What Californicators need to know about gasoline

Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 09:19 pm
I know there're a lot of people out there in fruit/nut land on the left coast on this board, so this is going to be my good deed for the evening. Believe it or not, people living in normal places actually look at those $4.50/gallon signs in the news and feel sorry for you guys. I'm going to explain the two basic problems which you need to address. The first of these two problems is not any sort of a big mystery; the second one might be.

The first part of the problem consists of having a rogue political party which for thirty years has prevented any new drilling, particularly offshore and particularly offshore of Flori-duh and California, as well as the construction of any new refining capacity in America. This is despite the proven realities that such drilling would not only be harmless, but that more oil offshore of California gets dumped into the ocean from seepage than would be by drilling.

The first part of the solution to your problem would be to outlaw and ban the demoKKKrat party.

The second problem is trickier. The second problem consists of ignorant beaurocrats trying to mandate increasingly strict standards on automobiles and fuels which is to the point of amounting to squeezing blood from turnips, when the fuels and cars of the last ten or twelve years are not a significant part of the problem. In fact the Japanese have told the EU that they basically cannot make gasoline engines run any cleaner than they are running now.

The air over DC and NY in 1974 was not much better than that over LA, but it's clean enough now that you don't hear much complaining over it. The big difference to my thinking is that you don't see people driving old cars in the mid Atlantic region.

I strongly suspect that air pollution in many places has become a 95 - 5 proposition in which 5% of the vehicles are causing 95% of the pollution and I know that a lot of people in California drive older cars, many considered "classics". That's not even counting all the built-up VW beetlebugs you read about in Dune Buggies and Hot VWs and what not.

Aside from lacking modern emission controls of any sort, most of those cars are going to have carburators instead of fuel injectors (as all modern cars do).

Aside from the likelihood of those things simply leaking gasoline, there's another problem which I'd guess most people under 50 never really understood.

In the age when carburators were the norm, there were a few cars such as the Alfa Romeo which had one carburator barrel per cylinder (two side-draft double-barrel Webbers in the case of the Alfa) so that fuel/air mixture to the four cylindars was at least equalized.

The norm however was to have one carburator mounted central to the engine on top of an intake manifold, and the air/fuel mixture going to the outer cylinders had to take a longer route and was always leaner (more air and less fuel) than the mix going to the inside cylinders. This meant that the vast bulk of all cars being sold prior to the mid 70s were set up so that the outside cylinders ran "right", and the inside cylinders ran a bit rich, i.e. with a bit more fuel than needed. This prevented burning valves on the outside cylinders.

You can also easily believe that this resulted in a lot of pollution. The difference between this and modern cars is striking. Friends in the wholesale auto trade who buy and sell cars at the big auctions at Fredericksburg Va. and Manhein Pa tell me that they have the occasional classic car auction and that it really hurts their eyes standing there around those old cars running. They were used to it in 1967 but they're no longer used to it.

My advice to Californicators: Drop the efforts to mandate fuel and auto standards beyond those of the rest of the nation, and do whatever it takes to get the old cars off the road.

Like I say, this is my good deed for the evening.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 2,088 • Replies: 60
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Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 09:34 pm
I hate to see people like this consumed with ignorance. As I drive along the Ventura and Santa Barbara coastlines I see not shortage of oil rigs out at sea and oil drilling on the shore. You want us to add MORE! Also, our price is teetering around 3.50 per gallon. Not the 4.50 you "quoted". California does have stricter standards for vehicle emmissions. Even more so than for any other state. We are making serious efforts to clean up the state. Granted, government controls have gotten out of hand. But the same is true for everywhere. I was in the mid-Atlantic states and believe me, there are plenty of shitboxes running around. The difference is there are fewer people.
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Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 09:45 pm
You call people names, like Californicators, and expect to be taken seriously? Sick.
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Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 09:52 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
You call people names, like Californicators, and expect to be taken seriously? Sick.

