The Witch Hunt Against Gun Owners

Fri 23 Mar, 2007 01:52 pm
You know Baldimo, there's another thread around asking "how do you see the world"

My response was that I try to see it as it really is. Part of that is knowing when it's necessary to be politically incorrect. Like not strolling up to a person trying to break in and ask him about how he "feels" about what he's doing, and if mayble he's just at the wrong address.

I'd rather have someone be offended when I tell him to leave me alone, rather than get raped, if my gut was telling me something is off.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 01:57 pm

I don't think too many crackheads are still up at 4:30 in the morning. But Baldimo was still right to assume the intruder, who was attemptimg to enter his garage, might be dangerous.

If he had gotten his gun and kept it with him while he called the police, he could have made sure the intruder could not harm his family plus he would hugely increase the chances of the cops apprehending him.

Especially at 4:30 in the morning, there is nothing going on and there likely would be several squad cars down there in a couple of minutes or less. Even if the intruder heard the cop cars, he would have had only 20 seconds or so to get started and likely would have been walking the streets in the neighborhood trying to get out of the area, where he can be spotted by the cops.

If Baldimo wanted to reach for his gun to protect his family, fine. But I think he should have gotten the best of both worlds and called the cops as well.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 02:13 pm
kelticwizard wrote:

I don't think too many crackheads are still up at 4:30 in the morning. But Baldimo was still right to assume the intruder, who was attemptimg to enter his garage, might be dangerous.

If he had gotten his gun and kept it with him while he called the police, he could have made sure the intruder could not harm his family plus he would hugely increase the chances of the cops apprehending him.

Especially at 4:30 in the morning, there is nothing going on and there likely would be several squad cars down there in a couple of minutes or less. Even if the intruder heard the cop cars, he would have had only 20 seconds or so to get started and likely would have been walking the streets in the neighborhood trying to get out of the area, where he can be spotted by the cops.

If Baldimo wanted to reach for his gun to protect his family, fine. But I think he should have gotten the best of both worlds and called the cops as well.

Excuse me sir, but are you out of your mind?

You don't think there are too many crackheads up at 4:30am Shocked Laughing

When do you THINK they are up? The least likely time to see someone on crack is during normal business hours, they work the swing and graveyard shifts, along with rapists, burgulars and waitresses at Denny's. BTW, have you ever BEEN in a Denny's at 4:30am....there's your nefarious side of life just winding it up for the day.

Holding a gun on him? That would be quite foolhardy. You're giving this guy a chance to think and watch to see if your attention moves aware from him, or just might make a blind rush at you, figuring you're not really going to shoot....god.....this is real life, not a action film with Bruce Willis.

20 seconds? Come on.
I'm picturing it now...Baldimo is holding gun on someone, dialing 911 on his cell phone which he remembered to bring outside with him. The crackhead totally gives up and puts his hands on his head and silently waits for the police.

maaaaannn....even if Baldimo had his cell, as soon as he saw the gun he'd be off like a shot. Baldimo's not going to shoot someone running away. If he did, he'd be the one charged. In the meanwhile, he probably didn't have his cell with him, he'd have to go back in the house and call, and have a really shitty description of the guy.

I said it would have been fine if he called the police, but the chances of something coming of it were very slim.

Maybe you live out in the middle of the country, and maybe Baldimo does too. But where I live I could get down to a busy road within 5 minutes and totally get lost in the movement of the people. If there was no one around I could blend in with, There's plenty of closed business you could quick scoot around the back and chill your heels until the sun comes up. If I could make it 3 blocks, the police would only have about 1,000 places to look for me. If I was stuck in the neighborhood and saw lights coming, you could still find tons of places to squat and not be seen.

Laughing damn, I'm still laughing at the crackheads not being up at 4:30am
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 02:43 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
If he had gotten his gun and kept it with him while he called the police, he could have made sure the intruder could not harm his family plus he would hugely increase the chances of the cops apprehending him.

I don't see anything here about holding the guy at gunpoint....

Get your gun, call the cops, watch out the window.

If the guy bolts, fine, if the guy starts vandalizing something, raise a ruckus.

But wait for the cops, and get the guy arrested for attempted burglary.

Even less dangerous than confronting the guy the way Baldimo did.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 02:52 pm
Drew Dad....keeping a gun on a person, and holding someone at gunpoint are the same thing.

Yes, in a perfect world, observing someone through a window would be the way to go.
However, most times you cannot see someone in the dark at 4:30am through your window.

