Aspirin a Day Can Kill

Sat 22 Jan, 2011 06:54 pm
There is a better way to thin blood naturally and clear out all the plaque from your veins and arteries.

From my own experience:
In my family there has never been any recorded case of cancer. However many heart problems. Twenty years ago I had plaque around the heart. Was told I would need heart surgery in about 15 or 20 years. One day a man who had been facing heart surgery for blocked arteries told me of a mixture that he had taken over 7 weeks that had completely cleared his blocked arteries. He was told he did not need bi-pass surgery.
I wrote the mixture down for future reference. I gave someone a lift to move some heavy machinery around. Started to get chest pains. After a few days’ I started to take the mixture he had told me of. After eight weeks I still had some chest pains. So finally I told my doctor. He sent me straight away for heart scans. After I had the heart scans they told me for a man of nearly 70 years it was unusual to find little or no plaque around the heart. Hopefully the following information might help you to help someone…

Clearing veins and arteries, that really works.

First use fresh water to wash the lemons and garlic.
Take 6 lemons cut up including peel (Make sure the lemons are the thin-skinned types). If you can only get the thick-skinned ones simply peel the thin outer yellow peel. Place this in a heap ready to go into the mixture. Then peel off the thick white stuff and throw away. No need on the thin-skinned lemons, just chop them up. The garlic (30 cloves) you usually get about ten cloves per bulb of garlic. Just separate the cloves and chop up (no need to worry about a bit of peel or shell), as the whole lot will be strained when finished.

Place 3 lemons and 15 cloves of garlic in food processor or vitamiser. Top it up with water (If you want you can add a little sugar for taste) and then vitamise.
pour into a metal pot. Then repeat the process with the other 3 lemons and 15 cloves of garlic. Finally was the vitamiser out with another litre of water and pour this also into the pot.

Bring the pot to boil, and then simmer for five minutes. Pour through a strainer, and let liquid drain into another pot. Finally when all the liquid has drained into the pot, leave it for some time to cool.

When it has cooled use a strainer and funnel to pour into bottles.
Note: give the mixture time to drain through the strainer. And do not keep the slurry from the strainer. Simply throw it away.

You should finish up with (About 3 to 4 Litre Bottles Quantity). Store in fridge. NOTE: DO NOT USE PLASTIC BOTTLES (Plastic bottles with filled warm or hot liquid can cause serious health problems), as plastic particles will leach into liquid in bottle. Use only GLASS Bottles to keep the mixture in.

First Dosage: Drink 1 standard glass each day for three weeks.

Then stop for one week

Second Dosage: Drink 1 standard glass each day for the final three weeks.

You can also warm the liquid if preferred, or even dilute it with water and ice for a refreshing summer drink. The lemons kill the smell of garlic on your breath. The secret of the mixture is it’s easy to prepare, and inexpensive to make up.

You can repeat this every year. But remember you will have cleared all the plaque your body has taken your whole life to form or acrew. So it should be quite some time (years) before it builds up again.

Also the mixture can be used if you want to loose weight. Just cut out your midday meal and substitute it with a glass of the mixture followed by a glass of water. The mixture also helps lower blood pressure slightly.

Aword of warning. If you are scheduled for surgery it is not a good idea to take any sort of garlic for at least a week before the surgery. as garlic thins the blood it could cause bleeding problems.


Peter B.
Sat 22 Jan, 2011 07:15 pm
Thanks, Peter. I have been drinking the juice of 6 lemons about every four months. This is something I will try next time.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jan, 2011 07:31 pm
My neurologist had put me on Plavix. Apparently, unbeknown to me I might have had a tiny TIA, (who knows when?) After my open heart surgery last year, I was put on coumadin. About a month ago, the cardiologist told me that I did not need the coumadin anymore, but should take a 325mg. aspirin daily.

I found a brand at Costco that comes in an enteric form. I eat 1/2 of my breakfast (to coat my stomach), and take the aspirin. I then eat the rest of my meal and then take the unbelievably ridiculous amount of medications and supplements that I take. It seems to work, and I have not had bleeding problems.
Sat 22 Jan, 2011 08:59 pm
My ex-cousin-in-law failed to take his Coumadin.
(made from cobra venom)
That was the end of him.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jan, 2011 09:00 pm

I took 6 Excedrin about an hour ago for a headache.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 05:47 am
coumadin and aspirin are not eual in their actions, so they can be tken together. If you were put on coumadin and then taken off, what was the "pro time" that you recorded before he took you off?
Coumadin is turning out to be a life saving compound if you keep your pro time monitored at least monthly.

