I do think I understand, but thanks for clarifying.
You are right, I am depressed. But I'm better than I was last year when this happened, and that's a plus. It's just so sad because I do know him so well.....I really do believe, with all my heart, that 6 or 9 months down the road, he will be sorry he made this decision. I won't be able to take him back....it will have been too long for my heart to be in limbo, particularly since this is the SAME GIRL that he swore, over and over last year, that he could NEVER leave me for ever again. THAT hurts so much!
This is part of a letter he wrote to me last October:
"I was a true idiot not to open up and talk to you. I now know in my heart that I am truly in love with you and always have been. I am truly sorry for all the pain that you have endured over the past months and hope you find it in your heart to forgive me for taking you for granted. I hope you can forgive me for leaving you and being an idiot. I remember sitting in a chair by myself and wishing so much that if I came back that you'd be willing to take me back with open arms. I felt as though I was dying without you. The last time I talked to you, just before I came back, I was so thankful that you were still willing to make our marriage work. I wanted to come back, but I was so scared that you would stop loving me that I was almost too afraid to come back because of what I'd done. I prayed that we would get back together and after, I realized that we were going to make it. I felt this over whelming joy fill my body. I feel so lucky to have you again. I'll never do anything to hurt you again. I can't promise I won't do something bone headed, but I'll never hurt you. You're too precious to me to ever put you or our marriage in jeopardy again."
It was part of a 3 page letter that went on to tell me how much he loved our life now, and how "nothing could compare to the beauty that is you." Does the above letter sound like a man who isn't in love with his wife? I know she "suckered him in" again with friendship. I know that she begged and begged him to see her, "just as a friend, if nothing else." But some day, he will recognize the man in himself who wrote the above words, and he will hate himself.
And I am just so damned saddened by the futility of all of this!!!!
But, I do understand what I have to do.....I have to be free. I have to get away from a man who could write the above words in October, and then three MONTHS later start writing to her behind my back. Any guy who is that devious cannot be trusted again. But I'm really sad because I do still love him.