'm just shrugging now, so I guess Id better bow out on this.. beaten it into the ground enough. And you know how Joefromchicago gets if I start using "action brackets" like <shrugs>..