blatham wrote:How familiar are you with David Gergen?
Not familiar. I'll look up more about him...
blatham wrote:On this matter your speak of above, he said on one show that this episode with Hillary was entirely consistent with his own experiences working with her over many years. What was inconsistent was her public display. Not its sincerity either in terms of emotion or goals.
Hm. Well, colour me sceptical. I'm sure Hillary has many friends and (current or former) colleagues who will vouch for her character. And I do believe that she honestly wants to change the world for the better, as well as just become President out of ambition.
But - well, look at it this way - I'm hardly a fan of Hillary as you well know, but when I was watching that video compilation of the highlights of how the NH campaign went for her, I gradually became genuinely enthused. When you just watch her speak, not in unflattering contrast to how Obama or Edwards speak but just listen to only her part, she comes off a lot better. Makes you realise that even while she's clearly the less persuasive speaker among the three, she's still pretty good - and can come across as genuinely sympathetic.
But even as I found myself unusually friendly disposed to her during the video, my BS meter immediately shot up during the brief footage of her tearful moment. It just seemed blatantly fake to me.
What doesnt help impressions, of course, is today's follow-up:
Quote:See, I didn't believe any of those people who accused Clinton of crying on purpose - but I just saw her do it again (on CNN), while talking to some 65-year-old lady in Reno who was losing her home. Wiped her eyes, got the little catch in her throat
Susie Madrak at Suburban Guerrilla
35 years of experience, Hillary has, as we are often reminded. Do you remember a single time in all those years that she did this? And now that it's generally described as having won her NH, she does it for a second time in a week?
Meh. Not that this matters a whit substantively re her presidential qualifications, but since you're commenting on my take of it, this sure seem to validate my scepticism..