FIRST A2K STRAW POLL White House 2008

Reply Fri 13 Apr, 2007 07:54 am
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Like this means anything.

Akin to masturbation.

It is more akin to Bush and Gingrich reveling in their ignorance.

Today's paper had some amusing comments: Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't own. Also, McCain might well take poison after bragging that Kissinger supports his views on the war in Iraq.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2007 10:39 pm
Orilione wrote:
We must elect Barack Obama as President of the United States. He is the most brilliant of all the candidates and his election will finally enable us to get rid of the primal sin of slavery which we all bear on our souls.

I have no idea what your statement means! What do you mean by "get rid of slavery"? Being Black, I'd like to know. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Apr, 2007 07:49 am
teenyboone wrote:
Orilione wrote:
We must elect Barack Obama as President of the United States. He is the most brilliant of all the candidates and his election will finally enable us to get rid of the primal sin of slavery which we all bear on our souls.

I have no idea what your statement means! What do you mean by "get rid of slavery"? Being Black, I'd like to know. Cool

Have you ever heard of Abe Lincoln and the civil war?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Apr, 2007 08:20 am
au1929 wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Orilione wrote:
We must elect Barack Obama as President of the United States. He is the most brilliant of all the candidates and his election will finally enable us to get rid of the primal sin of slavery which we all bear on our souls.

I have no idea what your statement means! What do you mean by "get rid of slavery"? Being Black, I'd like to know. Cool

Have you ever heard of Abe Lincoln and the civil war?

Are you being fecetious? From what I know of recent history, Abe Lincoln didn't end slavery, inspite of the Emancipation Proclamation. What it did bring, was Jim Crow! Look, I was raised in the 50's in La., under segregation, even though I attended parochial schools, for 13 years. Why? The City I was born into and the religion, I was born, into was a result of Spanish then French settlers. They didn't bring women with them, so I am the descendant of slaves and free people of color! I don't need you to give me verse and song about who emancipated, who. My father's generation, started the 60's civil rights movement, after serving in a war that brought democritization to Europe and Japan, while denying it to Blacks who served! Trust me, my parents TOLD us, who we were, that we were NOT inferior, that we were NOT Negroes and that WE descended from the Kings and Queens of Africa. Racism, did not die with the 1964 and 1965 Civiil Rights acts, because new barriers were thrown up with the drugs brought into the Black Community, COINTELPRO, conducted by the FBI and CIA, on people of color, infiltration of Black Organizations, the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, Medgar Evers of Mississippi, Viola Liuzza, the 3 in Mississippi, the summer of 64, killed, for registering Blacks to vote, Schwerner, Cheney and Goodman, just to name a few! I was IN the South, living this schitt, thank you! I need no one, to remind me of this recent history, turned back by Reagan, Bush One and Two! The overt racism, in the workplace, last hired, first fired! No, I don't need you, Lincoln, or anyone, who hasn't marched in the street, got their heads busted, just for being black and opportunity, still a distance, for some of us. Barack Obama knows, what time it is! I admire the hell, out of him, to take this step, toward a better, more caring nation, but I also fear for him and the neo-Nazis, STILL, out there! Whatever I have, I earned it through blood, sweat and tears! I don't speak rhetorically; I am a survivor of the 60's Rights Movement and still fighting racism, wherever I see it and hear of it! I am in my early 60's now and racism, has raised her ugly head, with the Imus statements, against Black Women and sexist, against ALL women! Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Apr, 2007 08:07 pm
at this point, i have edwards at the top of my list. admittedly i was pretty young when jfk was president, but edwards has a similar vibe of hope and inspiration to me. and his wife totally rocks.

i like obama quite a bit as well, but i'd like to see him get a little more experience under his belt before hitting the oval office. perhaps '16. he's young enough that he'd still be entirely viable then.

also think richardson would do a great job.

i'd be pretty happy with any of the three.

