Between your predilection for the Straw Man fallacy and your unintentional derivations of the "Who's On First?" scenario you certainly have your hands overly full.
"]for all who are giving comments this is (once again) what i was responding to....
Quote:So, we have confirmation from neologist and kate4chris03, two of our resident Christians, that following Christ is the only way to salvation. It is not hard to understand why many people have a problem with Christians for that reason. Is it very different than the Muslim fanatics who believe that non-Muslims are infidels who need to be converted or destroyed?
and as i have stated its ridiculous and illogical to compare neo and myself and any other christian (or any religious person) who believes wholeheartedly (but peaceably) that their path is the only correct one, to those that murder.
Quote:Kate; I think maporch takes issue with those christians who as described by SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE
neo i wasn't speaking of marporsche i was referring to ifeel, the only thing i took exception to was marporsche's agreeance of ifeel's opinion of christians.
Quote:I was naturally not referring to kate4christ03 or neo for that matter, however this was unsurprisingly lost on kate4christ03 as per
chum the context of this particular discussion was referenced to neo and myself and other christians that hold a view of Christ being the only way to salvation. sorry that i naturally assumed, since you were jumping into the discussion, that you may have had something to contribute to the subject.
Quote:Kate - I'd relax. I don't thik he's holding you suspect as a bomb terrorist.
tko i am relaxed lol. i just find it illogical to compare a person who peaceably believes their path is the only correct one, to a person that believes they have the right to wipe out all who dont agree with them.
i find it humorous that some people tout openmindedness, yet when faced with views contradictory to their own, they condemn. like i said earlier its hypocritical. Yes i do believe Christ is the only way to God, bc he said so. but that doesnt make me comparible to a murderer. and ifeel its evident that you really haven't read anything i have written bc if you had you wouldnt have made that comparision bc i said (several times) that i also believe that every individual has the right to choose their own path.[/quote]