Ever Have A Feeling You Can't Explain About A Politician?

Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:22 am
free duck I would like to think that was a slip. A very costly, devastating and horrific slip but a slip none the less on the part of many of our representatives, and I use the term loosely.

It was a decision reached from the gut not the brain and we're all guilty of that from time to time. Of course when you and I are guilty of it the consequences are not as dire.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:26 am
And she didn't even read the National Intelligence Estimate before she voted on the war. Someone (I forget who) did, and was exhorting everyone else to in the strongest terms -- she didn't. That's a really big one for me, since it pretty much torpedoes what are supposed to be her strengths -- her intelligence, etc.

Big article on this in the NYT Sunday mag (6/3/07), excerpted from one of the new books.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:27 am
BipolarBear wrote:
have a freedom fry and forgive me.Wink

I think I'll be extra-nasty and eat an Amerikaner. It's a German pastry that tastes kind of like a donut. Different geometry though. It has a half-lens shape.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:30 am
well please bring a bakers dozen next time you visit and I'll join you...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 10:57 am
Thomas wrote:
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Thomas- No, it does not sound heartless, and you are probably right. Then again, anyone can be a Monday morning quarterback! :wink:

I know, and I applaud you for admitting your mistake afterwards. I just don't understand why you're repeating it, now that you know you'd made it once. (And if you go back to your thread, you'll see me saying the same things on Friday that I'm saying on Monday. I'm not a Monday morning quarterback on this issue. Wink)

I'm sorry, Phoenix, but I just have to take one more shot at your point about Monday morning quarterbacking.

Yesterday, during the Republican primary debate, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Giuliani the following question: "Knowing what you know right now, was the invasion of Iraq the right thing to do?". In response to this question, Giuliani did not reply: "We made a mistake at the time, but hindsight is always 20/20." He also did not reply, as Romney did: "It's a pointless question, because we're in there now, and we can't just leave." (I paraphrase.) Instead, he answered Blitzer's question as follows: "Absolutely, the right thing to do." No qualifications at all.

I found this scary. It means that Giuliani's grasp on reality doesn't even rise to the level of a Monday morning quarterback. To stick with the metaphor, he's like a guy who, on Monday morning, insists the quarterback should have scored a touchdown against his own team. I'm surprised this is the candidate you trust the most with national security.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 11:09 am
Thomas- I did not watch that debate. I think that I was out when it ran. I will have to make it my business to watch the upcoming ones.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 11:15 am
If you're interested, it's available on CNN.com/video. Search for "GOP debate".
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 11:25 am
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
free duck I would like to think that was a slip. A very costly, devastating and horrific slip but a slip none the less on the part of many of our representatives, and I use the term loosely.

It was a decision reached from the gut not the brain and we're all guilty of that from time to time. Of course when you and I are guilty of it the consequences are not as dire.

I hear what you're saying, I really do. It's just that, even though I shouldn't, I still expect a lot from people in positions of power. When the decision before you is whether or not to invade another country, a little backbone and research (plus some gut instinct on what a bumbling, childlike ass is our president) would go a long way to preventing such "slips". We don't need more people that are good at giving good speeches about popular subjects. We need people who show up when you need them. She didn't show up. She's not the only one, I know. And I didn't support Kerry in the primaries last time for the same reason. But it's still important to me and I can't quite get past it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 11:26 am
Thomas wrote:
If you're interested, it's available on CNN.com/video. Search for "GOP debate".

I certainly am. Thanks! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 11:27 am
lord love the duck wrote:
I hear what you're saying, I really do. It's just that, even though I shouldn't, I still expect a lot from people in positions of power. When the decision before you is whether or not to invade another country, a little backbone and research (plus some gut instinct on what a bumbling, childlike ass is our president) would go a long way to preventing such "slips". We don't need more people that are good at giving good speeches about popular subjects. We need people who show up when you need them. She didn't show up. She's not the only one, I know. And I didn't support Kerry in the primaries last time for the same reason. But it's still important to me and I can't quite get past it.

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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 12:03 pm
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Thomas wrote:
If you're interested, it's available on CNN.com/video. Search for "GOP debate".