My point, what Baldimo did was totally appropriate given the situation.
0 Replies
Fri 23 Mar, 2007 02:57 pm
I'm afraid I don't share your view...

Are you thinking this was a home invasion? The intrusion being discussed was into the garage.

I'm under the impression the garage in question is a building separate from the living quarters.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 03:07 pm
Just checking in to see if any gun owners have been burned at the stake. Is there any video?
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 03:18 pm
That's all right that you don't share my view, your perogative.

Do I feel this was a home invasion?

I would certainly not rule that out. As I said before, it's best to err on the side of caution, which in this case not assuming a garage break-in was all that was going on.

He could have been breaking in the garage to get a tool to get in the house.

If the garage is a separate building (sorry, didn't see that) the point is he is ON my property, and could be a danger to me.

Would I have handled it differently? I don't know, I wasn't there. No one was but Baldimo, and he did what he thought necessary, and I respect that.

Guessing why he was there, wondering if it was a home invasion, hoping he was maybe just lost, or cold and looking for shelter is a moot point.

Hearing a strange sound on your property, going out with a gun to investigate, and finding a stranger messing with your things is cause to show him you have a gun, and getting him to flee.

Holding a gun on him (which is also know as holding someone at gunpoint) is a foolish hero move. I notice you don't bring that scenerio up as unwarranted DD.

The intruder was shown a gun, the intruder fled, the intruder was no longer a danger to me.....Apparantly (and here I AM guessing) the person holding the gun did not feel it was worth calling the police, since he wouldn't have been caught.

Both of us can play arm chair quarterback until the cows come home, but the fact remains a person IS allowed to have a gun in his home for protection, and that is exactly what it was used for.

All sorts of possibilities, the intruder could have had a weapon himself, he could have been whacked out on angel dust, in which case he coud have been shot several times and still kept going, to injure or kill Baldimo.

Life is full of chances. The chances taken in this scenerio were appropriate.

If a off duty cop heard a sound, he would have gone out with his gun to check it out. So what if he has police training? At that moment he's a guy protecting his home.

The police are not God, they can't be everywhere, and no one should be criticized for protecting their home when, in their judgement in that exact moment, they felt the police would not be available in time.

It's all well and good talking about looking out windows and such, but could you guarantee that you would not go further in a given situation to protect yourself and your family?
At 4:30 am, someone you don't know and can't see well breaking into your separate standing garage may well feel like a home invasion to you.

Sorry, I just can't be a whimp and take the warm fuzzy approach with this. Someone doing what the intruder did is up to no good. That is clear. If I know someone is up to no good, I'm not going to pychoanalyze the situation and guess how far his "no good" will go...I'm going to assume his "no good" is going to the limit.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 03:26 pm
Watch this person, I know them from the Ted Nugent forum. The people over there are completely batty. They seem to forget that the libs have won and will continue to win because conservatism is dying, wheezing to its ultimate fizzle out.

Don't feed the elephants.

KillaCastillo. Wink.
0 Replies
Fri 23 Mar, 2007 04:14 pm
Chai wrote:
All sorts of possibilities, the intruder could have had a weapon himself, he could have been whacked out on angel dust, in which case he coud have been shot several times and still kept going, to injure or kill Baldimo.

This is precisely why I don't share your view.

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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 04:16 pm
Or, perhaps, I should say this is why I would not have gone with Baldimo's choice.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:18 pm
You all want to know another reason I didn't want to hold the guy there for the cops? I was heading to the laundry room to get dressed for work. I was in my underware. Yeah he might have been some guy on my property that I didn't know but I do have some level of modesty.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:20 pm
Chai wrote:
Excuse me sir, but are you out of your mind?

You don't think there are too many crackheads up at 4:30am Shocked Laughing

When do you THINK they are up?

Not at 4:30 in the morning. Drugs thrive around bars and little parties among people who leave bars. This is a weeknight, people have gone home from the bar hours ago. The little after hours parties where drugs are passed around have been over for awhile by the time 4:30 comes. If Baldimo said 2:30 AM, that would be different. If it was a holiday weekend like 4th of July that would also be different, because there are plenty of parties that go all night then. But I really can't see what party a crackhead would be coming from at 4:30 on a weekday morning. Which doesn't mean it can't happen-only that I don't think it is likely.

Chai wrote:
The least likely time to see someone on crack is during normal business hours, they work the swing and graveyard shifts, along with rapists, burgulars and waitresses at Denny's. BTW, have you ever BEEN in a Denny's at 4:30am....there's your nefarious side of life just winding it up for the day.

