Cycloptichorn wrote:georgeob1 wrote:OK. Cyclo is a crazy fanatic too.
No more so then yourself, sir.
It's just the serious and enduring evils of the Dems and the bureaucracy for you.
Not really.
I don't believe there is a hidden Democrat conspiracy afoot. I do believe there are faults to be found in their funadmental political principles and in the motivations of the principal organized sub groups within the party, but accept the give and take between competing political views as a necessary and beneficial thing for the country. I have made clear that I view bureaucracies as having enduring defects, but accept that at some level they are necessary. I merely prefer non-bureaucratic solutions to problems that admit of choice in finding a means of resolution, and fault those who would ignore the defects attendant to the bureaucratic remedies they often propose.
I am the soul of tolerance and reasonable discourse.
[Interesting; I myself am as pure as the driven snow.
I don't allege that there is a 'hidden' agenda amongst Republicans; I don't think it's hidden. Many of the so-called opinion leaders of the party, the pundits and columnists and analysts, are quite up front about their beliefs, plans and opinions, many of which are frankly bad or evil, self-serving, beneficial to the rich at the expense of every one else, racist, xenophobia-driven, or other problematic positions. And these people are celebrated by the culture who drives the right-wing, not shunned.
Unlike you, I will stop short of personal moral judgements and not accuse them of representing all that is bad or evil.
georgeob1 wrote:
Unlike you, I will stop short of personal moral judgements and not accuse them of representing all that is bad or evil.
This is more due to the fact that you don't have as much of a case. You rarely see Dems calling for the bombing of foreign countries (and not giving a damn about any 'collateral damage') or the curtailing of rights of Muslims.
You don't see them making racial and sexual slurs towards others very often. You don't see xenophobia and religious-based hate speech. You don't see active efforts on the side of the Dems to deny rights to people who are different then them. You don't see the fear-based politics on the side of the Dems.
They have problems; whoever claimed that they didn't? But they just aren't in the same category as many right-wingers.
Unlike you, I will stop short of personal moral judgements and not accuse them of representing all that is bad or evil.
This is more due to the fact that you don't have as much of a case. You rarely see Dems calling for the bombing of foreign countries (and not giving a damn about any 'collateral damage') or the curtailing of rights of Muslims. You don't see them making racial and sexual slurs towards others very often. You don't see xenophobia and religious-based hate speech. You don't see active efforts on the side of the Dems to deny rights to people who are different then them.
You ought to wake up. I know that the Dem party encompasses some wackos and crazy folks, but the Right wing beats them hands down when it comes to naked malevolance and the peddling of hate. Luminaries such as Rush, Neil Boortz, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Podhoretz - these people say what many of your compatriots think, but don't want to say out loud. And they are richly rewarded for it by the Republican party. There is no corollary on the left-wing, not even close.
Cycloptichorn wrote:Utter nonsense. The non religious left is at least equally vitriolic and right here on A2K is a prime place to observe it. The only real difference is too many Lefties won't even grant the religious some form of minority status... hence they have complete deniability of their double standard when it comes to expressing their own prejudice. Any discussion on gay marriage will serve as the perfect example.Quote:
Unlike you, I will stop short of personal moral judgements and not accuse them of representing all that is bad or evil.
This is more due to the fact that you don't have as much of a case. You rarely see Dems calling for the bombing of foreign countries (and not giving a damn about any 'collateral damage') or the curtailing of rights of Muslims. You don't see them making racial and sexual slurs towards others very often. You don't see xenophobia and religious-based hate speech. You don't see active efforts on the side of the Dems to deny rights to people who are different then them.
