danon5 wrote:All clicked for another tree in TX.
Teeny and wordworker - We all sure hope you guys stick around - I know you click for the Rain Forest - but, it's refreshing to have you post stuff.
Wildclickers kick ass for trees.
Oh, Thank you, thank you! SMOOCHES and HUGS! It's sunny, but cool here, today. I've got my container gardens working hard, my American flag lights are strung and all I need for the terrace, are some lounge chairs! Life is good! The strawberries, chives and tomatoes, are coming along in my south window, pushing up! Why chives? They look like fine, green, grass! Looking for a lemon tree! My May children, are celebrating their birthdays, on the 1st, 2nd and 21st! They're all old and I'm NOT! Now, if we could just get our troops, home, I'd be elated! I'm all clicked for the day and so glad to be back! Love to you all!