Try getting onto ebay and typing 'sense of humor' in the search window. You never know....
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Reply Thu 31 May, 2007 10:07 pm
Your panties must be really tight today gunge.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 04:52 am
gungasnake wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
You call people names, like Californicators, and expect to be taken seriously? Sick.

Try getting onto ebay and typing 'sense of humor' in the search window. You never know....

How's this for humor?

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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 06:48 am
edgarblythe wrote:
gungasnake wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
You call people names, like Californicators, and expect to be taken seriously? Sick.

Try getting onto ebay and typing 'sense of humor' in the search window. You never know....

How's this for humor?


Shame you weren't around to try practicing propaganda statements like that in 1943...

But I'll say it again:

  • Those guys all volunteered. Moreover, they all believed in thier mission enough to go into harm's way for it. The last pure demokkkrat war (Kosovo) by way of contrast was so flagrant a case of dog wagging that nobody in our military had any illusions about asking soldiers to go into harms way for it and it was conducted entirely from the air, which is why Europeans still refer to it as the "cowards' war". They went for three or four weeks bombing targets in Kosovo from 25000' or higher and when they discovered they could not harm the Serbian military from that altitude, they embarked upon a wholesale campaign of war crimes and bombed out the entire Serbian civilian infrastructure.
  • Yugoslavia had given us no cause for offense. Saddam Hussein on the other hand had provided the 9/11 hijackers with the weaponized anthrax which was used in attacks on government facilities including the US senate office building which took place a week following 9/11, i.e. as soon after 9/11 as the US mail system allowed.
  • The "war" in Iraq lasted three weeks. What has been going on since then amounts to US soldiers playing the role of cops and fighting AlQuaeda forces which could easily be doing their business here if they weren't there.
  • This work has been necessary because the alternative would be handing a country with the oil resources of Iraq over to AlQuaeda, to use those resources to attack us. Allowing that would be insane.
  • While casualties to US servicemen are all regrettable, the total number of such in Iraq after three years of fighting has been about what the first two hour's worth of the island invasions in the Pacific war in 42-44 used to produce.
  • Many if not most of those GIs were from demokkkrat-infested cities like Baltimore, LA, and Detroit. They were statistically at least as safe in Iraq as they would have been at home. The one variable which correlates most perfectly with every sort of urban pathology including violence in American cities is demokkkrat investation. I.e. it is precisely the cities which are still run by old-fashioned demokkkrat machine politics in which you find all of the grief.

Moreover, the reasons for being in Iraq are real and provable and include Saddam Hussein providing the 9/11 hijackers with the anthrax used to poison the US Senate office building amongst other things.

If you want to talk about a really useless and worthless war, you need to go back one and talk about Kosovo.

Pictures of that last demokkkrat war are not difficult to find:


Like I say, they bombed the place for 80 days and nights, killing thousands of people including many little slavic orthodox Christian children.

But then again, demokkkrats seem to enjoy killing Christians, particularly children.

This little girl's name was Milica Rakic:


At three years of age when she was killed by a NATO/KKKlintlerista bomb hundreds of kilometers from anything which anybody could call a military target of any sort, Milica likely has the dubious distinction of being Slick KKKlintler's youngest female victim.

Another picture of Milca which you find on the web is this:


In other words, Milica has apparently been designated as at least a martyr of the orthodox church. Unlike the case in the world of the Albanian Kosovars for whose nominal benefit all of this happy horseshit took place, the term "martyr" in the Christian world does not mean somebody who pulls on a belt with 30 sticks of dynamite and committs suicide in a public place.

This means that SlicKKK KKKlintler's ultimate place in the history books could easily end up being on the same page as the dickheads who burned Joan of Arc.

I mean, any sort of a problem I might have telling it to soldiers who have died in Iraq kind of pales beside the task of telling it to the parents of Milica Rakic and the other Serbian children who died to take that Juanita Broaddrick rape allegation off the front pages of American newspapers.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 06:52 am
Bleating about the poor innocent Serbs again, SWolf? Excuse me, i meant Gunga Din.