On the few occasions I have had to be in diners at 4:30 on a weekday morning I saw little evidence of night people winding up. I saw little evidence of anything, as a matter of fact, the place was usually empty.

Chai wrote:
Holding a gun on him? That would be quite foolhardy. You're giving this guy a chance to think and watch to see if your attention moves aware from him, or just might make a blind rush at you, figuring you're not really going to shoot....god.....this is real life, not a action film with Bruce Willis.

20 seconds? Come on.
I'm picturing it now...Baldimo is holding gun on someone, dialing 911 on his cell phone which he remembered to bring outside with him. The crackhead totally gives up and puts his hands on his head and silently waits for the police.

maaaaannn....even if Baldimo had his cell, as soon as he saw the gun he'd be off like a shot. Baldimo's not going to shoot someone running away. If he did, he'd be the one charged. In the meanwhile, he probably didn't have his cell with him, he'd have to go back in the house and call, and have a really shitty description of the guy.

I said it would have been fine if he called the police, but the chances of something coming of it were very slim.

This is a concocted scenario from you. As DrewDad pointed out, nobody said a damn thing about holding the gun on somebody. I said grab the gun, call the cops, and keep the gun handy in case you have reason to think he's on his way in the house. Remember, he was only on his way into the garage, not the house. The cops should be there in 2 or 3 minutes max, especially since there is NOTHING going on at 4:30 AM on a weekday.

Chai wrote:
Maybe you live out in the middle of the country, and maybe Baldimo does too. But where I live I could get down to a busy road within 5 minutes and totally get lost in the movement of the people.

Where are there gonna be people at 4:30 in the morning??? Do you even realize how full of baloney you sound?

Chai wrote:
If there was no one around I could blend in with,

And at 4:30 in the morning, there WON"T be...

Chai wrote:
There's plenty of closed business you could quick scoot around the back and chill your heels until the sun comes up. If I could make it 3 blocks, the police would only have about 1,000 places to look for me. If I was stuck in the neighborhood and saw lights coming, you could still find tons of places to squat and not be seen.

Maybe yes, maybe no. First, the intruder might not make it three blocks or have five minutes if the cops come in 2 or 3 minutes-he might only hear the sirens for 20 seconds or so. That would leave the intruder two choices to escape, (I doubt he's going to squat down and hope the cops don't search and find him). One would be to cut across people's backyards, exposing himself only when he crosses the street. The trouble with this approach is that people frequently have fenced in yards with dogs, plus unless the neighborhood is completely gridlike, the intruder can get lost himself, emerging on streets he doesn't know. That can increase the time for him to get home or someplace he feels safe.

The second choice he has is simply to use the streets to make a beeline for home, and that would expose him to police cars driving around the neighborhood. There are likely to be several police cars as well, since there is nothing happening at 4:30 AM.

There are obviously no guarntees of apprehension, and there is a good chance the intruder might make to to a place inaccessible to a police car and eventually get away. But by not reporting the incident, Baldimo guaranteed the intruder wouldn't get caught, and besides the more reports come in, the greater the police presence in an area, which does serve to lower crime.

Chai wrote:
Laughing damn, I'm still laughing at the crackheads not being up at 4:30am

Keep laughing. The after-hours parties have been over for a long time by 4:30 on a weekday morning.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:27 pm
Baldimo wrote:
You all want to know another reason I didn't want to hold the guy there for the cops?

No, because nobody was suggesting you hold the guy for the cops. We were suggesting you grab your gun, keep it handy so he doesn't get into the house, call the cops and wait two or three minutes.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:34 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
Chai wrote:
Laughing damn, I'm still laughing at the crackheads not being up at 4:30am

Keep laughing. The after-hours parties have been over for a long time by 4:30 on a weekday morning.
Laughing Apparently you don't party much KW, because you sure as hell don't know what you're talking about. The crackheads and even the cokeheads have a tendency to go on benders that last days. There's bars around here that haven't even closed yet at 4:30 on a week night. Even in bumfuk hicktowns, there's usually at least one bar that caters to druggies, who's "after bar's" don't even get ramped up much before 3:00 a.m. Good on you to not know it. Bad on you to pretend you know better than you do.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:35 pm
Chai wrote:

Hearing a strange sound on your property, going out with a gun to investigate, and finding a stranger messing with your things is cause to show him you have a gun, and getting him to flee.

