ifeel you have ignored countless verses.
1john 2:22-23 who is a liar but he who denies that JEsus is the Christ? HE is antichrist who denies the father and the son WHo ever denies the son doesnt have the father either...
john 3:18...he who doesnt believe in him (Jesus) is condemned already
rev 20:15 and anyone not found written in the book of Life was cast into the lake of fire
matt 25:41 and He(Jesus) will say to those on the left hand Depart from me you cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devils and his angels.
the whole bible shows the need for Christ to come to earth and die for our sins. and it tells us that to make Christ our Savior and to be cleansed of sin we must repent and believe JEsus is the MEssiah.
Quote:Jesus did not mean that he was the sole son of God, but that no-one can attain the transcendent Father until activating the "son" or Christ-consciousness. It is not Christ the personality who is the way to the Father, it is the inner spirit, or Christ-consciousness that is the way to the Father.
all who make Christ their Savior are called sons of God but only Christ is called "only begotten son of God" And it wasnt a Christ consciousness that was beaten and hung on a cross. and it wasnt a Christ consciousness that rose from the grave. You have given a few verses that are written specifically to the church not to those that reject Christ.