kate4christ03 wrote:and marporsche it is very different.
Not VERY different.
a muslim or any religious person who believes they have the right to kill another human being for holding a contradictory religious belief is evil.
Fair enough. Those people are f*cked up, no doubt.
What about the other BILLION muslims who don't believe that?
i have stated many times that while i will respect the right of every individual to believe as they wish, i believe that Christ is the only way.
You respect my right to believe (or in my case, not believe) as I wish?....wow, thanks Kate.
BUT.......you belive I'm also going to burn in hell for my belief. If I could paraphase this type of 'approval' as "Burn in hell all you want, see if I care.". Is that an accurate paraphrase of your respect for my belief?
that doesn't make me a murderer or even justify lumping those of us who believe this with murderers.
Nope, not in at least a 100 years have there really been some extreme larger scale Christain themed murders in America....now the rest of the world, that's a different story.
But, you're right. No single belief or action of a group applies to everyone.
i find it humorous to see the so called "openminded" people get absolutely rabid when faced with views they don't agree with.
Who's rabid?