I certainly am. Thanks! Very Happy

I'm watching it right now. Did you know Giuliani calls the verdict against Lewis "Scooter" Libby "excessive" and inclines towards pardoning him?
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 12:04 pm
Thomas wrote:
Phoenix32890 wrote:
Thomas wrote:
If you're interested, it's available on CNN.com/video. Search for "GOP debate".

I certainly am. Thanks! Very Happy

I'm watching it right now. Did you know Giuliani is inclined to pardoning Lewis "Scooter" Libby?

Yes, well, he's absolutely crazy on many issues, so no real surprise there.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 12:14 pm
I'm not sure I've ever had a feeling about a politician I could explain, at least in mixed company.
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 02:36 pm
Thomas wrote:
Phoenix32890 wrote:
I certainly am. Thanks! Very Happy

I'm watching it right now. Did you know Giuliani calls the verdict against Lewis "Scooter" Libby "excessive" and inclines towards pardoning him?

Yes, Rudy "Zero Tolerance" Giuliani suddenly went all soft on the fate of the convicted criminal - "This is a very, very important -- a man's life is at stake!".

Like they grumbled on TNR's The Plank: "Scooter Libby's name comes up, and suddenly Giuliani is all soft on crime, calling the sentence "way out of line." Sure. I mean, it's not like Libby squeegeed anyone's windshield or anything."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 03:16 pm
dyslexia wrote:
lord love the duck wrote:
I hear what you're saying, I really do. It's just that, even though I shouldn't, I still expect a lot from people in positions of power. When the decision before you is whether or not to invade another country, a little backbone and research (plus some gut instinct on what a bumbling, childlike ass is our president) would go a long way to preventing such "slips". We don't need more people that are good at giving good speeches about popular subjects. We need people who show up when you need them. She didn't show up. She's not the only one, I know. And I didn't support Kerry in the primaries last time for the same reason. But it's still important to me and I can't quite get past it.

ditto! More love flowing toward the duck here.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 08:45 pm
I feel the love. Thank ya, thank ya verra much.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:32 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
If Hillary gets the nomination then my vote will be up for grabs. Just about any other Democratic candidate will get my nod over a Republican until they get their house in order. I'll probably go back to voting Libertarian or independent.

i like hillary better than any of them. sorry.

To answer your "Do you get funny feelings about politicians" question, yes. And I get real funny feelings about Hilary Clinton. But I can't quite say I'm as "gut" about all this as you are. I think my feelings are based in observable and quantifiable things. Some of my queasiness about her is based on her conniving and calculating - the shameless way she puts on whatever face she thinks will sell at the moment - like trying to talk "black" in a black church.

So it galls me a little that you can't "put your finger" on anything about Obama... if you aren't trying to find out what he's about, all you'll have is a gut feeling. Do your libraries have the books, like Soz said?
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Reply Wed 6 Jun, 2007 09:36 pm
You can all tear into Obama and Hillary all you like. I have a gut feeling I will vote for one of them in the general election, and have no qualms which one it is.
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 01:12 am
snood wrote:
Some of my queasiness about her is based on her conniving and calculating - the shameless way she puts on whatever face she thinks will sell at the moment - like trying to talk "black" in a black church.

I can see what you mean. I had the same problem with the way Obama imitated Martin Luther King's accent when he spoke in Montgomery's Ebenezer Babtist church.

snood wrote:
So it galls me a little that you can't "put your finger" on anything about Obama... if you aren't trying to find out what he's about, all you'll have is a gut feeling. Do your libraries have the books, like Soz said?

Uh ... I'm sure Bear can talk for himself. Nevertheless, let me quote his whole sentence back to you.

BipolarBear wrote:
and that's what I'm saying.... I can't put my finger on what it is about Obama that doesn't ring quite true with me.....and I'm trying to get past it and be objective....

(emphasis added)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 01:30 am
I revere the Duck... for sheer fluency of articulating her thoughts, which I mostly agree with.

In fact, why the hell isn't our Duck running for Pres? First of all, she talks straight....

and flies right!!!
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