FreeDuck wrote:Foxfyre wrote:I'm terribly sorry if you think my being unaffected by arguments, reasoned or not, is something I should be criticized for. Personally, I think arguments, reasoned or not, that arrive at wrong conclusions shouldn't affect or influence people who are getting it right.
Explain to me how a well reasoned, logically sound argument arrives at a wrong conclusion? And how do you define "getting it right".
A well reasoned and logically sound argument is quite different from a reasoned argument. A little precision would go a long way toward not mischaracterizing what a person says. Both, however, can arrive at a wrong conclusion as both could miss something that would change the conclusion they reach.
"Getting it right" is telling it as it actually is, not as one wishes it to be. And I am a far better judge of what I mean when I say something than anybody else can be. Most conservatives understand that concept better than most liberals do, I think, but that obsevation is part of my personal bias.
Quote: Quote:But nevertheless, congratulations. You have now officially joined those who argue 'the liberal way'.
Explain what this means.
You don't pay attention very well do you? "The liberal way" is to focus on and criticize the person making the argument rather than focusing on the argument itself.
Quote:Quote:And what evidence does one present to counter personal perception?
That's what we've been asking you all along.
Okay you got me on this one. My intent was to say "what evidence does one pesent to counter personal perception of oneself?" I can appreciate how you would have misinterpreted that one.
So far as perception of what 'the liberal way' is, I have had no problem whatsoever explaining what I meant by that. I wonder why the liberals are having so much problem explaining why the statement is not true rather than making post after post after post that supports my point of view on it?
Quote:Quote: Especially when the perception is argued by one who is arguing 'the liberal way' as I define that?

It was an "official" designation just a few sentences ago. Now, it's entirely self-defined as you say. What is that supposed to mean to me other than you are out of ammunition and are left with nothing but "label and dismiss" otherwise known as "the Foxfyre way"? Whatever tactic you choose now, one thing is obvious, you are out of ammunition, you have nothing left to argue, what feeble arguments you have presented have been obliterated with ease more than once, you've contradicted yourself more than once, and most importantly, you are no longer making sense
I have been quit specific in how I defined 'the liberal way". I have not presumed to even leave that open ended so far as the context in which the phrase was used in the thread starter.
Out of ammunition? You've got to be kidding. You're the one who is focused on me and making characterizations about me....which, as I define it, is 'the liberal way' of argument.
I daresay I am certainly capable of contradicting myself, but I have not done so in this discussion. Let me redefine my point:
1) The phrase 'the liberal way" was directed to a specific person and was used in a specific context in a specific point that was being made. It was not me, but rather Kicky, who took it out of context and presented it as if it was a blanket statement.
2) In the way in which I used the phrase, "the liberal way" expresses my opinion that liberals are far more likely than conservatives to focus on and criticize and belittle or insult a person making a point or argument than they are likely to focus on the point or argument itself.
3) Finally, I offered several suggestions in which a similar phrases would be used in other circumstances to illustrate that the phrase was not intended to be a blanket condemnation of all liberals or all liberal arguments. The more honest on this thread will acknowledge that I quite clearly explained that by via those illustrations and previously to that as well.
Now if you can focus on these three things and represent them honestly, you can be pronounced cured of making your argument 'the liberal' way. Otherwise, you aren't going to 'get it right'.