i was somewhat interested in giuliani, but he made me really nervous with his overtures to the religious right. what i don't want is more of the same that we have been burdened with for the last 7+ years.
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Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 06:10 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
at this point, i have edwards at the top of my list. admittedly i was pretty young when jfk was president, but edwards has a similar vibe of hope and inspiration to me. and his wife totally rocks.

i like obama quite a bit as well, but i'd like to see him get a little more experience under his belt before hitting the oval office. perhaps '16. he's young enough that he'd still be entirely viable then.

also think richardson would do a great job.

i'd be pretty happy with any of the three.

i was somewhat interested in giuliani, but he made me really nervous with his overtures to the religious right. what i don't want is more of the same that we have been burdened with for the last 7+ years.

In spite of what you hear Hillary say, Obama has more experience than she has! He had already spent 4 years in Illinois as a Senator, prior to his 2 years in the Washington, DC Senate, as SHE has. They have the same amount of experience as far as that is concerned. Think about it, if I've voted for white candidates throughout the age of 21, up to now, why shouldn't a Black candidate, be just as attractive, as far as his message?

Hillary speaks as though her lines are "fed" to her, like Bush does, where Obama, Edwards and Kucinich, speak from "being there"! Sure Hillary has 8 years as a First Lady, but that doesn't and shouldn't count as years of experience, although I'll bet she knows more than the "average" first Lady, her being a practicing attorney and her sterling education! Don't get me wrong, I like Hillary, Edwards and really ALL of the Democrats put forward as THE possible candidate. Whoever is chosen as the candidate in 08', I am voting for! I am a Blue Democrat, tried and true! Everytime a Democrat has been in the White House, social programs were enacted, jobs are plentiful, COMPETENT people are placed in departments, where they KNOW, what they are doing and not necessarikly a Democrat, in many cases; just competent!

In the Republican White House, appointments have been made primarily of cronies, who THEY owe, for "stealing and manipulating", the vote! It would be one thing, if they were fair and square, but they are not! The Security of this nation, is flawed, because Bush wants to "give" OUR ports to his OIL cronies! It's not what he can do for US Citizens, it's what he can do for HIS bottom line!

If the Democrats put forth a GARBAGE man, I will vote Democrat! Trust me, I am an informed, African American, who "reads", between the lines! I am not against Hillary, at all. I just think the country is ready for a Black, in the White House. If he makes it okay, if not, okay! I'm okay, YOU'RE okay! Cool
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 07:32 am
teenyboone wrote:
Everytime a Democrat has been in the White House, social programs were enacted, jobs are plentiful, COMPETENT people are placed in departments, where they KNOW, what they are doing and not necessarikly a Democrat, in many cases; just competent!

Question Are you really young or did you just sleep through the Carter Administration?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 08:21 am
It appears that Romney should stick to a script.

From the NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 7:31 a.m. EDT
Hillary Team Tweaks Romney on 'Village' Remark

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney says that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is wrong when she contends that "it takes a village" to raise a child, though he told a newspaper in 1998 that Clinton was "very much right."

Critics have cited reversals on positions as Romney runs for president, including support for abortion rights and gun control. He recently called himself a lifelong hunter but later acknowledged making few hunting trips that required a license.

During a speech to New Hampshire Republicans last weekend in which he touted the need for strong American families, the former Massachusetts governor said, "I think it's time for us to recognize every child deserves a mother and a father."

Asked by The Associated Press after the speech if he disagreed with Clinton's view, expressed in her 1996 book "It Takes a Village," that raising children requires a community-wide effort, Romney said he disagreed and added, "It takes a family."

However, in 1998, Romney told The Boston Globe: "Hillary Clinton is very much right, it does take a village, and we are a village and we need to work together in a non-skeptical, no-finger-pointing way."

On Monday, Romney's campaign said his Globe comments were about public-private partnerships, not families. Romney was referencing corporations, not parents, the campaign said.

