Been thinking about the Obama / Clinton battle today while driving a while. Perhaps this has been expressed, I don't know, but I am sure Democrats probably won't agree, but here is a reason why this problem is so severe between them.
Much of the framework of Democrat power structure is made up of groups, racial groups, gender groups, labor groups, etc. Many people of these groups, blacks for example, vote for a candidate based on the image that the Democrats have perpetrated, that they are fighting for that group's rights, such as affirmative action, etc. Clinton gets alot of support from women that think she will stand up for womens rights, etc. Labor votes Democratic because Democrats supposed stand up for union members. Democrats also spend alot of effort to win voters by supposedly standing up for old people, children, illegal immigrants, the poor, etc.
Given this setup for this election season, we are given two people representing two groups, both supported by Democrats to win votes in the past, Clinton and her women, and Obama and the black vote. Although both make efforts to make their appeal beyond these two groups, to other groups, the fact remains that the way Democrat voters have voted in the past, it is inescapable that what we end up with is two Democrat groups opposing each other, and for the first time in a long long time, we are actually seeing what these candidates elicit from their supporters. Racism and genderism, thats what we are left with, and it really shows how bankrupt the Democratic Party is, and it is getting nasty. Finally exposed as a party of nothing but groups with all the racism, genderism, and all the rest that goes with it.
Some of us saw the light a long time ago, and have been fed up with the race baiting, gender baiting, class envy, and all the rest of the demagoguery for a long time that we Republicans have had to endure, except worse because the media has been in cahoots with Democrats on this forever. Now we get to see the real Democrat, Ms. Clinton trailing but suggesting Obama might be good enough to be vp, ha? She and her minions want to use the black vote, and even a black candidate, just as long as they stay on the plantation, after all he just does not have the experience nor is he yet deserving to be president, even though he is winning the vote.
I intend to vote for a candidate that signifies policies for all of Americans, that stand for individual rights and liberty, instead of some group, this or that. This is so instructive, and I hope a few Democrats are watching closely and learning.