blatham wrote:In the second place, what he said was
Quote:"I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There's a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal."
And what he's speaking to is merely another facet of how positive will be the perception of America to the rest of the world where an American president is black (or female, of course) and has a familial connection to the non-christian, particularly the muslim world. That's something we've all thought about and talked about.
Oh, come on. You, of all people, who misses no opportunity to point out the strategical vagaries involved in talking points on behalf of campaigns, who always has a sharp eye for the underlying tactics in how a point is phrased, within which narrative and with which choice of words and language.
At least, you are very sharp-eyed when it comes to analysing the choice of narrative and phrasing of
Republican politicians. When Karl Rove or whoever purportedly "praises" Hillary for being such a strong-willed, determined, always on-message politician, you immediately pick up on the supposed compliment carrying a sneaky subtext intended to confirm the worst prejudices about Hillary.
And now, when a comparable indirect use of narrative comes from a Hillary supporter, you just accept his extremely unlucky word choice in wide-eyed innocence as something that well, just must be genuine, sincere and idealistic? How come you dont see the same mechanisms of indirect targeting at work when they come from a Democrat or Hillary supporter?
You have time and again pointed out the sheer inanity of conservative commentators making sure to slip Barack's awkward second name - Hussein! Dog whistle! - in there, but when a Hillary supporter does it, you accept his attempt to phrase it as praise at face value? Why, sure, of course when a Hillary supporter goes out of his way to "praise" Obama in such a way that involves repeatedly bringing up his indirectly "Muslim" background, "Hussein", "madrassa", it's just to sincerely praise Obama fo his, you know, multicultural outlook? Never effing mind that Obama did NOT attend a madrassa, as was already established months ago when the smear-by-association first came up?
As for Kerrey not being "the sort of guy to be doing covert shitwork for others in the first place", well thats the point of course. As TNR noted:
Quote:I guess we'll never know exactly what Bob Kerrey was thinking when, over the weekend, he referred to Obama as "Barack Hussein Obama" and mentioned his Muslim father and grandmother, or when he referred to Obama's childhood school in Indonesia as a "secular madrassa" on CNN yesterday. But maybe that's exactly the point. You have to admit there's a certain tactical brilliance at work here either way: Using people like Kerrey as surrogates--which is to say, people with a reputation for slightly offbeat pronouncements--means never having to say you're sorry. If they stay perfectly on message, then great. And if they go a bit over the line, well, that's fine, too. That's just Bob Kerrey being Bob Kerrey... It's genius.
And I mean, if it was a first time, that would be one thing. The Iowa Hillary volunteer who was sacked, OK, I'll buy that that was just an uncontrolled local thing. But have you seen that (fascinating, by the way) interview with Mark Penn, Hillary's strategist, Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist, and Joe Trippi, Edwards' campaign manager? You should see it, absolutely! Not just because it provides a stunning insight in just how much the other two campaigns dislike Penn/Hillary. But also because of how Penn just manages to slip in,
repeatedly, Obama's drug use and Indonesian/Muslim 'background', supposedly in complimentary or issue-oriented fashion, and how Trippi - yes,
Edwards' manager - rightly and immediately jumps on it and says, there! There, he is doing it again!
Yes, I'm with Okie now on this one, I was wrong before. It certainly looks like the Hillary campaign's gone into deliberately using the Obama-the-semi-foreigner-with-a-background-in-Muslim-culture thing as a weapon. They wont do it the way Limbaugh might, of course, not fully frontal, but they'll parse it into backhanded compliments like Kerrey's. And I'm amazed you should not be able to immediately recognize it, since you would instantly pick up on it if a conservative were doing it.