A Clinton spokeswoman said she was not surprised by Romney's latest remarks.
"To be safe, you might want to wait and ask him again tomorrow," Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said. "He tends to change his positions pretty often."
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Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 08:34 am
fishin wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Everytime a Democrat has been in the White House, social programs were enacted, jobs are plentiful, COMPETENT people are placed in departments, where they KNOW, what they are doing and not necessarikly a Democrat, in many cases; just competent!

Question Are you really young or did you just sleep through the Carter Administration?

No, are you? I was commenting on Republican Administrations, lack of caring, for its' citizens! What did Carter do wrong, other than have an oil shortage and have his administration years, manipulated by Reagan? Cool
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Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 09:48 am
advocate wrote:
Leave it to Mitt Romney to shoot himself in the foot with a gun he doesn't own

That's a good line.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 01:23 pm
teenyboone wrote:
fishin wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Everytime a Democrat has been in the White House, social programs were enacted, jobs are plentiful, COMPETENT people are placed in departments, where they KNOW, what they are doing and not necessarikly a Democrat, in many cases; just competent!

Question Are you really young or did you just sleep through the Carter Administration?

No, are you? I was commenting on Republican Administrations, lack of caring, for its' citizens! What did Carter do wrong, other than have an oil shortage and have his administration years, manipulated by Reagan? Cool

that's pretty much how i feel about it.

btw, i understand what you mean about obama. one of the things that i like about him is that because of his age and upbringing, he doesn't have a whole lot of the '60s baggage to drag around with him. unlike jackson and rev al. sharpton would be a horrible president and would never be elected. and he knows that, so that leaves him completely free to raise issues without worrying the nomination. he sure as hell makes the election debates more interesting and even fun for me! Laughing

about a black president?; i had hoped that powell would run in the 2000 election. despite having had a part in launching iraq, which i am certain was under duress, i still believe he's a good man.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 04:25 pm
Critics have cited reversals on positions as Romney runs for president ... He recently called himself a lifelong hunter but later acknowledged making few hunting trips that required a license.

Cant help noting how the NewsMax folks retune the story most cautiously.. "made few hunting trips that required a license", dont that still sound like, well, he must or could have made a bunch of some kind of hunting trips... just not ones "that required a license". All bull of course. He only ever made two hunting trips in his life: once, hunting rabbits as a kid - and once, last year hunting with moneyed Republican funders.

A Clinton spokeswoman said she was not surprised by Romney's latest remarks.
"To be safe, you might want to wait and ask him again tomorrow," Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said. "He tends to change his positions pretty often."

Ouch. If Kerry's flipflopping already sunk him, Romney's must win some kind of superlative prize. Surely they'll fry him.
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Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2007 08:46 pm
nimh wrote:
Critics have cited reversals on positions as Romney runs for president ... He recently called himself a lifelong hunter but later acknowledged making few hunting trips that required a license.

Cant help noting how the NewsMax folks retune the story most cautiously.. "made few hunting trips that required a license", dont that still sound like, well, he must or could have made a bunch of some kind of hunting trips... just not ones "that required a license". All bull of course. He only ever made two hunting trips in his life: once, hunting rabbits as a kid - and once, last year hunting with moneyed Republican funders.

A Clinton spokeswoman said she was not surprised by Romney's latest remarks.
"To be safe, you might want to wait and ask him again tomorrow," Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand said. "He tends to change his positions pretty often."

Ouch. If Kerry's flipflopping already sunk him, Romney's must win some kind of superlative prize. Surely they'll fry him.

yup. what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

see, he could have avoided this buy answering the question with something simple like; "yeah, i hunted when i was a kid". but, noooo. mitt had to be The Great White Hunter.

i could care less about the next president being a hunter. unless he's hunting bin laden. who it would seem, does not seem to be in iraq...

btw, hi nimh, how are ya ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 08:08 am
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
fishin wrote:
teenyboone wrote:
Everytime a Democrat has been in the White House, social programs were enacted, jobs are plentiful, COMPETENT people are placed in departments, where they KNOW, what they are doing and not necessarikly a Democrat, in many cases; just competent!

