the French ARE very protective of their language but in addition to the lists already given they have le weekend and le five o'clock and le toast as well.
Vivien wrote:the French ARE very protective of their language but in addition to the lists already given they have le weekend and le five o'clock and le toast as well.
Le pique-nique, however, is origianally French ... and became picnic in English :wink:
Well, this means that the government has not yet reached these words for extermination purposes.
steissd wrote:Well, this means that the government has not yet reached these words for extermination purposes.
Le French are tryeeeng to extereemate mee langueege!
you weeel spik francais Sofia!
American English is the preferred style around the world. Is it better than that spoken in England? Of course not that is after all the so called mother tongue.
The French are trying to do things their own way?
How rude. How inconsiderate. How un-American.
They will never succeed. A sovereign country, independent and free
has no right, honor, or expectation to exist on their own terms.
To the world: "You're in America now, so speak English!"
If you don't like it, then leave.
Where will they go? They're already in France.
Deep bow.
The other night I heard a nutcase Catholic priest from California with an ego the size of all Mt. Rushmore declare that heaven (not god, "heaven") tells him that the US will be partially destroyed by nuclear warfare in -- well I've forgotten the years or months, but a very short time. Florida will disappear altogether. China will be among the occupiers. Did you hear that?
Completely nuts, right?
And then he listed previous verifiable predictions he'd made over the years. He's correctly made predictions about tornadoes and WTC and other cataclysmic stuff with a very significant success rate.
I figure that's about what we'll need to get over ourselves and learn some respect for the rest of the world. Poor Florida, but...
"Deep bow" was for CodeBorg -- that was unclear!
totally off track -but related to the comments by Tartarin and he did live in France - has anyone read the predictions of Nostradamus?
Some of it is incomprehensible, some could be anything and the attribution of it to events is dubious.
some on the other hand is so accurate it is really scary - one stanza relating to Hitler described a man coming from ....(the region that H came from was named but I forget it, sorry!), millions would be swayed by his words and thousand would die in ovens - die in ovens?????? who at the time he lived would have thought of that?
He forecast a war at the turn of the millenium with Islam as well.
He was not a shabby prognosticator!
I think quatrain investigators (some guys) translated the end of the world per Nostradamus as May ??, 1999. What's up with that? Did you guys hear a different date?
He was pretty tight on the Kennedy brothers, as well. Scary stuff, if you are given to these silly things--(which I am.)
PS-- If any unlucky Arab shows up in a blue turban, he's toast! (The anti-Christ, per Nostradamus.)
Oops. French word. Sorry.