Hello Bella, I didn't know you were expecting but I hope your delivery arrives soon. I was very irritable when I was pregnant and the longer it went on the more irritable I became. Now my delivery was a little late, and when the OB doc asked me if I wanted a boy or a girl, I responded I wanted a cocker spaniel, what did he think the odds were? (I know, not very nice) But following that conversation he decided to admit me to the hospital to induce labor. As far as I was concerned, childbirth was a breeze compared to carrying the baby. I would also think positively regarding regaining your pre-baby shape, I left the hospital weighing 20 pounds lighter than when I arrived, and the baby only accounted for 7lbs. 10oz. However the group think of the OB/GYN's back then was for the mothers to gain no more than 30 lbs. which they have since abandoned. Nobody gets away looking glamorous immediately, but when the swelling goes down your waist will reappear and mild exercise will help.
Who am I kidding, who has time to exercise when they bring an infant home. You sleep when the baby sleeps, but you will adjust, we all do and you life will know a different kind of normal.
I just saw some chart (where was that?) about what pregnancy weight actually is made up of. It's not just the baby, obviously -- it's the placenta (~4 pounds?) amniotic fluid (~3 pounds?) blood (not sayin'), etc.
Well I can't remember how many extra pints of blood a pregnant woman carries, but it is quite substantial. That obviously doesn't go in one fell swoop but the need for the extra blood is over once the baby is born, and I don't know how long it takes for the body to rebalance itself.
Good news, Bella! Hang in there...it's almost time.
I leave tomorrow for a week's vacation. I expect to come back to find a birth announcement here.
shewolfnm wrote:By august 3rd.
please let us know if you hear anything about bella
I vote that on Monday we start tap-tap-tapping--unless, of course, Baby Bella has decided to make an appearance.
I think due date is August 2nd -- so much reminds me of my pregnancy that I'm going to guess the baby will be late. Not sure how late though. (Sozlet was 2 weeks late.)
Aw, man, I didn't realize the due date is August 2-- that means a pretty good chance I'll be out of town when it happens.... Well, actually I guess that's not necessarily so, I know babies don't like to show up when they're supposed to
Anyway, if I'm not around, I'll be thinking of you, Bella (and Baby Dea too of course!), and rooting for a speedy delivery... best of luck
Hang on til August, Bella. All the best people are born in August, doncha know.
race horses have their birthday on august 1.
August 5th is a wonderful day for a Birthday... :wink:
2 weeks late
Joe(And you didn't shoot anybody?)Nation
Ah Bella, I hadn't checked in lately, so here you are, still preggers and going a little nuts.
My older son was born on August 4th and will be thirty five years old in a little while. I was sooo tired of being pregnant, but the little treasure that popped out was well worth all the discomfort. To be honest though, I would have done almost anything not to have another summer baby. The next one was in March--much easier.
Thinking of you and thinking happy, cool, comfortable thoughts, just for you.
Joe Nation wrote:2 weeks late
Joe(And you didn't shoot anybody?)Nation
I came close. Very close.
(She was scheduled to be induced Wednesday morning -- the two-week-late mark, they don't like to let things go past that -- I went into labor Sunday night, she was born Wednesday early afternoon.)
soz(any wonder I have only one child?)obe
I was (so my mother never ceases to remind me) 4 weeks late.
They didn't know about inducing at that stage of pre history
And mother always (stiil today) like tot ell that I was about a week (at least) too early: the gynaecologist (and head of chirugian department at our town's hospital) was away at the time when I was due.
Thus I arrived with a caesarian - and haven't rcovered until today from the chock/trauma of the sudden arrival in this light and cold world.
My older son was two weeks late and has had moments of serious dilly-dallying and procrastination ever since.
My younger son arrived four days early. I was pruning bushes when the pangs of labour came upon me. He continued to warp time for his own uses and desires.
I know nothing about late births.
Our baby
(my first marriage - e pluribus unum)
was due on the Fourth of July,
he arrived,
without calling first,
without a knock on the door....
April 16th. 9AM
2lbs 11ozs
His great-grandad Daddy John whistled
"Whoa, I've caught bigger crappie than that."
back to the birth vigil....
Joe(life is good)Nation
If the moon god (goddess?) works her magic on the full moon, we could have a July baby.