gungasnake wrote:I mean, for some reason, I get the feeling that God doesn't want me in California..
God's not the only one that doens't want you here
[/quote]The one time I've ever set foot in the place other than for changing planes at airports called down some sort of an 8-point earth quake on the place, so that I woke up around four AM and the whole building I was staying in was shaking and at first I thought "Sheesh, must be one hell of a windstorm to be shaking the whole fricking building like that..." and then it occurred to me I was in California and it was a 4real earthquake. It went away after about fifteen minutes and, there being no sound of people evacuating the building, I went back to sleep.
Next morning, had it been my building, I'd have been inspecting it brick by brick, but those people acted like they didn't care.[/quote]
Funny how the worst earthquakes happen when you're here. I guess you're right -- God doesn't want you here.