echi wrote:neologist wrote:If God is all powerful, then he certainly has the ability to refrain from peering into our moral outcomes as if he were some galactic voyeur.
That is the true essence of our free will.
Did he know what he was creating, or didn't he? You can't have it both ways.
I certainly can't tell you what went on in the mind of God when he created us. There are a few clues, however.
One is he offers us choice. He could not honestly do so, if he knew our moral outcome.
Additionally, the bible assigns God the quality of love. Do you find the contention that God knew human misery in advance to be in harmony with the quality of love?
I accept the idea that God knew rebellion was
possible. But he also has the power to undo all injuries and set all things straight.
I can't understand why it seems such a difficult concept to grasp that God is not bound by any necessity, including necessary foreknowledge.
How else could free will be possible?