Here's a lot more state polls - all the ones from Survey USA, Rasmussen and Quinnipiac (and the odd additional one) I could find, in fact.
Hillary against Giuliani; Hillary against Thompson; Hillary against Romney. If elections had been held between early October and early November, this is what the result would have looked like from state to state, according to those pollsters. Shades of blue mean shades of a Hillary victory; shades of red mean the Republican would take the state. (Note that Survey USA is distinctly more bullish about Hillary's chances than Rasmussen is).

(Click to enlarge, and you may then have to click the picture again in the window that opens to get the right size.)
Those were all polls conducted between 9 October and 8 November. There have been some new ones since: Quinnipiac covered some states it did in mid-October again in the first days of this month, and Survey USA and Rasmussen have done polls in the middle of this month, including the Kentucky one Blatham just listed.
So here's an update for those few states, and this time covering Hillary match-ups against McCain and Huckabee as well. Note that McCain weighs up very well, and in the polls looks like the most "electable" Republican of the lot. Huckabee, meanwhile, at the moment would be the least electable.

(Click to enlarge, and you may then have to click the picture again in the window that opens to get the right size.)