Cycloptichorn wrote:It is you who needs to wake the hell up. Michael Moore took bigger shots at Bush than any 3 Republicans you can name ever took at the Democrats. He made millions accusing Bush of setting up 911 for crying out sideways. For every bigoted piece of **** I hear from the right, I hear twice how religious people are idiots from the left. If you don't recognize that as bigotry of the same cloth; you are one of the offenders and it explains why you have this as wrong as you have it one sided. I don't happen to be religious myself; but the hate coming out of the left is frequently enough for me to wish I were.You ought to wake up. I know that the Dem party encompasses some wackos and crazy folks, but the Right wing beats them hands down when it comes to naked malevolance and the peddling of hate. Luminaries such as Rush, Neil Boortz, Hannity, O'Reilly, Coulter, Podhoretz - these people say what many of your compatriots think, but don't want to say out loud. And they are richly rewarded for it by the Republican party. There is no corollary on the left-wing, not even close.
You, Cyclo, usually know better than to try to claim one side is good because the other's bad... but today you seem unable to recognize the simple truth that corruption is rampant on both sides of the isle Selfish people dominate most every politician's politics and how could it not when it cost so much more to get the job than the job pays? I'm so sick of it that I'll very likely be voting for a man who's positions would put him in second place... but who seems like he just may be able to overcome some of the BIPARTISAN BULLSHIT that idiotic one-sided rants like the one you just laid out nourish. Get a better hold of your own thoughts on this subject before pressing submit with such garbage.
You, Cyclo, usually know better than to try to claim one side is good because the other's bad... but today you seem unable to recognize the simple truth that corruption is rampant on both sides of the isle Selfish people dominate most every politician's politics and how could it not when it cost so much more to get the job than the job pays?
Clearly Blatham believes there are serious and enduring evils within the Republican party or its several components
It's not that they are absent amongst Dems, it's that they are less well-developed and have been starved of money and power for long enough that it's possible to see a future without them.
hence they have complete deniability of their double standard when it comes to expressing their own prejudice. Any discussion on gay marriage will serve as the perfect example.
"When contemplating college liberals, you really regret once again that John Walker is not getting the death penalty. We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors."
* You know, look, if I could strangle these people and not go to hell and get executed, I would, but I can't.
- of people who criticize him, The Radio Factor, September 27, 2007
Michael Moore took bigger shots at Bush than any 3 Republicans you can name ever took at the Democrats.
I'd like you to name the Dems (other then Micheal Moore, lets' say) who make a living off of hateful rhetoric, fear, and demonization in the way that many right-wingers do. Go ahead. The left-wing does not reward hate the way the right wing does, and you're blind if you can't see that.
I'm done ranting. Here's the straight facts, Cyclo. It strikes me as idiotic to the core when Okie or Foxfire or whoever on the Right throw out sweeping generalizations about liberals this and liberals that. There are few better indications that nothing more intelligent will follow. Wouldn't you agree? You are sorely mistaken if you think the same kind of BULLSHIT is any more palatable coming from the Left. Every straw poll demonstrates that A2K is dominated by Lefty's, so it may seem like it sounds reasonable since respective choirs tend not to notice their own blatant hypocrisy. But rest assured; that type of argument is no less idiotic coming from the Left.
Do you want to know what really separates Obama from Clinton? He promises to work with the Republicans and she promises to fight them.
Think about that.
She'd make a great A2K Lefty and would likely be as obscure in her political life had she not married Bill. For years I've read raging complaints about Bush's promise to be a uniter, not a divider. Funny how the very people who most strenuously objected to Bush's division are the very people who boisterously spout the nonsense necessary to continue it. You and Blatham make some fine bookends to Okie and Foxy, btw. You're all decent enough people. You just don't seem to be able to recognize the very traits that annoy the hell out of you (and certainly everyone not in your respective choirs) in yourselves. Note this: the greater one's aptitude to recognize intellectual error, the more foolish willful ignorance becomes.
It strikes me as idiotic to the core when Okie or Foxfire or whoever on the Right throw out sweeping generalizations about liberals this and liberals that.
Cyclo said...
