Joe Nation wrote:With apologies to Nora Ephron:
Twenty five years from now--
Two shot of couple:
Older Curly Headed man and Still Cutesy Cute brown-eyed brunette with great legs.
She: So we didn't start going out together. We were always with a bunch.
He: A bunch. I was always looking at her though.
She: Yeah, looking. It took the longest time for him just to ask me.
He: Ask you?
She: Ask me out somewhere without the bunch.
He: Oh.
She: He's still shy.
He: And I thought... .
She: You almost thought too much. (Looks at camera) He thought he was too old. Heh.
He: I just acted young, but I was older.
She: I knew he was older, but I didn't care. I liked him.
He: You did, didn't you?
She: You were a little wild for me, I needed that.
He pats her hand.
Joe(go for happiness, kiddo)Nation
Oh joenation, that is absolutley perfect.
except mine would have something like.
him: I liked looking at her ass when she didn't know it as she walked across the room.
she: I knew he was watching my ass, that's why I walked acrossed the room so much.
him: I thought she was just toying with me, I figured she had someone else.
she: I was waiting and waiting for him to make his move.
Kicky, unless this girl is some kind of fanatic, her religious beliefs aren't going to matter.
She knows you're not as toned down as you make out to be, she's not a fool.