There have been widespread allegations of cheating and dirty tricks by Hillary's campaign in NV, ranging from:
- closing the caucus doors way early, at several sites, shutting out Obama and Edwards supporters
- refusing to register voters on the day of caucuses (they were legally allowed to do so)
- and now, this:
Ultimately, much of the chaos and rancor resulted from Dorn's dual role as temporary caucus chair and precinct captain for Hillary Clinton. As temporary caucus chair she was the only official party presence there, charged with administering the sign-in in a nonbiased manner and making sure everything ran smoothly. As a precinct captain for Hillary, her job was to deliver votes for the candidate. Dorn conflated her two roles, telling attendees they could sign in only if they were supporting Hillary, while prechecking the preference cards she dispensed with a mark next to Clinton. This (understandably) sent Obama supporters into hysteria. After the caucus, Dorn admitted that "there was some confusion" on her part as to her role. Subsequent conversations with caucus-goers and campaign organizers convinced me that disorder was commonplace: the smooth functioning of the caucuses depend almost entirely on the competence and good faith of the volunteer temporary chair.
How many of the caucuses were ran by Dem party machine volunteers, i.e., Clinton supporters? It is well known that the local party in NV, headed by Sen. Reid's son, is heavily pro-Clinton; how many problems do there have to be in order to swing the thing?
Remember the line from the Clinton field manual?
"It's not illegal unless they tell you so."
You Clinton supporters are perpetuating the problems we have in our country by looking the other way when this **** happens. Seriously. I'd be ashamed to be a part of a campaign that encourages cheating and slander the way the Clintons have been.