Ticomaya wrote:Blatham, why don't you start the "Life Would Have Been Peachy Had Either Gore or Kerry Been Elected -- and Other Selected Leftist Fantasies" thread.
That would be because I'm part of the reality-based community. If we discuss and illuminate the actual consequences (aftermath) of this administrations acts and policies, we are discussing and illuminating something that is real and factual. Not to mention precisely matching the heading of this thread.
It you care to speak about fantasy, then by all means write up whatever fictional accounts you might imagine had a previous election gone differently or had different principals or policies been in place.
Now, it might well be the case that you yourself would prefer that discussion does not reflect upon real states of affairs and real consequences of this administration but your preference here wouldn't be a responsible one in terms of your citizenship as an American or in terms of your citizenship in the world.