kate4christ03 wrote:Quote:There is a great difference between having the ability to foreknow and being bound by necessity to foreknow. Were God bound by necessity, how could he offer us choice or ask us to repent?
If he knows all in advance, choice is irrelevant....
foreknowledge and freewill do not contradict when it comes to God. God knew everything before he created anything. the bible says that the lamb was ordained to be slain bf the foundations of the earth were formed. 1peter 1:20 God knew that satan would fall before he was created. Just as God knew that adam and eve would sin before he created them. the whole bible is filled with Gods foreknowledge....and man's freewill.
You should cite the member you are quoting. This underscores the huge difference between God's actual qualities and the misrepresentations of both believers and non believers.
Foreknowledge by necessity
All are either limitations on the power of God or paint God as a cruel tyrant.
It reminds me of Martin Luther's disgusting rant:
"This is the acme of faith, to believe that God, Who saves so few and condemns so many, is merciful; that He is just Who has made us necessarily doomed to damnation, so that....He seems to delight in the tortures of the wretched, and to be more deserving of hatred than of love."
No wonder atheism is so appealing.