Bush Supporters' Aftermath Thread V

Reply Sat 21 Jul, 2007 09:39 am
I have (at present) a hard time caring about this issue. It may be something the Democrats want to explore ad nauseum (in lieu of actually acting on it),

Democrats? We've already established that Pelosi and the DNC crowd aren't pushing in this direction. On the other hand, we've also established that Fein, Vigurie, Barr and other conservatives are. So there's some dishonesty or lack of clarity in your thinking here.

but to me it boils down to a delusional Congress thinking they should be in charge of the Executive Branch. Bush and Cheney are using legal maneuvering to prevent that from happening. Good.

Again, your use of "in charge" is either dishonest or unclear. Your constitutional system, as designed by your founders, has balanced powers as a fundamental principle. Are you clear on why that principle is there and what it seeks to avoid?

Back to Fein - this is what he said last year (which is where I remembered him mentioning Hillary specifically - noting also in the interview that the Democrats are "intellectually bankrupt):

Fine, but he doesn't make the claim or argument here which you earlier suggested... to paraphrase, that the danger of overly expanded executive power is the use of such power to harm one's political enemies. Obviously it might be used that way but that isn't what Fein (or those other conservatives mentioned) are pointing to.

(That type of thing ended with FDR, though).

How so? What institutional or legal impediments were put into place which achieved that which you claim?
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Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 03:36 pm
George S Patton's New Speech on Iraq and the Modern World (youtube).
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Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 05:55 pm
Excellent speech.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 4 Aug, 2007 06:00 pm
Here's another speech that doesn't have much credibility.

Bush surveys bridge, pledges aid By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
2 hours, 18 minutes ago

MINNEAPOLIS - President Bush pledged Saturday to cut red tape that could delay rebuilding a highway bridge that once arched over the Mississippi River but now lies crumbled in muddy water concealing some victims.

Bush, still dogged by his administration's sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina, toured the site of Wednesday's collapse, which sent dozens of cars sliding into the river from the Minneapolis span. At least five people died and about 100 others were injured.

The biggest reconstruction project in the US that Bush promised to the nation when he spoke from Jackson Square in NO has still not happened.
How long ago was that again?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Aug, 2007 06:12 pm
As the US infrastructure continues to deteriorate, we spend $2.7 billion every week in Iraq to kill.

Beneath devastated New Orleans, water system crumbles We still have people in the US who supports Bush's stay the course in Iraq, but they don't want any tax increases - while our bridges, roads, schools, and hospitals do without..
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 08:46 am
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:44 am
The Rep governor of Minnesota, based on a no-new-taxes pledge, vetoed a bill to improve transportation facilities (including bridges). Without the veto, there was a remote possibility that the bridge collapse could have been avoided. This veto was in line with the something-for-nothing style of Republican government.

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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 09:49 am
Actually, the republican form of government is to occupy another country, and spend 2.7 billion every week while our own country breaks down. No new taxes, but spend, spend, spend - for a war that gets worse for the Iraqis every day/month/year. That many are starving is of little consequence.
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:00 am
This thread used to go much faster in the good old "Shock and Awe" days.

I wonder who we can bomb next?
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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:30 am
Advocate wrote:
The Rep governor of Minnesota, based on a no-new-taxes pledge, vetoed a bill to improve transportation facilities (including bridges). Without the veto, there was a remote possibility that the bridge collapse could have been avoided. This veto was in line with the something-for-nothing style of Republican government.


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Reply Thu 9 Aug, 2007 10:31 am
Would have been funnier with a better picture.

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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 09:17 am
Advocate wrote:
The Rep governor of Minnesota, based on a no-new-taxes pledge, vetoed a bill to improve transportation facilities (including bridges). Without the veto, there was a remote possibility that the bridge collapse could have been avoided. This veto was in line with the something-for-nothing style of Republican government.



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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 09:19 am
Yes, though the way those Imageshack pics put the resolution at the bottom of every pic served is annoying...

Much funnier tho - I'm going to imagine advocate looking like that from now on.

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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 09:23 am
I agree. Here it is w/o the thumbnail banner:

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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 11:00 am
Here's something I disagree with Bush on.

I don't think the country is in position for him to be taking as much time away from Washington as he has.
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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 02:20 pm
How is my post spam? Or are you spamming me because I think you are a small-minded nerd?
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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 03:07 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Here's something I disagree with Bush on.

I don't think the country is in position for him to be taking as much time away from Washington as he has.

You mean, you think his presence in Washington is going to make things any better? Shocked Rolling Eyes

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Reply Fri 10 Aug, 2007 09:32 pm
Advocate wrote:
How is my post spam? Or are you spamming me because I think you are a small-minded nerd?

Are you seriously telling me you can't figure that out on your own? Or are you just pretending to be thick-headed?
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Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 07:36 am
McTag wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Here's something I disagree with Bush on.

I don't think the country is in position for him to be taking as much time away from Washington as he has.

You mean, you think his presence in Washington is going to make things any better? Shocked Rolling Eyes


That's a fine rejoinder, McT.

Bush has taken a lot of time off. And it is certainly arguable that no recent president has had more critical reasons to be at work rather than being away from it.

But even though I really don't like this man as a person and particularly as a president, and even if I suspect that a fundamental factor in his holiday schedules arises out of his life of rich-brat priviledge and indolence, I'm sympathetic to the argument that "getting away from it all" is a psychological necessity, particularly for someone in a position such as his.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 11 Aug, 2007 12:59 pm
Here's another Bush "I sense his soul" event.

Bush hosts Sarkozy for 'heart-to-heart'

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer
6 minutes ago

KENNEBUNKPORT, Maine - President Bush welcomed French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Saturday for a "heart-to-heart" talk on world issues and to repair relations with France.
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