Holding a gun on him (which is also know as holding someone at gunpoint) is a foolish hero move. I notice you don't bring that scenerio up as unwarranted DD.

Again with the holding the guy with a gun!! Who the hell said that? Not me. You people get an idea in your head and you just keep going around and around and around with it. Unbelievable.
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Fri 23 Mar, 2007 11:43 pm
There's bars around here that haven't even closed yet at 4:30 on a week night.

Where the hell is this place?

Even in bumfuk hicktowns, there's usually at least one bar that caters to druggies, who's "after bar's" don't even get ramped up much before 3:00 a.m.

Bill, most municipalities and even states have closing hours. Maybe not all states and cities, but most. And they definitely are closed before 3 AM weekdays.
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Sat 24 Mar, 2007 12:24 am
kelticwizard wrote:
There's bars around here that haven't even closed yet at 4:30 on a week night.

Where the hell is this place?
South Florida... and it's not uncommon at all. Some have 5 a.m. licenses, some are just opening up then. If one had the stamina, around here, one could party 24/7 with short walks between establishments. Believe it.

kelticwizard wrote:
Even in bumfuk hicktowns, there's usually at least one bar that caters to druggies, who's "after bar's" don't even get ramped up much before 3:00 a.m.

Bill, most municipalities and even states have closing hours. Maybe not all states and cities, but most. And they definitely are closed before 3 AM weekdays.
If memory serves; after the Chicago gathering (on a Sunday) I left a packed Red-Head Piano Bar later than that... but I can't be sure because I was hammered. Drunk I spent last year running my own bar, which closed at 2:00 a.m. weekdays (Wisconsin State Law) and someone was having an after bar party that began shortly thereafter, more often than not. I've played poker till the sun came up more times than I can count; in games that didn't begin until after bar. It is VERY common for people in the bar business to gather at someone's house to unwind after a night shift. You apparently have no idea how other people live. Chai was right about Denny's and George Webb restaurants: At 4:30 a.m. you'll find as many late-nighters as you will early risers. Hell, we'd deal a few more hands if only to wait till the better breakfast restaurants opened up at 6:00 a.m… which incidentally is when at least one bar in most small towns re-opens for business, catering to 3rd shifters and "night people" who aren't done yet. Believe it.

And I'm just talking about drinkers. Coke/Crack/etc. people tend not to sleep at all when they're partying, I assure you. Your assumption that they're all sleeping by 4:30 is laughably ludicrous.
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Sat 24 Mar, 2007 02:24 am
First, all this is a fairly moot point to the thread, because I defended Baldimo for taking the intruder seriously.
kelticwizard wrote:
I don't think too many crackheads are still up at 4:30 in the morning. But Baldimo was still right to assume the intruder, who was attemptimg to enter his garage, might be dangerous.

Be that as it may, as long as the issue has been taken up, here goes.

South Florida... and it's not uncommon at all. Some have 5 a.m. licenses, some are just opening up then. If one had the stamina, around here, one could party 24/7 with short walks between establishments. Believe it.

Oh I believe it all right. I checked your coordinates on Google Maps-and your town is or is next to Palm Beach, Fla. Isn't that the place where Ted Kennedy was drinking doubles at 3 in the morning with his nephew William Kennedy Smith the nightSmith brought the girl home and allegedly raped her? Kennedy brought a girl home too. When the story came out the whole country was wondering what this town of Palm Beach was that it had Father & Son pickup bars.

Bill, even you have to admit that is not a typical town.

kelticwizard wrote:
Bill, most municipalities and even states have closing hours. Maybe not all states and cities, but most. And they definitely are closed before 3 AM weekdays.

I spent last year running my own bar, which closed at 2:00 a.m. weekdays (Wisconsin State Law)

Thank you.

...and someone was having an after bar party that began shortly thereafter, more often than not.

Who goes to these after bar parties, the employees? If other people are allowed in it must be some kind of unique Wisconsin rule. If your place took advantage of some unique glitch in the law, fine. But in most states and municipalities closed means closed. And if you drive around most towns and cities at 3 AM on a weekday, the bars will be closed.

I've played poker till the sun came up more times than I can count; in games that didn't begin until after bar. It is VERY common for people in the bar business to gather at someone's house to unwind after a night shift. You apparently have no idea how other people live.

