My grandparents, both paternal and maternal came from New Brunswick Canada (original the family came from Philadelphia, they were asked to leave some centuries back but that's an other story). When I compare my cousins life in the Maritimes to mine in Connecticut I'm favorably impressed. I think Canada is a viable option for disaffected Americans
If these bullshit real estate grabs designed to look like wars and liberations continue and cause a draft to be reinstated.....Canada will have a few more Polar Bears before one of my cubs gets shot so some low down entitled son of a bitch can get richer and more powerful.......
Oh. Sorry Beth. I wasn't aware of the other group or I would have either kept silent, or rephrased.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:If these bullshit real estate grabs designed to look like wars and liberations continue and cause a draft to be reinstated.....Canada will have a few more Polar Bears before one of my cubs gets shot so some low down entitled son of a bitch can get richer and more powerful.......

Yeah? Think Iraq will become an official state or remain a territory?
I wonder how those pesky Iraqi's will feel about that. Especially once they get there government running and become sovereign again...huh...
roger - it's not your fault you don't know, or know about, those other people. I know them because i took classes from them, went to school with their children, etc. I've got a feeling that media coverage of the disaffected, in the U.S., was not as extensive or loud as media coverage of 'draft dodgers'. The government wouldn't have wanted coverage of people who disagreed with government policy, and people leaving for 'standards' aren't sexy in news terms. I'm guessing that if the internet had been around then, we all would have been more aware of that group.
I like Roger have am not aware of families leaving the US during the Viet Nam war. Do you have any Idea of the numbers. I doubt however that it was a deep dark secret that families were emigrating. As for why we heard of those who ran away to escape the draft they were afterall fugitives from justice.
maxsdadeo wrote:Pants?
I thought dogs did that instead of sweating....
Yes, Montana, as pdog astutely points out, the United States is at the ready to defend our neighbor to the north in the event of a conflict or invasion from other nations.
And yes, it's not as a result of our being a swell bunch of folks, but rather as a protection of our own interests.
Mexico is in the same position, due to proximity.
Got ya Max ;-) I am glad that you mentioned that it is protection of your own interests since that's what I figured.
Craven de Kere wrote:I want to move to Canada. I'm sick to death of the heat.
It's hot up here as well I'm afraid. It's been reaching 100F here every day for days now. <sigh>
However, further north would probably be a little cooler.

It's cooler in the spring, fall, and winter, but the middle to the end of the summer is hot and humid :-(
c.i. - i think you'd be surprised how far north you have to go sometimes before it cools off. A good part of Canada is south of parts of the U.S. Where I am is south of Detroit, and I'm not in the most southern part of Canada. Also, it can get very hot in the Prairies over the summer.
That reminds me, we been meanin' to talk to ya'll about scootchin' an' crowdin' yer way south like that . . .
ehBeth, I can believe that. When we went up to Fairbanks, Alaska one summer, it was close to 100 degrees.

McGentrix that as a truly dumb and useless question.
ehBeth wrote:c.i. - i think you'd be surprised how far north you have to go sometimes before it cools off. A good part of Canada is south of parts of the U.S. Where I am is south of Detroit, and I'm not in the most southern part of Canada. Also, it can get very hot in the Prairies over the summer.
In one of those odd geographic facts -- there are portions of Canada that are further south than the northern most part of California!!!
Wish I could see out my window but the snow is too heavy....July is our coldest month...
cav, It better warm up in two weeks!

Don't worry CI I'll send them some warm weather from NB by then ;-)