Rosie O'Donnell, fire does melt steel

Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 02:47 pm
while , technically not a quote, the paraphrase by senor Hoo is accurate enough .
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Stray Cat
Reply Thu 3 May, 2007 07:42 pm
Nickfun wrote:
I have actually worked for Rosie. She's a fat, ignorant, self-important bitch.

Hee! Does this mean that hanging upside down won't actually cure depression?

Btw, I agree with farmerman, too.
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2007 03:17 pm
Stray Cat wrote:
Nickfun wrote:
I have actually worked for Rosie. She's a fat, ignorant, self-important bitch.

Hee! Does this mean that hanging upside down won't actually cure depression?

Btw, I agree with farmerman, too.

Hanging upside down makes the fat rush to your head.
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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 09:52 am
Confirmed: 9/11 Truthers To Appear On The View
Yesterday's report validated by Rosie's blog entry
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Confirming our report yesterday, Rosie O'Donnell has validated via her blog that prominent 9/11 truthers are set to appear on The View and educate an audience of around 30 million on the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7.

We reported weeks ago that 9/11 film makers as well as experts on the controlled demolition hypothesis would feature on the ABC show and those tapings are now imminent.

Host Rosie O'Donnell was asked by a fan on her website, "I would love to see a show with experts on both sides to discuss WTC 7. Silly to always talk about it but never really pursue the truth once and for all, don't you think? Please?" - to which O'Donnell responded, "the show has been booked."

Professor Steven Jones was sounded out for an appearance shortly after O'Donnell first started discussing 9/11 truth on the show and he is expected to be making an appearance very soon.

We are confirming who else is set to appear and will have that news in the next day or two.

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Reply Tue 15 May, 2007 10:55 am
The fact that all the "official" explanations as to what occurred on 9/11 hasn't been sticking should give the Bush administration great pause.

If only they were completely forthcoming with their testimony during the 9/11 Commission (which they weren't), and if only we could have done proper investigatory work on the rubble (which we didn't), and if only the health concerns of the 9/11 heros were properly addressed (oh, they weren't either), etc., etc., etc. Now they're going after Michael Moore for actually helping these poor, suffering 9/11 heros who deserve a hell of alot more than just a pat on the back from Bush.
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 06:40 am
Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, a variety of conspiracy theories have emerged which dispute the mainstream account of those events. The theories typically include suggestions that individuals in (or associated with) the government of the United States knew of the impending attacks and refused to act on that knowledge, or that the attacks were a false flag operation carried out with the intention of stirring up the passions and buying the allegiance of the American people.

Some conspiracy theorists have claimed that the collapse of the World Trade Center was the result of a controlled demolition. Some also contend that a commercial airliner did not crash into the Pentagon, and that United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down.

Published reports by structural engineers do not support the controlled demolition hypothesis.[1] U.S. officials, mainstream journalists, and mainstream researchers have concluded that responsibility for the attacks and the resulting destruction rests solely with Al Qaeda.[2]

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reverend hellh0und
Reply Wed 16 May, 2007 07:13 am
Nonsensical conspiracy nut bullplop. ROsie is an idiot.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 01:28 pm
Here's another reason the 9/11 fire-mediated collapse theory has to be wrong

Joseph Smith
Thursday, May 24, 2007

The notion that the WTC towers collapsed because fire weakened the steel is laughable.

The fact that other steel-framed, steel-cored buildings have suffered much longer burning, much larger in extent and, demonstrably, hotter fires, and yet never collapsed, shows how difficult it is in practice to bring down one of these buildings from fire.

Apparently, these buildings are robust structures, highly over-built to handle heavy wind loads; and it seems you would need to heat a large volume of steel, uniformly, over a wide cross-sectional area of the structure, to even have a chance of making one collapse in the neat, symmetrical manner witnessed (to the extent it is even, theoretically, possible to do this without resorting to explosives in the first place).

The easiest way to see that these buildings were rigged for demolition is to start by considering the fact that, between the time Flt. 175 hit WTC2 and the time the building collapsed, only 56 minutes had elapsed. And 56 minutes, simply, isn't enough time to develop a fire hot enough, nor large enough in extent, to even have a remote chance of getting enough steel hot enough to be a factor.

The best way to see the absurdity of the fire-mediated collapse theory is to make some simplifying assumptions...and apply some simple math and physics to the problem.

Say, for the sake of argument, that you're concerned with one floor of the building. Assuming that you have an unlimited supply of readily combustible fuel available (which is, obviously, not true, but let's be generous), and there is no heat loss by convection, conduction or radiation (another ridiculous assumption, but let's give the shills every advantage).

Now, the rate at which the temperature rises on that floor will be determined by the composite thermal mass of the building materials associated with that floor, and the rate at which you can bring in oxygen to burn the fuel. Assuming, say, about 5E5 kg of steel, and about 1.4E6 kg of concrete, per floor (taking internet based numbers at face value), with specific heats of about 450 and 3300 J/kg*C, respectively, simple algebra shows that you would have to release about 3.27E12 Joules of energy to uniformly bring the temperature from ambient up to, say, 700 degrees C (starting to get into the interesting range, but probably still not high enough to cause a collapse).

The problem is that for WTC2, you have to release this huge amount of energy in only 56 minutes. That means you would have to burn somewhere on the order of 30,000 gallons of jet fuel in 56 minutes. That means you would have to supply air to the fire inside the building at a rate somewhere in the neighborhood of 6E5 cubic feet per minute.