Question Are you really young or did you just sleep through the Carter Administration?

No, are you? I was commenting on Republican Administrations, lack of caring, for its' citizens! What did Carter do wrong, other than have an oil shortage and have his administration years, manipulated by Reagan? Cool

that's pretty much how i feel about it.

btw, i understand what you mean about obama. one of the things that i like about him is that because of his age and upbringing, he doesn't have a whole lot of the '60s baggage to drag around with him. unlike jackson and rev al. sharpton would be a horrible president and would never be elected. and he knows that, so that leaves him completely free to raise issues without worrying the nomination. he sure as hell makes the election debates more interesting and even fun for me! Laughing

about a black president?; i had hoped that powell would run in the 2000 election. despite having had a part in launching iraq, which i am certain was under duress, i still believe he's a good man.

Know something? I thought Powell was going to run, also! He was the stronger, of ALL candidates, that year, even Gore, because He had won Gulf War One! There's something about Dubya, that turns to ashes! Everything he touches, he screws up! Even ultra-conservatives are against him, now, with the war dragging on! I wouldn't have a problem voting for a Morman, either or a Republican, if I thought they were right, for the country! Gonna take a miracle, for this country to survive the debacle of the last 6 years! Whose going to pay? Our grandchildren! Thanks, for clarifying your statement on Carter, a man too good, too moral, for the meanspiritedness, of other politicians. Just my opinion.
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 12:31 pm
yeah... i believe carter gets hammered unfairly most of the time. he wasn't a perfect president, but he was a hell of a lot better than the addle-pated mouth breather we've got now. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 01:59 pm
addle-pated mouth breather

Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 08:11 pm
nimh, I would have voted in your poll if I knew how to do it. (Still will, if you explain in large letters.)

I once considered that John Edwards might be viable but have been turned off by his super-ambition. It is almost unseemly at his age. Then he announced his candidacy in New Orleans, and I could not figure out what that meant. He is from North Carolina, where I live, and he went to a besieged state to announce, as if hoping that the poor-me-victim-stuff would endear him to populist leaning voters. The only thing he has going for him is his health plan, which makes more sense than most. He gets full marks for a degree of specificity not shown by other candidates.

My candidate has not shown up yet.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 08:14 pm
Kara wrote:
nimh, I would have voted in your poll if I knew how to do it. (Still will, if you explain in large letters.)

I once considered that John Edwards might be viable but have been turned off by his super-ambition. It is almost unseemly at his age. Then he announced his candidacy in New Orleans, and I could not figure out what that meant. He is from North Carolina, where I live, and he went to a besieged state to announce, as if hoping that the poor-me-victim-stuff would endear him to populist leaning voters. The only thing he has going for him is his health plan, which makes more sense than most. He gets full marks for a degree of specificity not shown by other candidates.

My candidate has not shown up yet.

Vote early
Vote often
Vote Kucinich.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 08:27 pm
dys, I love Kucinich. Even more, I love Ralph Nader, a totally brilliant guy who is doggedly unappealing to voters and would probably screw up royally if he was governing. We need bright secular men or women who can win and then govern as leaders, not followers. Is it even possible for a leader to slough off all of the influences and the money -- without those, he could perhaps not ever be elected -- and walk ten steps ahead of us? I think Clinton was one of those but we were too provincial to accept his peccadilloes. I was, too. I remember recoiling at his blatant recklessness and then wondering later if that was really a small thing, not an issue that affected his national and international focus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2007 08:59 pm
Kara wrote:
....We need bright secular men or women who can win and then govern as leaders, not followers. Is it even possible for a leader to slough off all of the influences and the money -- without those, he could perhaps not ever be elected -- and walk ten steps ahead of us? I think Clinton was one of those but we were too provincial to accept his peccadilloes. I was, too. I remember recoiling at his blatant recklessness and then wondering later if that was really a small thing, not an issue that affected his national and international focus.

i like the way you think !

i am curious, though, about your earlier comments on edwards. could you get into a few details ? just wondering..
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