au1929 wrote:teenyboone wrote:Orilione wrote:We must elect Barack Obama as President of the United States. He is the most brilliant of all the candidates and his election will finally enable us to get rid of the primal sin of slavery which we all bear on our souls.
I have no idea what your statement means! What do you mean by "get rid of slavery"? Being Black, I'd like to know.

Have you ever heard of Abe Lincoln and the civil war?
Are you being fecetious? From what I know of recent history, Abe Lincoln didn't end slavery, inspite of the Emancipation Proclamation. What it did bring, was Jim Crow! Look, I was raised in the 50's in La., under segregation, even though I attended parochial schools, for 13 years. Why? The City I was born into and the religion, I was born, into was a result of Spanish then French settlers. They didn't bring women with them, so I am the descendant of slaves and free people of color! I don't need you to give me verse and song about who emancipated, who. My father's generation, started the 60's civil rights movement, after serving in a war that brought democritization to Europe and Japan, while denying it to Blacks who served! Trust me, my parents TOLD us, who we were, that we were NOT inferior, that we were NOT Negroes and that WE descended from the Kings and Queens of Africa. Racism, did not die with the 1964 and 1965 Civiil Rights acts, because new barriers were thrown up with the drugs brought into the Black Community, COINTELPRO, conducted by the FBI and CIA, on people of color, infiltration of Black Organizations, the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, Medgar Evers of Mississippi, Viola Liuzza, the 3 in Mississippi, the summer of 64, killed, for registering Blacks to vote, Schwerner, Cheney and Goodman, just to name a few! I was IN the South, living this schitt, thank you! I need no one, to remind me of this recent history, turned back by Reagan, Bush One and Two! The overt racism, in the workplace, last hired, first fired! No, I don't need you, Lincoln, or anyone, who hasn't marched in the street, got their heads busted, just for being black and opportunity, still a distance, for some of us. Barack Obama knows, what time it is! I admire the hell, out of him, to take this step, toward a better, more caring nation, but I also fear for him and the neo-Nazis, STILL, out there! Whatever I have, I earned it through blood, sweat and tears! I don't speak rhetorically; I am a survivor of the 60's Rights Movement and still fighting racism, wherever I see it and hear of it! I am in my early 60's now and racism, has raised her ugly head, with the Imus statements, against Black Women and sexist, against ALL women!