Strokes could be managed as a mostly chronic event (like the flu) . but aspirins and coumadin ARE NOT interchangeable, they control blood "slippewriness" by two different reactions and just taking aspirin isnt the same.
If you had a TIA after surgery that means that there were some unresolved clots that coulda been very serious.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 06:25 am
That was a waste. Drugs have what is known as a plateau--the point at which any more of the drug is wasted--you'll just piss it away before your body can absorb it. For aspirin, the plateau is about 1000 mgs. (it varies according to your body mass). That means two of the large, 500 mg tablets, or three of the smaller, 15 grain tablets (a grain is about 22 miligrams). Four of those excedrin you took you just pissed away to no effect. However, i'm sure the manufacturer is gratified.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 06:53 am
No, the TIA issue was somewhere in the distant past.

Anyhow, I had my heart surgery in Cleveland. When I came home, I did not go back to my original cardiologist, because he had not wanted me to have the surgery at that time, and it ended up that in addition to the aortic valve replacement, I needed a single bypass to boot. So if I had listened to him and waited............................

I went to another group in town. I had been on Plavix before the surgery, and then put on coumadin. The local cardio wanted to put me back on the Plavix, but it was so damned expensive, that I asked him if I could stay on the coumadin.

Anyhow, he gives me a prescription, and tells me to come back in a month for testing. STUPID! I noticed that if I practically just scratched the skin, I would bleed. When I went for my INR, it was a 6. (It was supposed to be 2-3.) I could have bled to death.

The guy who did the INR is a medic in the cardiologist's office, and he had me tested once a week for a month in order to titrate the coumadin. In addition, I had come from the surgery with A-fib. The cardio sent me across the state to have a cardiac ablation. The specialist said that since I was only five months out of surgery, I definitely did NOT need an ablation. He put me on Multaq. I did great on it, and after some time, was taken off it.

Needless to say, I dumped the first cardio, and am now going to one of the other doctors in the group, who is a much better physician. I see him every 3 months, and he does an EKG & Echo each time. So far, so good.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 09:35 am
Setanta wrote:
That was a waste. Drugs have what is known as a plateau--the point at which any more of the drug is wasted--you'll just piss it away before your body can absorb it. For aspirin, the plateau is about 1000 mgs. (it varies according to your body mass). That means two of the large, 500 mg tablets, or three of the smaller, 15 grain tablets (a grain is about 22 miligrams). Four of those excedrin you took you just pissed away to no effect. However, i'm sure the manufacturer is gratified.
No, u r in error.
I just did what actually WORKs,
based on successful experience.

Half an hour after I took the aspirin,
the headache ended; that 's all I wanted.
Call it a placebo for a psychosomatic problem, if u wish.
I only care about the actual result; (freedom from discomfort).

Thanx for posting.
Its kind of u to take an interest.

Sun 23 Jan, 2011 09:40 am

use of too much aspirin
can have a negative effect upon one 'a ability to hear.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 09:50 am
What certain medications, including aspirin do, is cause or exacerbate tinnitus, which is generally perceived as ringing in the ears.

Drugs that commonly cause or increase tinnitus -- these are largely ototoxins.

NSAIDS (motrin, naproxen, relafen, etc)
aspirin and other salicylates
Lasix and other "loop" diuretics
"mycin" antibiotics such as vancomycin (but rarely macrolides such as azithromycin)
quinine and related drugs
Chemotherapy such as cis-platin

Sun 23 Jan, 2011 09:58 am
I've been on Plavix since March. They told me then that it was scheduled to go generic within 6 months and the price should come down. Nothing yet, and if I have to pay full price once our COBRA runs out I'll be switching to a low-dose aspirin as well.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 01:11 pm
It's OK by me if you want to literally piss your money away. But i'm not wrong, just because you fail to understand the principle.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:00 pm
Setanta wrote:
It's OK by me if you want to literally piss your money away.
The money involved is trivial; below my threshold of cognition.
I care about effectively ending the pain; (mild headache).

Setanta wrote:
But i'm not wrong, just because you fail to understand the principle.
I understood u.
Unlike some people who post in this forum,
your writing was very clear n easy to understand,
but it was at variance with my years of personal experience.

I was guided by my own experience.
I knew what to expect, from doing it each day for years.

Again, thank u for trying to help.

0 Replies
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:07 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
What certain medications, including aspirin do, is cause or exacerbate tinnitus, which is generally perceived as ringing in the ears.

