kate4christ03 wrote:ci genesis 1:1 shows the process of creation.
and i wrote "God knew everything before he created anything"
meaning that God knew all that would happen (in every situation) before he created anything. ie Before he created the earth and man, he knew adam and eve would sin and he had already pre ordained Jesus to die.
Sounds pretty meaningless. God knew and knows all, so what is the point? He created man in his image and gave him free will, but still he knows what will happen? How can people say that this and that 'angers the lord' if he already knew it was going to happen? And why would an omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent God need submission? And why and why and why...
The traditional doctrine of christianity is so pointless I struggle to find words.
Note 'the traditional doctrine', neologist seems to have thought this through a bit more thoroughly. I'm not saying I agree with him, but I certainly respect him more than ye average bible thumper.