I've had my say. I don't argue with illiterates.
I've been away for awhile, and wondered if Ticomaya has contributed anything worthwhile - although I've given up hope long ago?
How phucking typical is this one?
Quote:Crooks and Liars
Remember Manuel Miranda? He was the judicial nominations 'counsel' to then-Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) who got busted and subsequently canned for hacking into senate Democrats' computers up on Capitol Hill. Seems
we've sent him to Bagdhad to be in charge of teaching Iraqi legislators democracy.
The State Department has hired him to head up the Office of Legislative Statecraft at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.
--Josh Marshall
There's no end to Bush's "shock and awe" administration.
Sent to me by a correspondent in Pennsylvania:
Bush Library
There's a show on C-SPAN about presidential libraries. Here're what the draft plans for the George W. Bush Library now call for:
The Alberto Gonzales Room - Where you can't remember any of the exhibits.
The Hurricane Katrina Room - It's still under construction.
The Texas Air National Guard Room - Where you don't have to even show up.
The Walter Reed Hospital Room - Where they don't let you in.
The Guantanamo Bay Room - Where they don't let you out.
The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room - Nobody has been able to find it.
The War in Iraq Room - After you complete your first tour, they can force you to go back for your second and third and fourth and fifth tours.
The K-Street Project Gift Shop - Where you can buy an election, or, if no one cares, steal one.
The Men's Room - Where you could meet a Republican Senator (or two).
To be fair, the President has done some good things, and so the museum will have an electron microscope to help you locate them.
When asked, President Bush said that he didn't care so much about the individual exhibits as long as his museum was better than his father's.
That's quite a bit of fun, McT
I understand the Clinton Library has announced the addition of its "Sandy Berger Wing," full of documents from the Clinton era that cannot be found at the National Archives.
Also, their gift shop has decided to carry a full line of Sandy Berger socks and pants.
that's cute too...not quite so good, but cute.
blatham wrote:that's cute too...not quite so good, but cute.
I'm not giving up my day job. :wink:
Understood. I briefly considered setting out on a description of what we might find in a visit to the Ticomaya Library, but I'm a tad lazy today.
blatham wrote:Understood. I briefly considered setting out on a description of what we might find in a visit to the Ticomaya Library, but I'm a tad lazy today.
Well, clearly there would be no left turns ...
That's funny. If it's not a sore point, might I inquire whether there would be, perhaps for the kids, a waterboard park?
Ticomaya wrote:blatham wrote:Understood. I briefly considered setting out on a description of what we might find in a visit to the Ticomaya Library, but I'm a tad lazy today.
Well, clearly there would be no left turns ...
Ah, the 'Derek Zoolander' administration
blatham wrote:That's funny. If it's not a sore point, might I inquire whether there would be, perhaps for the kids, a waterboard park?
Depends what the meaning of the word, "waterboard" is.
This one is cute.
Francis Townsend, Homeland Security adviser retires. She writes her president a farewell note. She says (quoting a play on G. Washington)
Quote:"There are some men who lift the age they inhabit, until all men walk on higher ground in their lifetime."
"Mr. President," Townsend says, "you are such a man."
Sycophant? Delusional? You might well think so, I wouldn't want to comment.
On the other hand, perhaps Ms Townsend's facility with Bartlett's and the Google is...uh...conservative.
Last month, to Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah, Ms Townsend said
Quote:a quote that applies to King Abdullah: There are some men
who lift the age they inhabit, till all men walk on higher ground in that lifetime.
Moral collapse in the White House.
Robert Fisk: Holocaust denial in the White House
The Turks say the Armenians died in a 'civil war', and Bush goes along with their lies
...Among those men who should hold their heads in shame are those who claim they are winning the war in Iraq. They include the increasingly disoriented General David Petraeus, US commander in Iraq, and the increasingly delusional US ambassador to Baghdad, Ryan Crocker, both of whom warned that full passage of the Armenian genocide bill would "harm the war effort in Iraq". And make no mistake, there are big bucks behind this disgusting piece of Holocaust denial.
Former Representative Robert L Livingston, a Louisiana Republican, has already picked up $12m from the Turks for his company, the Livingston Group, for two previously successful attempts to pervert the cause of moral justice and smother genocide congressional resolutions. He personally escorted Turkish officials to Capitol Hill to threaten US congressmen. They got the point. If the resolution went ahead, Turkey would bar US access to the Incirlik airbase through which passed much of the 70 per cent of American air supplies to Iraq which transit Turkey.
In the real world, this is called blackmail - which was why Bush was bound to cave in. ....
Good time for the old Dewey quote..."Politics is the shadow cast by business".