The names Mick, age 60+, I've got a normal healthy interest in Christianity, philosophy, metaphysics etc.
If I had to label myself, it'd be 'Freelance Christian' which sends out the clear message that I belong to no organised religion or cult because I prefer to think for myself..
I live in Plymouth, England, retired. "Retirement is the world's longest coffee break"..
Sun 30 Oct, 2016 05:11 am - Why do people blame God for everything considering Satan was a nasty piece of work?
Jesus said [i]"Satan has bound this crippled woman for eighteen years" (Luke 13:16)[/i], then he cured... (view)
Sun 30 Oct, 2016 05:07 am - The 5 million population of Israel plus the 600-strong Roman army garrison saw and heard Jesus strutting his stuff for 3 long years, heck he was almost as big as Elvis..:) (view)
Tue 25 Oct, 2016 05:22 pm - [quote="tryingveryhard"] I have felt the need to be there for my father, but he has often rejected me.[/quote]
In that case you can reject him back with a clear conscience..:) (view)
Tue 25 Oct, 2016 05:17 pm - [quote="unicorn0000"]Please check me for grammar because I suck!![/quote]
It's good but insert the word "much" in this sentence between "how" and... (view)
Tue 25 Oct, 2016 05:13 pm - [quote="TheDivaGirl"]It bothers me and makes me mad that I might never find a boyfriend that think I'm pretty.[/quote]
Post your pic here so we can check you out,,:) (view)
Tue 25 Oct, 2016 05:11 pm - [quote="LillianEve"]I am ALWAYS being hit on by guys AND I HATE IT[/quote]
So would I if they tried hitting on me..:) (view)
Wed 19 Oct, 2016 08:59 pm - [quote="odiousness"]
In Christianity there's a statement that humans are the, "Body of Christ."[/quote]
That's one way of putting it. Basically it means true... (view)
Wed 19 Oct, 2016 09:17 am - [quote="katiegreek"]So now I am going to be 23 in December and I still have not met him. If anyone has any advice on what I can do please let me know.
Forget him. If he... (view)