Drugs that commonly cause or increase tinnitus -- these are largely ototoxins.

NSAIDS (motrin, naproxen, relafen, etc)
aspirin and other salicylates
Lasix and other "loop" diuretics
"mycin" antibiotics such as vancomycin (but rarely macrolides such as azithromycin)
quinine and related drugs
Chemotherapy such as cis-platin

I have never had ringing in the ears
(except at indoor gunnery ranges, when someone
unexpectedly touches off a heavy round,
and I failed to have my ear protection in place,
because I thawt I was alone).

In years long past, I took massive doses of aspirin
for slight chest pains. When I took too many
sometimes I heard people near me speaking
among themselves, but tho I heard sound,
I coud not know what thay were saying in ordinary English.

I don't do that any more.

Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:11 pm
You should, for once, abandon the prejudice of personal anecdote, and do some reading. You can read the Wikipedia article about the plateau principle by clicking here. This is a principle understood by physicians and researchers for many decades, and confirmed by methodologically sound studies involving tens of thousands of participants.
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:29 pm
Permit me to clarify my earlier answer.
When I said that u were in error,
I had in mind your statement that "That was a waste."

Because the treatment with 6 or 7 aspirin
(Anacin or Excedrin) was swiftly successful
in ending my pain, I considered the aspirin
not to have been wasted.

I did not intend to impugn the validity
of the principle in general for some drugs.

I was addressing this particular treatment,
as applied, in my particular case.
I found it to be consistently successful,
and quickly successful, over a long period of time.

Those results outrank abstract theory, for personal use.

Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:39 pm
That's a lot of aspirin to take in one dose, David.

You might want to give this a read and compare the total milligrams you are taking to the overdose range cited here.


If your headaches are sometimes that severe, it may require a different type of pain reliever than what you are taking. Have you checked with your doctor or pharmacist to get their recommendations?

The acutely toxic dose of aspirin is generally considered greater than 150 mg per kg of body mass.[5] Moderate toxicity occurs at doses up to 300 mg/kg, severe toxicity occurs between 300 to 500 mg/kg, and a potentially lethal dose is greater than 500 mg/kg.[6] Chronic toxicity may occur following doses of 100 mg/kg per day for two or more days.[6]
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 02:59 pm
David- I think that the reaction varies from person to person. In my lifetime I have taken nsaids, vancomycin (which is a strong ototoxic), and aspirin. I presently take Lasix.

Right now I have a very low level of tinnitus, which rarely bothers me. Once though, I had a bad headache and took too much aspirin, and the tinnitus became much worse. When I cut the aspirin out, everything went back to "normal".

One has to be very careful when shooting in a gallery. Mr. P. has severe tinnitus which he ascribes to when he was in the army, and the soldiers were not given ear protectors when they went out on practice shooting. The thing about tinnitus, is that often the symptoms appear many years or even decades after the precipitating event...................as many of the baby boomers and musicians at rock concerts are finding out now, too late.
0 Replies
Sun 23 Jan, 2011 03:01 pm
Butrflynet wrote:
That's a lot of aspirin to take in one dose, David.
I ofen took it with a milk product (e.g., a lot of ice cream), or a viscous soup,
to make it easier on my stomach; no stomach problems.

Butrflynet wrote:
You might want to give this a read and compare the total milligrams you are taking to the overdose range cited here.

Yes; thank u for it.

Butrflynet wrote:
If your headaches are sometimes that severe, it may require a different type of pain reliever than what you are taking.
Those headaches, tho occurring ofen,
were rather mild; never severe.

Butrflynet wrote:
Have you checked with your doctor or pharmacist to get their recommendations?
Yes; I mentioned it when seeing them for other reasons, more acute reasons.
I did not get much of an answer.

Butrflynet wrote:
The acutely toxic dose of aspirin is generally considered greater than 150 mg per kg of body mass.[5] Moderate toxicity occurs at doses up to 300 mg/kg, severe toxicity occurs between 300 to 500 mg/kg, and a potentially lethal dose is greater than 500 mg/kg.[6] Chronic toxicity may occur following doses of 100 mg/kg per day for two or more days.[6]

I have found (very dramatic)
that when my body deems there to be an overdose of aspirin,
I awaken from sleep in very profuse perspiration; terrible.
I have had to shower and change the bedding.
That serves as an alarm system qua overdosing;
(that and temporary hearing impediment).

I now take a lot less aspirin than I used to in years past.


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