That's right, in order to bring the temperature of one floor of a WTC tower from 25 to 700 degrees centigrade, uniformly, in a short 56-minute time frame, you would have to supply about 600,000 cubic feet of air per minute...for each of those 56 minutes. And that's a ridiculously high number. And even if you did find a way to create such blast furnace like conditions, the fact of the matter is that you would convect a significant portion of the heat away, just like what happens in a fireplace; in order to let fresh air in, you have to let the heated, oxygen-depleted air escape.

If you were lucky, and the process was, say, 50% efficient (meaning the airflow only carried away half your heat), you would need to double everything, which would mean burning 60,000 gallons of jet fuel in 56 minutes, while feeding the fire with over one million cubic feet of air per minute.

By way of the above numbers, the absurdity of the "official" version of events is laid bare for all to see.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 03:38 pm
A rather silly exercise in math that ignores physics. It assumes we have to melt ALL the steel to get a collapse. That is not true at all. Simple physics says we don't. One needs to only weaken certain key support structures. There is no need to bring the ambient temperature of the entire floor to 700 degrees.

I could use similar math to prove that thermate could not have brought down the entire building because thermate doesn't produce enough heat to melt all the steel on a given floor.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:43 pm

Bye Bye Rosie! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Finally no more of Rosie's ridiculous nonsense sanctioned by a major television network.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 06:54 pm
Inside Scoop On Why Rosie O'Donnell Left The View
Neo-Con producer's effort to discredit O'Donnell before host exited ABC show
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, May 25, 2007

UPDATE: Following our earlier article, ABC have now confirmed that Rosie has left The View with immediate effect.

RELATED: O'Donnell quits U.S. talk show early after spat

Management and sources close to Rosie O'Donnell tell us that the host of The View is incensed with what seems to be a deliberate campaign to discredit her before she exits the show and that Rosie may cut short her contract and leave early next week.

The show was again in the headlines this week following O'Donnell's blazing row with Neo-Con Stepford Wife Elizabeth Hasselbeck.

Prominent 9/11 truth activists William Rodriguez and the Loose Change crew were set to feature on the ABC broadcast as guests yesterday, but the entire show was cancelled in favor of carrying a Rose Garden Bush speech.

We are told that ABC always knew Rosie wasn't going to host the show yesterday but misleadingly failed to alter the schedule stating that the 9/11 truth representatives were set to feature.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 07:41 pm
At the risk of reminding you of that turd in your undergraduate philosophy class, I ask all posters this, sincerely:

Do you think your government would be capable of such a conspiracy? I mean this in two ways. First, could they pull it off? Second, and more importantly, do you (how much do you) trust the moral judgement of those in office?

I think this is the underlying question all these "facts," about what it takes to melt steel, obscure.

For what it's worth, I tepidly side with the majority here--the non-conspiracy side. But none of us has really approached what I consider the question at heart, abovementioned.

In spite of my opinion about "what really happened," this question bothers me. It bothers me because even though I doubt the conspiracy, this administration certainly hasn't given me confidence in their regard for human lives.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2007 10:06 pm
Without question gargamel. I can understand the assertion that this admin is so incompetent as to ahve missed the signals that were obvious to us all AFTER the 9/11 tragedy. However, being fully responsible for pulling it off, Hell the Bush crowd show us daily that they have no abilities to even tie their shoelaces.

An example of the conspiracists having no answers and merely "manufacturing their own truths" comes from the MEmorial Day Fire of the I-95 overpass in 1998. In this fire, a fuel truck of 5000 gallon load, crashed and burned. The fire reached temps of 1200 degrees F. The entire North bound lane had sagged and buckled (and it's steel beams were covered by insulating concrete) These were heavy steel I beam girders that held up a moderate amount of weight and spanned about 45 feet per girder. The sagging of these beams put them close to collapse in the 2 hour fire (And these beams were , again, much more massive that the spanners in the WTC). The fire didnt engulf the beams, yet they buckled and sagged.They were replaced because of the heat deflection. The South bound lane was not involved.

Does fire cause metal to creep? answer=YES..
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 05:29 pm
Rosie has been hanging upside down so long that things appear upside right. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 05:37 pm
Rosie I suppose it was the terrorists that freed the forty-one torture victims in Iraq from the American torture death camps????? (cynical)

One minute in one of these Al Qaeda torture camps and Mrs O'Donnell would be bellowing out Yankee Doodle Dandy.

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Reply Mon 28 May, 2007 05:46 pm
Here are some photos Rosie of Americans torturing Iraqis...

Eat em up!

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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:33 am
NBC Exec Says He Will Do Anything to Get Rosie O'Donnell
Thursday, June 07, 2007

By Roger Friedman

New programming chief Ben Silverman is telling friends he will do anything to get O'Donnell onto the network, and not just in daytime. Silverman is talking to O'Donnell about hosting a prime-time game show he has up his sleeve as well as a daytime hour a la "The View."

O'Donnell, meanwhile, is sitting pretty. Her final ratings on "The View" skyrocketed the show to unprecedented success. Barbara Walters will have quite a gap to fill over the summer as she looks for replacements.

It's not like O'Donnell is going into semiretirement while Silverman prepares his offer. On Monday, Rosie will give friends a sneak peek "hard hat" look at the new arts center she's building on West 45th Street named for a teacher who inspired her love of Broadway.
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:47 am
RexRed wrote:
Here are some photos Rosie of Americans torturing Iraqis...

Eat em up!


Dang Rex. You should warn about the graphic horrors on your links. You're liable to give some leftie a stroke with those.
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:51 am
Rosie is bound to give righties a stroke with a new show where she has control of content.
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Reply Thu 7 Jun, 2007 11:56 am

Most righties have one of these and know how to use it. Pity they don't use it as often as I would prefer.
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