Quote:I'd like you to name the Dems (other then Micheal Moore, lets' say) who make a living off of hateful rhetoric, fear, and demonization in the way that many right-wingers do. Go ahead. The left-wing does not reward hate the way the right wing does, and you're blind if you can't see that.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two that I can think of, right off the top of my head.
Lets not forget Louis Farrakhan also.
mysteryman wrote:Cyclo said...
Quote:I'd like you to name the Dems (other then Micheal Moore, lets' say) who make a living off of hateful rhetoric, fear, and demonization in the way that many right-wingers do. Go ahead. The left-wing does not reward hate the way the right wing does, and you're blind if you can't see that.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two that I can think of, right off the top of my head.
Lets not forget Louis Farrakhan also.
I agree that the first two practice the politics of separation, and use racial discrimination as a bludgeon to hit people with. But they don't approach the level of many right-wing commentators at all.
Farrakhan has nothing to do with the Dem party, as you know.
Cycloptichorn wrote:mysteryman wrote:Cyclo said...
Quote:I'd like you to name the Dems (other then Micheal Moore, lets' say) who make a living off of hateful rhetoric, fear, and demonization in the way that many right-wingers do. Go ahead. The left-wing does not reward hate the way the right wing does, and you're blind if you can't see that.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two that I can think of, right off the top of my head.
Lets not forget Louis Farrakhan also.
I agree that the first two practice the politics of separation, and use racial discrimination as a bludgeon to hit people with. But they don't approach the level of many right-wing commentators at all.
Farrakhan has nothing to do with the Dem party, as you know.
Farrakhan supported Bill, and was welcomed at almost every Dem rally while Bill was President.
To say he has nothing to do with the dem party is a real stretch of the facts.
And if the leftwing doesnt reward hate, why is Jesse so much a part of dem political strategy?
Why is Al Sharpton also part of the dem machine?
Their vitriol and hatred is being rewarded by the dems, because they claim to be able to deliver the black vote.
Since the dems rely on that voting block, anyone that says they can deliver, no matter how much hatred and racism they spew, is welcomed by the dems.
You are also forgetting the "unbiased" luminaries of the New York Times editorial staff. The mandarins of the liberal establishment somehow think their propagandizing is somehow unlike and above that of their opponents. However for every Anne Coulter or Rush Limbach there is an Al Franken or Michael Moore. For every William Buckley or Bill Crystal, there is an Maureen Dowd, etc.
Poor Cyclo - he thinks his doesn't stink.
Anne Coulter & Rush Limbach don't so much express hatred of "liberals" so much as they mock them. Mockery is not the same thing as hatred.
I have repeatedly emphasized to you the importance of refraining from personal judgements of the inner motivations of those whose ideas and opinions you oppose
I'm done ranting. Here's the straight facts, Cyclo. It strikes me as idiotic to the core when Okie or Foxfire or whoever on the Right throw out sweeping generalizations about liberals this and liberals that. There are few better indications that nothing more intelligent will follow. Wouldn't you agree?
You are sorely mistaken if you think the same kind of BULLSHIT is any more palatable coming from the Left. Every straw poll demonstrates that A2K is dominated by Lefty's, so it may seem like it sounds reasonable since respective choirs tend not to notice their own blatant hypocrisy. But rest assured; that type of argument is no less idiotic coming from the Left.
Do you want to know what really separates Obama from Clinton? He promises to work with the Republicans and she promises to fight them.
Think about that.
She'd make a great A2K Lefty and would likely be as obscure in her political life had she not married Bill. For years I've read raging complaints about Bush's promise to be a uniter, not a divider. Funny how the very people who most strenuously objected to Bush's division are the very people who boisterously spout the nonsense necessary to continue it. You and Blatham make some fine bookends to Okie and Foxy, btw. You're all decent enough people. You just don't seem to be able to recognize the very traits that annoy the hell out of you (and certainly everyone not in your respective choirs) in yourselves. Note this: the greater one's aptitude to recognize intellectual error, the more foolish willful ignorance becomes.