Horseshit, the Orthodox Church is not run from Belgrade, however much the hysterical Serb Nazis may want to believe that. No one has made a saint and martyr out of someone who was killed because the Serbs can't keep their dicks in their pants and have brought down upon their own heads a retribution which doesn't begin to match the horrors they have unleashed on their neighbors in the name of their Nazi doctrine which they call "Greater Serbia."
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 07:38 am
I'm proud to be a Californicator!
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 07:50 am
If people were really interested in saving gasoline (California or Alabama notwithstanding) and preserving the atmosphere, they wouldn't use the drive through. I'm amazed at how many cars are lined up, idling in a long line waiting to get french fries, a coke, and a slider.

Tell these people to park it, turn it off, get out and walk up to a counter.

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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 07:59 am
From everything I've ever read and seen, there IS a difference between California and the rest of the country. Yeah, there are older cars in DC and Baltimore, but an older car here is still a car from the late 80s or early 90s, still a smaller car, and it's generally being driven by college students or immigrants. The situation we DON'T have here is the RICH driving 409s, GTOs and the like with Holley carburators, or kids driving old VWs with performance carbs because they think it's cool.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 08:06 am
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 09:28 am
Oddly enough, this Californicator doesn't use gasoline too much.

Here's my bike (minus the brakes, stems, pedals, and handlebars I've installed since the pic was taken)


I rode my bike to Stinson beach the other day. It took 0.0 gallons of gasoline and cost me $3 in Clif bars.


That's what being a Californicator is all about. Eschewing the lifestyle forced upon others by the poor decisions made when their towns were laid out.

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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 09:37 am
Exactly Cyclo....
down south, we walk a lot - no cars needed, at least not that much.

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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 02:11 pm
gungasnake wrote:
From everything I've ever read and seen,

All two pages and three blocks...

there IS a difference between California and the rest of the country. Yeah, there are older cars in DC and Baltimore, but an older car here is still a car from the late 80s or early 90s, still a smaller car, and it's generally being driven by college students or immigrants. The situation we DON'T have here is the RICH driving 409s, GTOs and the like with Holley carburators, or kids driving old VWs with performance carbs because they think it's cool.

I lived in DC for 5 years driving a 1972 and 1973 VW beetle, consecutively. There was no shortage of them on the roads and there were even reliable mechanics who specialized in the bugs. What you also have there is heavy emissions inspections -- part of the government regulation you're bawling your eyes about. You are awash in blissful ignorance.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 02:13 pm
What Californicators need to know about gasoline:

Apparently, it's highly flammable and not very good to drink.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2007 02:16 pm
Very pretty view, there, Calamity..

I used to walk all the time around west Los Angeles, and Santa Monica... and even up in Humboldt county.

Here, however, I'm in tractville with no handy bus system, with some parts of the year with intense heat, and, lots of times of year with very gusty winds.
I goofed not looking at the bus routes and their lame schedules more carefully before purchasing. Anyway, my gas usage was smarter back in California.
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 09:18 pm
FreeDuck wrote:
What Californicators need to know about gasoline:

Apparently, it's highly flammable and not very good to drink.

This is why we should switch to ethanol. One good swig and it's party time!

Calamity - where is that picture?
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 09:20 pm
NickFun wrote:
I'm proud to be a Californicator!

I'm curious about that moniker. Why the fornicator part? Do people in Cali have much more recreational sex than the rest of us? If so, why? And, should I move there?
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Reply Tue 5 Jun, 2007 09:26 pm
Littlek I moved here from Boston. The winters range from 55 to 70 and the summers rarely go past 90 and there's no humidity. The ocean is amazing, the air here in Santa Barabara is clean and the people are friendly. But, of course, it's up to you.
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