You know, I don't really give a crap about what "gets you." Yes, I think you, and all the other wimpy leftists who are weak on terrorism are lacking testicles. Now, when I say that, I'm not insulting your sexuality, I'm insulting your strength. You have it reversed. I don't think you are actually and physically without balls --- DO YOU GET THAT?
Of course I get that - if you can't rise above the level of idiocy, why even type, Tico?
Why would you think that 'not having any balls' is an indicator of 'not having strength?' That those who don't have them, = weakness? What makes that equivalence in your mind, that testicles = strength? It's quite obvious that you believe this, or else
the insult is meaningless and you wouldn't use it. I'd like you to explain that, but you won't, b/c we both know just how badly it would sound when you tried, bigot.
I find it hilarious, that you on one hand like to make insults which revolve around misogyny and homophobia, but when people call you on your behavior, you get all huffy and offended. Calling attention to your dissonance really puts you off of your game, bigot.
Every now and then you write something interesting, but why do you have to go and f*ck it up by letting your actual personality show through?