Don't break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back, Bub. You're not that unique. I've worked many a second shift, not in the bar business, and I am well aware of the custom of leaving work to hit the bar until closing time then continuing it at someone's place afterward. Very often we had pot there as well. But we were just working people with time to kill after work on a schedule that didn't jibe with the rest of the world. Most people went home after work, and we didn't have an after hours party every weeknight. We also didn't bring along dealers to our after hours meetups to supply us either. In short, we weren't addict/dealers who were likely to break into people's garages at 4:30 in the morning.

Chai was right about Denny's and George Webb restaurants: At 4:30 a.m. you'll find as many late-nighters as you will early risers. Hell, we'd deal a few more hands if only to wait till the better breakfast restaurants opened up at 6:00 a.m… which incidentally is when at least one bar in most small towns re-opens for business, catering to 3rd shifters and "night people" who aren't done yet. Believe it.

I didn't see any evidence of it on the few occasions I've been in a diner at 4:30 on the weekdays. And I really, really didn't see any indications of it when I regualrly went to work a mere hour later. All I saw then were people looking to grab breakfast and get to work.

You know Bill, the things you say might be technically true for your life in your industry in the towns you lived in, but they sure don't add up to a normal picture. So far you've given an example of a bar in a world class city, (Chicago) that was open way late on a Sunday night. Then some unique after hours rule in Wisconsin, and a resort town where people go on vacation. Reading your post, somebody would think that if you drive around the towns and cities of America at 3AM on a weeknight, you would see revelers in bars and at 6AM you'd see the diners with sizable numbers of people still going from the night before.

Well, bunk. If you drive around the neighborhoods of America at 3 AM on a weekday, you're going to see bar after bar locked up tight. Okay, maybe not Palm Beach or similar vacation places, but just about everywhere else. If you go into the diners at 5 AM or after, you'll see a group of people going to work, by and large. And if you leave for work at 4:30 AM on a weekday in most American neighborhoods, you are going to see nobody on the street. That's what you're going to see.

You're in the bar business, you know all the little exceptions, but a group of exceptions do not make the rule.

In this case, since Baldimo has a garage and it is a low crime neighborhood, I am assuming it is a residential neighborhood with front lawn, back yard with grass, and if you walk the streets at 4:30 you are not likely to encounter a crackhead. Are there exceptions? Yes, as I stated before. But crackheads in residential low crime neighborhoods at 4:30 AM on a weekday is the exception and not the rule.
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Sat 24 Mar, 2007 07:42 am
kw - I apologize, I reread your statement and it's true, I misread your saying holding a gun on someone...read too fast.

Bill, thanks for validating my beliefs about the world of tweakers. I was starting to think I was going all hardcore.

On the gun thing, I still stand by the correct action of baldimo, with the caveat that it wouldn't have been a bad idea to call the cops too.

reading kw opinion of what neighborhoods are like in this day does give me pause to consider what others out there may believe about the necessity of having a gun for protection. I suppose there are some who think they are in some "good neighborhood" that protects them.

I live in a safe neighborhood. Anyone in this city would agree to that. However, the world is a small place. All one would have to do to enter a less desirable area in the middle of the night would be to walk a few blocks. That doesn't make my neighborhood any less safe, it just means dividing lines are more closly cut nowadays.

kw, for you education, crackheads are not out partying in the bars like normies....they stay up days at a time, don't have gainful employment, and what they are doing at 4:30am is doing whatever they can to score a rock.

Sidebar, a guy who was working for my husband, nice enough fellow, not too bright but hard worker, decided to take up crack, which he had hoped to kick in the past.....Part of his decision was because he took up with this chick who was a herion addict and was on methodone. She told him her methodone taking husband wasn't treating her right. Within weeks he went from a guy who basically showed up on time and busted ass to someone who looked like death warmed over, and was pimping this chick out for blowjobs for a rock. They actually came by the house once and said since I wasn't home, maybe Mr. Tea would like a go at her for something like $5.00. While this was all happening, they, along with other crackheads where living in these apartment buildings, around the corner and 3 blocks from my house.....across the street from an elementary school, a very good school in the city. The cops would sit in front at all hours, knowing eventually they have their chance at a bust. None of these people were paying rent, the evictions went badly, they're all still wandering around somewhere.

The apartment building? These little 600 square foot apartments were renovated and sold for $175K apiece. They filled up with people who could afford that immediately.

My point? You can't go by what kind of neigborhood you're in, like your street. Go a few blocks, go a half a mile, and who knows what you'll find.

We are getting more and more urbanized, no one lives in a bubble.

Oh, BTW, intruders DO own cars, within 2 minutes one could drive out of a neighborhood.
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